Are you a libertarian?

Nope. I do believe in a few libertarian views such as their foreign policy and a little bit on the drug issue. Other than that. No way.

Okay. So other than foreign policy and drugs, you find libertarian views unacceptable.

Is it free markets unencumbered by government you dislike?

Is it you find maximum individual liberty unacceptable?

Is it small government you dislike?

Or could it be you find the State controlling your life acceptable?

Maybe its high government taxation you prefer.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

We don't masquerade as conservatives, although people often mistake us for conservatives. For instance, we have no desire to tell you what you can do in the privacy of your bedroom or tell you what kind of literature you can read or what substances you can put in your body. Those are all the hallmarks of conservatism.

I have no idea how anyone thinks we are similar to Bolsheviks.
Prefer a lot of Socialist policies. Control of the economy,higher taxes on businesses and the rich. Much like under Eisenhower. Prefer interest free loans to newly married couples for a home,nationalized healthcare,electricity,water etc.

Every Nazi supports those policies.
Libertarians are narco-terrorist shit suckers who masquerade as conservatives but are in fact second cousins to Bolshevicks.

Sure, so I'm a terrorist then, Rab? Surely you jest? I am a libertarian, just not strict one.

Just so you know, being a libertarian does not mean we advocate complete anarchy. It does not mean we use violence to spread that ideal.

We oppose government involvement in things we can do ourselves. We believe a person has a right to their own property, thoughts, and ideas. The state is the enemy in regards to those things. We fight for control of who we are as people, we rebel against the government definitions of what an individual should be. We think government should protect us, not the rest of the world. We think government is here to serve us, not us them.

We advocate individual rights, not entitlements. We advocate ultimate freedoms, as they were construed to be by the founders. The two party system is corrupt. They no longer embrace ideals or goals, but emotion and exploitation.

We are libertarians, not terrorists or anarchists.

Agreed...however if I had to chose between anarchy and what we have for government today, I would chose anarchy.

Ditto. What's the worst thing that can happen under anarchy? Answer: you revert to having a government.
Nope. I do believe in a few libertarian views such as their foreign policy and a little bit on the drug issue. Other than that. No way.

Okay. So other than foreign policy and drugs, you find libertarian views unacceptable.

Is it free markets unencumbered by government you dislike?

Is it you find maximum individual liberty unacceptable?

Is it small government you dislike?

Or could it be you find the State controlling your life acceptable?

Maybe its high government taxation you prefer.

Your post is one giant fallacy of the excluded middle.
Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA, the FAA, and the Federal Reserve. I would not. I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels, perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:
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Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA, the FAA, and the Federal Reserve. I would not. I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels, perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:

This is not the libertarian position.
Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.
Crack and meth exist becasue of the war on drugs, not in spite of it.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA, the FAA
Because we believe, with very good reason, that the marketplace can deliver those services far better and at less expense.

and the Federal Reserve.
Because it is unconstitutional.
I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.
And the Fed would tell you to stuff it. They would get away with it too.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels, perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:
If we were to do that, we would not need a military too much bigger than a scout troop.
Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA, the FAA, and the Federal Reserve. I would not. I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels, perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:

This is not the libertarian position.

Yes, Libertarians tend toward a return to the gold standard or free banking. Our country already tried those. They were bigger failures than the current system, with more frequent economic crashes and of longer duration.

I really don't want to see 1300 different kinds of currency with constantly fluctuating values in my wallet which require a giant ledger (or an app) to figure out how much I collectively have, either, thanks.
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I really don't want to see 1300 different kinds of currency in my wallet, either, thanks.
If all those currencies were redeemable for coin of the realm, what difference would it make?

Because the amount they were redeemable for was constantly changing on a daily basis. Fredbucks might be worth ten goldbacks today and only five goldbacks tomorrow. And if the local grocery story owner doesn't accept Fredbucks, or will only value them at two goldbacks, I'm fucked.

That's the way it actually was.
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Always appreciate your thoughts g, whether we agree or not. Since I call myself a libertarian/classical liberal, allow me to respond with equal specificity...and let's see where the chips fall.

Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.

Not exactly. A libertarian would not "legalize" drugs anymore than we would "legalize" rosemary or oregano. What we would do is suggest that any consensual activity between adults should not be subject to criminal prosecution. Stated differently, if you don't infringe on the rights of another, it shouldn't be anyone else's business.

Would this mean drugs are legalized? If we're talking about adults that haven't taken from another nor harm anyone else, a libertarian doesn't really care if they are or are not under the influence.

Now, because we know that getting pissed drunk or stoned out of your mind can lead to foolish decisions, I would be open to the possibility of increased sentencing for those that do harm others while under the influence. Otherwise, it's your body, ingest what you like.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA,

Correct. States are free to regulate, categorize or ban foods and drugs, but I find no provision within the enumerated powers of the Constitution to allow such meddling from the Federal government. Besides, I believe consumers and free market organizations rating the quality and effectiveness of such products would be far more efficient and helpful than bureaucrats with no threat of competition. Were states allowed to experiment with different approaches, we could see...and more importantly, choose...the best approach.

Of course, if someone is harmed with their food or drug, well, there's already plenty of laws against that.

Correct. Again, states are free to regulation/oversee civilian air transportation. Personally, I think it should be the problem of private airport owners to regulate their own traffic.

and the Federal Reserve. I would not. I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.

Due respect, I think that's a false comparison. It is not Pelosi who should centrally control the price of money, it's the FREE MARKET that should do so.

This libertarian stands against all forms of central price controls, be they for the price of money, the price of labor, or the price of raisins.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels,

I disagree with that assertion. I won't speak for all libertarians, but I think we should have the biggest, baddest, most technologically advanced military in the history of the world. I don't want to "decrease" the military as much as I want to involve ourselves far less often in overseas conflicts. Stated differently, less intervention.

Does that require less spending? Probably, but more importantly, I want our military protecting our borders and keeping international waters free from piracy and open to trade. Certainly NOT a cub scout troop!

perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:

100% agree.

Interesting exchange, thanks.
Let's get specific.

A Libertarian would legalize all drugs that are currently illegal. Crack, heroine, meth, pot. I would not. I would legalize pot, and that's about it.

A Libertarian would disband the FDA, the FAA, and the Federal Reserve. I would not. I would certainly support regular audits of the Federal Reserve, and I would cease and desist on the continuing ZIRP, QEs, etc immediately. The Fed is way off the reservation right now. But the perfect is the enemy of the good. I trust the Fed's hands on our monetary machine way, way, way, way more than I would trust Nancy Pelosi's or John Boehner's hands on it.

A Libertarian would decrease our military down to the size of a cub scout troop. I would not. I would decrease Defense spending back to Cold War levels, perhaps more if we would stop subsidizing the defense of our wealthiest allies and make them pay their own way. Let's see them pay for their socialized medicine and their own defense at the same time. :lol:

This is not the libertarian position.

Yes, Libertarians tend toward a return to the gold standard or free banking. Our country already tried those. They were bigger failures than the current system, with more frequent economic crashes and of longer duration.

I really don't want to see 1300 different kinds of currency with constantly fluctuating values in my wallet which require a giant ledger (or an app) to figure out how much I collectively have, either, thanks.

A state-run gold standard which degenerated into a gold-exchange standard, yes. Not surprising that these things failed given that they were managed by the government.

Regardless, the implication was that libertarians would leave monetary policy up to the Congress, which is incorrect.
Yeah won't be too hard after 75% of the people die from malnutrition,starvation or not being able to afford their medicines! WOOT WOOT!

Wait, isn't that what happened under socialism, whereas capitalism, even under mixed-economic conditions, has brought about the the biggest explosion in wealth for everybody in the history of mankind?

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