Are Women Stupid?

Another media matters scoop? A single freaking out of context sentence throws liberals into a tizzy? Why do libs insist that (only) Black people are unable to obtain a photo I.D. in the 21st century?
Well, the more obvious thing I have you don't here is a brain. I do like your insistence in proving my point that you don't allow some bimbo to disagree with you proves your sexism while claiming to not grasp my argument. But then as we've already established, I do have that brain you don't have...

No what you have is a vag and accusations. Thats why I asked you to prove your point and you cant. You just come back with more accusations.

Kaz: Why do you beat your wife? Answer the question


I am pointing out your endless sexism in that you only allow women to agree with you. You do not accept their ability to disagree, you attack them. If you believe women are equal, they have the right to disagree with you. You don't afford them that. No bimbo will defy you, women are not allowed to think differently than you.

Note there's no question mark in that, moron. I didn't ask you as question. I am pointing out your sexism which you keep insisting on proving.

No what I dont accept is bitchassness and you are displaying it right now and you keep mentioning your lack of proof of anything stop being a fag..

*peace out*
No what you have is a vag and accusations. Thats why I asked you to prove your point and you cant. You just come back with more accusations.

Kaz: Why do you beat your wife? Answer the question


I am pointing out your endless sexism in that you only allow women to agree with you. You do not accept their ability to disagree, you attack them. If you believe women are equal, they have the right to disagree with you. You don't afford them that. No bimbo will defy you, women are not allowed to think differently than you.

Note there's no question mark in that, moron. I didn't ask you as question. I am pointing out your sexism which you keep insisting on proving.

No what I dont accept is bitchassness and you are displaying it right now and you keep mentioning your lack of proof of anything stop being a fag..

*peace out*

The more you get pressed on your misogyny, the more incoherent you become
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?
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Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.

LOL, another illiterate dimwit. She said that men over complicate things, she didn't say women are dumb. It's hilarious how liberals insist on demonstrating your lack of intelligence.
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.

unkoshergoon only sees what suits her dishonest purpose...

the GOP desperately wants to convince women that the evil liberals completely made up this 'war on women' euphemism...

now if only all the smart number crunching men could just dumb down the real life consequences of budget cuts and such, then and only then could women possibly comprehend these complicated things thus realizing it is really the evil liberals who think women are dumb for buying into that silly 'war on women' thing.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

maybe they should call it the 'translating pie charts to pies' campaign! :lol:
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.

unkoshergoon only sees what suits her dishonest purpose...

the GOP desperately wants to convince women that the evil liberals completely made up this 'war on women' euphemism...

now if only all the smart number crunching men could just dumb down the real life consequences of budget cuts and such, then and only then could women possibly comprehend these complicated things thus realizing it is really the evil liberals who think women are dumb for buying into that silly 'war on women' thing.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

maybe they should call it the 'translating pie charts to pies' campaign! :lol:

Well the left did make up the euphemism to mock us republicans who think all this free birth control in encouraging women to have all this recreational sex .... from which we don't appear to be getting any benefit.
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.

unkoshergoon only sees what suits her dishonest purpose...

the GOP desperately wants to convince women that the evil liberals completely made up this 'war on women' euphemism...

now if only all the smart number crunching men could just dumb down the real life consequences of budget cuts and such, then and only then could women possibly comprehend these complicated things thus realizing it is really the evil liberals who think women are dumb for buying into that silly 'war on women' thing.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

maybe they should call it the 'translating pie charts to pies' campaign! :lol:

I'm sorry that you don't understand the difference between discussing things at a high and low level. Let me help you out there:

High- and low-level - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

High-level and low-level are terms used in classifying levels of description and goals in many fields where systems could be described from different perspectives.

A high-level description is one that is more abstracted, describes overall goals and systemic features, and is typically more concerned with the system as a whole, or larger components of it.

A low-level description is one that describes individual components, provides detail rather than overview, rudimentary functions rather than complex overall ones, and is typically more concerned with individual components within the system and how they operate.

Low and high level are relative; for example the graphics engine that drives a computer game and works at the level of entities in the game, is high level compared to the video subsystem DirectX that works on the level of renderable objects, which itself is high level compared to a vertex shader within that system.

High and low level descriptions are not a reference to intelligence. In many cases talking about and understanding low-level components of a system can take much greater intelligence than the high-level overview. Talking about the high-level point of view is like standing on a mountain peak; You get a great view of the whole, but you can't appreciate from that perspective the individual components that make it up. Speaking on a lower level on the other hand is about the specifics that drive the system. And it takes intelligence to understand EITHER of these perspectives of a truly complex system.
I'm sorry that you don't understand the difference between discussing things at a high and low level.

smart people realize that pie charts in politics are typically simplistic low-level props. :razz:
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HL was wrongly decided on non-existent religious rights for businesses, when in fact the case should have been about only health care.

However, if HL is a "person" with rights, then it has responsibilities as well. No shield law now will protect share holders from liability for wrongful injury and death if the products hurt or kill its users. If willful and reckless death is caused, the company could be charged with murder and its assets seized.

In other words, HL opened the way for courts to erase the shield much more easily in damages litigation.
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Republican women seem to think so. The following quote is from a female republican House member. It was made at a lecture to republican legislators on how to get the women's vote.

"Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor they've got some pie chart or graph behind them and they're talking about trillions of dollars and how the debt is awful and we all agree with that...We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman's level and what everything that she is balancing in her life -- that's the way to go."

—Rep. Renee Ellmers, on the GOP appealing to women voters

Actually, you guys think a woman is stupid when she isn't begging for free birth control or voting for a Democrat.
Leftist douchebags are the ones who equate the higher degree of personal conversation among women as a sign of their stupidity.

Women tend to get together and talk about their kids. Progressives think that means they're stupid.

So WHO is it that hates women again?

Well ... in case you missed it - this was a Republican.

Way to illustrate the point.

I know it was a republican. Commenting on the differences between the way men and women talk. And leftist douchebags think that if a woman converses at a different level, then that means she's stupid.

Nobody in the OP said that women were stupid. They said they have a different dialogue. Now to misogynistic pigs, that's an insult.

To those of us who appreciate women, it's not an insult at all to acknowledge the difference between the sexes. But to people who hate women, any reference to their female characteristics is seen as *hate*.
smart people realize that pie charts in politics are typically simplistic low-level props. :razz:

You are misunderstanding high and low level again. Low-level does NOT mean stupid. And it does NOT mean simplified. High-level is an overview. A 20,000 ft view if you will. Low-level is specific and detail oriented.
When it comes to straight intelligence, you cannot equate the sexes differently. We have seen men who are as dumb as a pile of rocks as well as the same for women.

What the difference is, the women tend to think with more emotion than men. It would be wise for us to research logic studies for both groups.

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