Are you a Fascist?


Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2021

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."
China is a fascist country. Any country that has social credit as its guiding policy is fascist.

And it does work a lot better than socialism, they aren't starving like the people in Brazil.

However, that is besides the point, the democrat party is lusting after similar social credit systems. They are just as authoritarian as the Chinese fascists, however only one tenth as competent. Chinese don't let retards rule over them, elected by even bigger retards.
China is a fascist country. Any country that has social credit as its guiding policy is fascist.

And it does work a lot better than socialism, they aren't starving like the people in Brazil.

However, that is besides the point, the democrat party is lusting after similar social credit systems. They are just as authoritarian as the Chinese fascists, however only one tenth as competent. Chinese don't let retards rule over them, elected by even bigger retards.

Perhaps you should LOOK at the Fascists of the 20th Century. You evidently don't know what Fascism is.. Elections don't matter in a Fascist regime. The will of the voters doesn't matter. Educated people are marginalized and newspapers are shut down by the dear leader.
I came up with a one-question fascism quiz years ago:


From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

Fascists are usually racist and nationalistic.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

Fascists are usually racist and nationalistic.

We certainly can’t make the claim that Democrats are nationalistic, that is for certain. They aren’t even patriotic. They put every other country in the world above ours.

BTW, the racism nonsense about Trump is just laughable. Numerous mis-quotes have fooled you doesn’t take much.
Typical Commie Marxist garbage " Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity"

All you guys do is toss around pejoratives at those who disagree with it.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."
You do know that Fascism is another form of Socialism ?

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

Fascists are usually racist and nationalistic.
Tell that to China, Japan, Pakistan etc, Racism/Tribalism/Nationalism are natural evolutionary defense mechanisms. You have fallen for the commie trick that Europe and the USA must be swarmed with immigration from other countries. Nobody suggests that other ethostates have to open their borders and if they don't they are fascist and racist. They would laugh at you.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

Fascists are usually racist and nationalistic.
Tell that to China, Japan, Pakistan etc, Racism/Tribalism/Nationalism are natural evolutionary defense mechanisms. You have fallen for the commie trick that Europe and the USA must be swarmed with immigration from other countries. Nobody suggests that other ethostates have to open their borders and if they don't they are fascist and racist. They would laugh at you.

You are trying to put words in my mouth.. Massive immigration to Europe came by way of the Arab Spring in Libya and the Civil war in Syria. The second Iraq war also put Iraqis on the move... several million of them in fact. You are either pitifully ignorant about the Middle East and North Africa or lack any critical thinking skills.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

Wow, what a load of completely indoctrinated fake nonsense.

Fascists are usually racist and nationalistic.
Tell that to China, Japan, Pakistan etc, Racism/Tribalism/Nationalism are natural evolutionary defense mechanisms. You have fallen for the commie trick that Europe and the USA must be swarmed with immigration from other countries. Nobody suggests that other ethostates have to open their borders and if they don't they are fascist and racist. They would laugh at you.

You are trying to put words in my mouth.. Massive immigration to Europe came by way of the Arab Spring in Libya and the Civil war in Syria. The second Iraq war also put Iraqis on the move... several million of them in fact. You are either pitifully ignorant about the Middle East and North Africa or lack any critical thinking skills.
BS it started long before that, and the plans for that happen to go back 100 years. When Poland or Hungary says Poland is for Poles or Hungary is for Hungarians OMG those fascists! So what. All of these other countries all over Earth want countries for their people and there is nothing wrong with that. There has never been anything wrong with that. The ethnic conflicts is why Yugoslavia never worked out, those different ethnic groups there have memorized every crime and conflict from one group onto another group going back to the 1300's.

If somebody is racist, they think their race/ethnic group is better than another group so what.

From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

I love it when bed wetting vacuous liberal drones use the term when they clearly have NO FUCKING CLUE what a fascist is or was.
Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

So just to make it clear for you, those of use who you're programmed to hate are the OPPOSITE of "fascists". We OPPOSE massive centralized economic planning and government power. We are the ones who have our speech and opinions censured and erased by leftist big tech Corps. It's those of us who are attacked by mask wearing black clad violent freaks of nature and have hordes of them doxxing us and threatening us with violence. It's you sniveling liberal bed wetters who blindly follow cults of personality that define that meat puppet faggot obozo.

Those of us you're programmed to hate do not absolutely support everything Trump has done. We did not like the massive spending, the bump stock ban, or the fact that he did not purge DC of leftwing traitors that undermined every bit of libertarian progress and prosperity they could. We're pissed that hitlary has never charged for her crimes, nor were those who orchestrated the russian collusion hoax or the Epstein scandal fully exposed.

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Assuming you believe Trump is defined by your asinine question, which he isn't, I certainly did vote for him in 2020, although I wrote in Ted Cruz 2016 because I didn't believe Trump was going to really attempt to deliver on border security or any of the other platforms he campaigned on. He not only actually defeated the criminal sociopath hag hitlary, he did work diligently to fulfill his promises.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Do you have the capacity to "think"? Not in the way you believe you "think", you're just parroting insipid drivel you lap up like an incontinent old dog that pisses on the kitchen floor so that it won't get in trouble. It was the meat puppet faggot obozo that established and filled those cages, while encouraging hordes of people to attempt illegal entry into the US. If you had the ability to REALLY THINK, you would be aware of the reality of the matter and consider the possibility that we as a nation do not need hordes of unvetted, unwashed, diseased refugees that are unwanted in their own countries pouring into this country.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Give ONE just ONE actual example of him doing so. Not just some bullshit incomplete sentence from an MSLSD link, but a full paragraph with context that legitimately proves your asinine assertion. I'd love to see it because you sniveling commie pukes have been parroting that asinine shit for 4 years.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

I suppose you still believe Trump and Putin conspired against hitlary right? If you were even remotely "curious" you could find out that millions of votes were cast by mail from places where no actual voters were registered. hundreds came from addresses that are empty parking lots.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

My first wife was an illegal immigrant and worked in a nursing home. She had certifications and was paid well. You're the ignorant racist dumbfuck who believes these people can only get jobs picking lettuce. Personally I would allow in more workers, but they need to be vetted, documented, examined for diseases, and have a basic ability to read and understand english. I don't even care if we provide the lessons.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

So you supported your meat puppet faggot's "stimulus" that dumped a trillion dollars into corporate hands? I'll bet you have no problem with the fact your new meat puppet pedophile Biden has enriched himself with back door deals from countries were are actually in economic conflict with. Try harder bed wetter, because you're clearly a jabbering retard.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Tell me bed wetter, What's your take on the clear and unambiguous language in the COTUS that enforces the right to keep and bear arms?

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Do you believe there is no motivation for "experts" and fraudsters to manipulate data and demand massive congressional funding for "problems" that were supposed to have flooded the earth and killed us all decades ago? In what reality are "celebrities" that pretend to be other people for outrageous salaries "experts" on anything?

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

This is not worthy of a response.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

You're a complete blithering idiot. If it wasn't for the over abundance of oxygen thieving parasites like you I would still be able to oppose abortion.



From the link:
"A few simple questions will guide you to understanding if you are indeed a fascist, and what kind, at that.

Let’s get started!

I love it when bed wetting vacuous liberal drones use the term when they clearly have NO FUCKING CLUE what a fascist is or was.
Often capitalized : a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition

So just to make it clear for you, those of use who you're programmed to hate are the OPPOSITE of "fascists". We OPPOSE massive centralized economic planning and government power. We are the ones who have our speech and opinions censured and erased by leftist big tech Corps. It's those of us who are attacked by mask wearing black clad violent freaks of nature and have hordes of them doxxing us and threatening us with violence. It's you sniveling liberal bed wetters who blindly follow cults of personality that define that meat puppet faggot obozo.

Those of us you're programmed to hate do not absolutely support everything Trump has done. We did not like the massive spending, the bump stock ban, or the fact that he did not purge DC of leftwing traitors that undermined every bit of libertarian progress and prosperity they could. We're pissed that hitlary has never charged for her crimes, nor were those who orchestrated the russian collusion hoax or the Epstein scandal fully exposed.

Q: Are you OK with the president of the United States expressing full-throated racism, xenophobia, sexism, misogyny, science-denial, and toxic masculinity, along with his incessant hurling of childish insults on Twitter? Are you all right with the 22,000 falsehoods and misleading statements he’s made during his tenure? A “no” answer doesn’t get you off the fascism hook if you still voted for him in 2020; it just means you might be a lazy fascist.

Assuming you believe Trump is defined by your asinine question, which he isn't, I certainly did vote for him in 2020, although I wrote in Ted Cruz 2016 because I didn't believe Trump was going to really attempt to deliver on border security or any of the other platforms he campaigned on. He not only actually defeated the criminal sociopath hag hitlary, he did work diligently to fulfill his promises.

Q: Do you think putting kids in cages is a keen idea? Do you support Trump’s family separation polices directed at legally permitted asylum seekers? Are you unbothered by the over 600 detained children whose parents can’t be found? Do you applaud the travel ban on predominately Muslim countries, even though it is actually homegrown white supremacists that are the real threat to our security? Did you recently vote for the man who did this? You might be a fascist.

Do you have the capacity to "think"? Not in the way you believe you "think", you're just parroting insipid drivel you lap up like an incontinent old dog that pisses on the kitchen floor so that it won't get in trouble. It was the meat puppet faggot obozo that established and filled those cages, while encouraging hordes of people to attempt illegal entry into the US. If you had the ability to REALLY THINK, you would be aware of the reality of the matter and consider the possibility that we as a nation do not need hordes of unvetted, unwashed, diseased refugees that are unwanted in their own countries pouring into this country.

Q: Speaking of white supremacists, do you like it that Trump praises and encourages armed thugs in illegal “militia” groups. Do you call these people “heroes” and “patriots?” That’s trademark fascism.

Give ONE just ONE actual example of him doing so. Not just some bullshit incomplete sentence from an MSLSD link, but a full paragraph with context that legitimately proves your asinine assertion. I'd love to see it because you sniveling commie pukes have been parroting that asinine shit for 4 years.

Q: Are you attracted to baseless conspiracy theories found in online propaganda platforms like Parler — an online venue where fellow fascists trade in utterly looney claims and ideas? Is Fox News the only media outlet you watch? That’s how the intellectually uncurious become fascists.

I suppose you still believe Trump and Putin conspired against hitlary right? If you were even remotely "curious" you could find out that millions of votes were cast by mail from places where no actual voters were registered. hundreds came from addresses that are empty parking lots.

Q: Do you hate immigrants and migrant workers because you were told they are coming to take your jobs? Perhaps you have a side hustle picking lettuce or swabbing potties at Motel 6. Or, you’re a fascist.

My first wife was an illegal immigrant and worked in a nursing home. She had certifications and was paid well. You're the ignorant racist dumbfuck who believes these people can only get jobs picking lettuce. Personally I would allow in more workers, but they need to be vetted, documented, examined for diseases, and have a basic ability to read and understand english. I don't even care if we provide the lessons.

Q: Do you prefer your tax dollars to go to corporations so those corporations can engage in stock buybacks and stash obscene wealth in offshore shelters? Are you cool with Trump’s corporate-tax giveaways blowing up the deficit? Do you refer to taxpayer-funded programs that benefit average Americans as “free stuff?” Are you prepared to forfeit the money you’ve paid into Social Security and Medicare in lieu of welfare for billionaires? Do you feel that your tax dollars are better spent on fat cats than on education and infrastructure? If so, you’re certainly a fool parted from his money, and probably a fascist.

So you supported your meat puppet faggot's "stimulus" that dumped a trillion dollars into corporate hands? I'll bet you have no problem with the fact your new meat puppet pedophile Biden has enriched himself with back door deals from countries were are actually in economic conflict with. Try harder bed wetter, because you're clearly a jabbering retard.

Q: Have you decided that Trump’s blatant disregard for the institutions and principles of our democratic republic are not a deal-breaker? Do you pretend to support the Constitution while your president brazenly disregards our nation’s founding document? Are you OK with his unwillingness to graciously accept defeat and help with a smooth transition? Definitely fascist.

Tell me bed wetter, What's your take on the clear and unambiguous language in the COTUS that enforces the right to keep and bear arms?

Q: Do you view science and intellectualism with suspicion and derision, i.e., the denial of indisputable facts, especially surrounding the pandemic and climate change? Do you believe Trump when he claims anything he doesn’t like is a “hoax?” There are about a quarter-million dead Americans that, if they were still alive, would label you a fascist.

Do you believe there is no motivation for "experts" and fraudsters to manipulate data and demand massive congressional funding for "problems" that were supposed to have flooded the earth and killed us all decades ago? In what reality are "celebrities" that pretend to be other people for outrageous salaries "experts" on anything?

Q: Are you OK with the revolving door of clowns he surrounds himself with instead of qualified experts? That’s not fascism; it’s just stupidity.

This is not worthy of a response.

FINAL QUESTION: Did you cast a 2020 vote for Trump knowing all of the above? Like it or not, you are a de facto fascist."

You're a complete blithering idiot. If it wasn't for the over abundance of oxygen thieving parasites like you I would still be able to oppose abortion.


I never read a wall of text .. Rambling impotent rants don't cut it with me. Fascism was embraced by hard right Italian conservatives.

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