Are you a libertarian?


Diamond Member
Jan 8, 2011
I am and this explains why...perfectly...

I am a libertarian. Libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with the permissible use of force or violence. It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government. It is not a political philosophy that is socially liberal and economically conservative. It is not a political philosophy that says government is less efficient than the private sector. It is not a political philosophy that says freedom can be achieved by promoting some government policies over others. It is not a political philosophy that is low-tax liberalism. Libertarianism is not the absence of racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, nationalism, nativism, classism, authoritarianism, patriarchy, inequality, or hierarchy. Libertarianism is not diversity or activism. Libertarianism is not egalitarianism. Libertarianism is not toleration or respect. Libertarianism is not a social attitude, lifestyle, or aesthetic sensibility.

I am a libertarian. I subscribe to the non-aggression principle that says, in the words of Murray Rothbard: “The only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another.” I am concerned with actions; I am not concerned with thoughts: I am concerned only with the negative consequences of thoughts. I believe that the non-aggression principle extends to government. Libertarians should therefore oppose or otherwise seek to limit the domestic and foreign meddling and intervention of governments, which are the greatest violators of the non-aggression principle.

I am a libertarian. I believe in the golden rule. I believe in live and let live. I believe that a person should be free to do anything he wants, as long as his conduct is peaceful. I believe that vices are not crimes.

I am a libertarian. Our enemy is the state. Our enemy is not religion, corporations, institutions, foundations, or organizations. These only have power to do us harm because of their connection with the state. And since war is the health of the state, the state’s military, wars, and foreign interventions must be opposed root and branch.

I am a libertarian. I believe in laissez faire. Anyone should be free to engage in any economic activity without license, permission, prohibition, or interference from the state. The government should not intervene in the economy in any way. Free trade agreements, educational vouchers, privatizing Social Security, etc., are not the least bit libertarian ideas.

I am a libertarian. The best government is no government. That government that governs least is the next best government. Government, as Voltaire said, at its best state is a necessary evil and at its worst state is an intolerable one. The best thing any government could do would be to simply leave us alone.

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

I am a libertarian. I am not a libertine. I am not a hedonist. I am not a moral relativist. I am not a devotee of some alternative lifestyle. I am not a revolutionary. I am not a nihilist. I neither wish to associate nor aggress against those who are. I believe in the absolute freedom of association and discrimination.

I am a libertarian.
I Am a Libertarian ?
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers

According to your own own tag line, you've violated Rabbi's Rule#1: No liberal can argue without posting a logical fallacy...within 2 posts.

ad hominem - Attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

You can do better than that Rabbi.

who masquerade as conservatives

Who's doing that? I'd say libertarians are pretty clear about what we are: fiscal and Constitutional conservatives that don't believe in criminalizing consensual activity between adults.

but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Really Rabbi?

Let's first define Bolshevick - Communist or Communist sympathizer: a Communist or somebody who shares the ideals of Communism.

Tell us exactly how libertarians, who hold the ideals of limited government in the highest regard and who reject all forms of collectivism are akin to Communists.

I mean, come on Rabbi, you are smarter than the typical liberal asshat that spews unsubstantiated nonsense. Why are you lowering yourself to their level?

More to the point, what is it exactly that you would disagree with this libertarian? Whatever it might be, I can't believe it warrants such overt nastiness.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Oh, now we're terrorists too? Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more demagogic than you'd already been, you turn around and prove me wrong.
I have libertarian leanings, but am certainly not a Libertarian with a capital L.

The reason I am not a full blown libertarian is because I know that human beings are not perfect and will often follow the path of least resistance. They will cheat, lie, and steal if that is easier in the short term.

I also know that in a complex world it is physically impossible for a consumer to be fully informed about everything, and therefore they need to be protected from those who cheat, lie, and steal.

I do not believe the government is the answer to every problem. I believe in good laws and regulations, not no laws or regulations. The problem with using the government to solve every problem is that the "solutions" are invariably much wider in scope and power than what is needed to solve the actual problem, and eventually the "solutions" become a means unto themselves, inevitably becoming an even bigger problem than the one they were trying to fix.

I believe most of our country's problems could be solved by fixing our education system. I try to be a critical thinker and not oppose or support something just because the person talking has the right or wrong letter after their name. That's idiotic.
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Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers

According to your own own tag line, you've violated Rabbi's Rule#1: No liberal can argue without posting a logical fallacy...within 2 posts.

ad hominem - Attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

You can do better than that Rabbi.

who masquerade as conservatives

Who's doing that? I'd say libertarians are pretty clear about what we are: fiscal and Constitutional conservatives that don't believe in criminalizing consensual activity between adults.

but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Really Rabbi?

Let's first define Bolshevick - Communist or Communist sympathizer: a Communist or somebody who shares the ideals of Communism.

Tell us exactly how libertarians, who hold the ideals of limited government in the highest regard and who reject all forms of collectivism are akin to Communists.

I mean, come on Rabbi, you are smarter than the typical liberal asshat that spews unsubstantiated nonsense. Why are you lowering yourself to their level?

More to the point, what is it exactly that you would disagree with this libertarian? Whatever it might be, I can't believe it warrants such overt nastiness.

There was no argument, merely a statemetn of preference. So the first part of your post is off.
Note the memo in the OP proclaiming himself a libertarian/anarchist. Anarchists were a 19th century outgrowth. Some were communist, some weren't. But they all believed in no laws. Go read on Alexander Berkman and his comments on anarchism.
Anarchists believe in no government. Libertarians can't quite kick the habit. It's only a matter of degree,not kind.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Oh, now we're terrorists too? Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more demagogic than you'd already been, you turn around and prove me wrong.

So terrorists want to attack and weaken America? Yes. Do narco-libertarians support abolishing drug laws, which will inevitably weaken America? Yes they do.
I rest my case.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Oh, now we're terrorists too? Just when I thought you couldn't possibly be more demagogic than you'd already been, you turn around and prove me wrong.

So terrorists want to attack and weaken America? Yes. Do narco-libertarians support abolishing drug laws, which will inevitably weaken America? Yes they do.
I rest my case.

Okay, class. Pop quiz time: Which logical fallacy is the above post demonstrating?
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers

According to your own own tag line, you've violated Rabbi's Rule#1: No liberal can argue without posting a logical fallacy...within 2 posts.

ad hominem - Attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

You can do better than that Rabbi.

Who's doing that? I'd say libertarians are pretty clear about what we are: fiscal and Constitutional conservatives that don't believe in criminalizing consensual activity between adults.

but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Really Rabbi?

Let's first define Bolshevick - Communist or Communist sympathizer: a Communist or somebody who shares the ideals of Communism.

Tell us exactly how libertarians, who hold the ideals of limited government in the highest regard and who reject all forms of collectivism are akin to Communists.

I mean, come on Rabbi, you are smarter than the typical liberal asshat that spews unsubstantiated nonsense. Why are you lowering yourself to their level?

More to the point, what is it exactly that you would disagree with this libertarian? Whatever it might be, I can't believe it warrants such overt nastiness.

There was no argument, merely a statemetn of preference. So the first part of your post is off.

Well, a bit of a stretch, but fair enough. Not of importance either way.

Note the memo in the OP proclaiming himself a libertarian/anarchist. Anarchists were a 19th century outgrowth. Some were communist, some weren't. But they all believed in no laws. Go read on Alexander Berkman and his comments on anarchism.
Anarchists believe in no government. Libertarians can't quite kick the habit. It's only a matter of degree,not kind.

I didn't see that in the post, but either way, libertarians are NOT anarchists. Anarchists are anarchists. That vast majority of libertarians support the idea of a Constitutional Republic, which means it's NOT a "matter of degree". After all, one cannot embraced the idea of limited federal powers and be an anarchist. That's impossible by definition.

You seem to approach the subject with the same broad brush and less-than-deep thinking that liberals apply to conservatism. I think you're capable of least I'd like to think so.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Did you read the column I posted?

If so, and you concluded from it what you posted, you are terribly uninformed.
Libertarians have two arms and two legs.

Terrorists have two arms and two legs.

I rest my case.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Sure, so I'm a terrorist then, Rab? Surely you jest? I am a libertarian, just not strict one.

Just so you know, being a libertarian does not mean we advocate complete anarchy. It does not mean we use violence to spread that ideal.

We oppose government involvement in things we can do ourselves. We believe a person has a right to their own property, thoughts, and ideas. The state is the enemy in regards to those things. We fight for control of who we are as people, we rebel against the government definitions of what an individual should be. We think government should protect us, not the rest of the world. We think government is here to serve us, not us them.

We advocate individual rights, not entitlements. We advocate ultimate freedoms, as they were construed to be by the founders. The two party system is corrupt. They no longer embrace ideals or goals, but emotion and exploitation.

We are libertarians, not terrorists or anarchists.
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I am a conservative with libertarian leanings. And I largely agree with the principle of non-agression.

I don't believe the state is our enemy. I believe that those who misuse and abuse power that control the state are our enemies.

I don't believe the best government is no government. I believe the best government is self-government.
According to your own own tag line, you've violated Rabbi's Rule#1: No liberal can argue without posting a logical fallacy...within 2 posts.

ad hominem - Attacking your opponent's character or personal traits in an attempt to undermine their argument.

You can do better than that Rabbi.

I have not seen evidence to support that last claim.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Sure, so I'm a terrorist then, Rab? Surely you jest? I am a libertarian, just not strict one.

Just so you know, being a libertarian does not mean we advocate complete anarchy. It does not mean we use violence to spread that ideal.

We oppose government involvement in things we can do ourselves. We believe a person has a right to their own property, thoughts, and ideas. The state is the enemy in regards to those things. We fight for control of who we are as people, we rebel against the government definitions of what an individual should be. We think government should protect us, not the rest of the world. We think government is here to serve us, not us them.

We advocate individual rights, not entitlements. We advocate ultimate freedoms, as they were construed to be by the founders. The two party system is corrupt. They no longer embrace ideals or goals, but emotion and exploitation.

We are libertarians, not terrorists or anarchists.

Agreed...however if I had to chose between anarchy and what we have for government today, I would chose anarchy.
Liberals are not evil, neither are conservatives, but Bipartisan Politics are. Conservative idealism both social and fiscal are no more a bad thing than Liberal ideologies. But we have forgotten why we the people started a two party system in the first place.
We as Americans are not to unlike like any other life form on this planet in that we learn through environmental stimulus. I think simple science teaches us that the environment we live in, is destine to shape every fiber of our being.
That is not to say that a rose can't grow in a pumpkin patch or vice verse. But it is to say that roses and pumpkins are totally different things, and thus need different environments to thrive.
Giving power to states seems like the best way to foster to the needs of the individual by this logic. If each State was treated as its own Garden. With Gun Control, abortion rights, and progressive ideals located in this State, and conservative values and freedoms in place in that state, then the respective people who are already embedded within that garden should flourish.
I am not talking about taking away the Federal Government by any means. Indeed the federal Government should play the most important role of care for each garden as if it is the most important aspect of his farm. That will ensure that the crops will grow in abundance and America can provide the nourishment of freedom to any in the world that would have it. As long as the government treats us all like cabbage that is all we will ever be.

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