Are you a libertarian?

Libertarian's denial of the existence of coercion that doesn't involve violence is a huge weakness in the ideology.
Libertarian's denial of the existence of coercion that doesn't involve violence is a huge weakness in the ideology.

It's not the denial of coercion not involving violence, merely the fact that to "correct" this coercion would require an act of violence against somebody else.
I am and this explains why...perfectly...

I am a libertarian. Libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with the permissible use of force or violence. It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government. It is not a political philosophy that is socially liberal and economically conservative. It is not a political philosophy that says government is less efficient than the private sector. It is not a political philosophy that says freedom can be achieved by promoting some government policies over others. It is not a political philosophy that is low-tax liberalism. Libertarianism is not the absence of racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, nationalism, nativism, classism, authoritarianism, patriarchy, inequality, or hierarchy. Libertarianism is not diversity or activism. Libertarianism is not egalitarianism. Libertarianism is not toleration or respect. Libertarianism is not a social attitude, lifestyle, or aesthetic sensibility.

I am a libertarian. I subscribe to the non-aggression principle that says, in the words of Murray Rothbard: “The only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another.” I am concerned with actions; I am not concerned with thoughts: I am concerned only with the negative consequences of thoughts. I believe that the non-aggression principle extends to government. Libertarians should therefore oppose or otherwise seek to limit the domestic and foreign meddling and intervention of governments, which are the greatest violators of the non-aggression principle.

I am a libertarian. I believe in the golden rule. I believe in live and let live. I believe that a person should be free to do anything he wants, as long as his conduct is peaceful. I believe that vices are not crimes.

I am a libertarian. Our enemy is the state. Our enemy is not religion, corporations, institutions, foundations, or organizations. These only have power to do us harm because of their connection with the state. And since war is the health of the state, the state’s military, wars, and foreign interventions must be opposed root and branch.

I am a libertarian. I believe in laissez faire. Anyone should be free to engage in any economic activity without license, permission, prohibition, or interference from the state. The government should not intervene in the economy in any way. Free trade agreements, educational vouchers, privatizing Social Security, etc., are not the least bit libertarian ideas.

I am a libertarian. The best government is no government. That government that governs least is the next best government. Government, as Voltaire said, at its best state is a necessary evil and at its worst state is an intolerable one. The best thing any government could do would be to simply leave us alone.

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

I am a libertarian. I am not a libertine. I am not a hedonist. I am not a moral relativist. I am not a devotee of some alternative lifestyle. I am not a revolutionary. I am not a nihilist. I neither wish to associate nor aggress against those who are. I believe in the absolute freedom of association and discrimination.

I am a libertarian.
I Am a Libertarian ?
I consider Libertarians above the 2 party circus clowns, but I do not consider myself a libertarian, because I do not believe in nationalism.
I am and this explains why...perfectly...

I am a libertarian. Libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with the permissible use of force or violence. It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government. It is not a political philosophy that is socially liberal and economically conservative. It is not a political philosophy that says government is less efficient than the private sector. It is not a political philosophy that says freedom can be achieved by promoting some government policies over others. It is not a political philosophy that is low-tax liberalism. Libertarianism is not the absence of racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, nationalism, nativism, classism, authoritarianism, patriarchy, inequality, or hierarchy. Libertarianism is not diversity or activism. Libertarianism is not egalitarianism. Libertarianism is not toleration or respect. Libertarianism is not a social attitude, lifestyle, or aesthetic sensibility.

I am a libertarian. I subscribe to the non-aggression principle that says, in the words of Murray Rothbard: “The only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another.” I am concerned with actions; I am not concerned with thoughts: I am concerned only with the negative consequences of thoughts. I believe that the non-aggression principle extends to government. Libertarians should therefore oppose or otherwise seek to limit the domestic and foreign meddling and intervention of governments, which are the greatest violators of the non-aggression principle.

I am a libertarian. I believe in the golden rule. I believe in live and let live. I believe that a person should be free to do anything he wants, as long as his conduct is peaceful. I believe that vices are not crimes.

I am a libertarian. Our enemy is the state. Our enemy is not religion, corporations, institutions, foundations, or organizations. These only have power to do us harm because of their connection with the state. And since war is the health of the state, the state’s military, wars, and foreign interventions must be opposed root and branch.

I am a libertarian. I believe in laissez faire. Anyone should be free to engage in any economic activity without license, permission, prohibition, or interference from the state. The government should not intervene in the economy in any way. Free trade agreements, educational vouchers, privatizing Social Security, etc., are not the least bit libertarian ideas.

I am a libertarian. The best government is no government. That government that governs least is the next best government. Government, as Voltaire said, at its best state is a necessary evil and at its worst state is an intolerable one. The best thing any government could do would be to simply leave us alone.

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

I am a libertarian. I am not a libertine. I am not a hedonist. I am not a moral relativist. I am not a devotee of some alternative lifestyle. I am not a revolutionary. I am not a nihilist. I neither wish to associate nor aggress against those who are. I believe in the absolute freedom of association and discrimination.

I am a libertarian.
I Am a Libertarian ?
I consider Libertarians above the 2 party circus clowns, but I do not consider myself a libertarian, because I do not believe in nationalism.

I don't believe any libertarians believe in nationalism either. They're polar opposites.
That stupid picture someone posted.

ROFLMAO! So tell me more about the people starving and needing food stamps and TANF and medicaid being wealthy please...:lol::lol:

So are you saying that the world as a whole is not better off now, where much of it has been industrialized or moved into service-oriented fields, than it was before the industrial revolution? Are you saying that poor people today are worse off, or at least no better off, than poor people then?

I would suggest that the fact that food stamps and Medicaid exist at all is because the wealth generated by the U.S. mixed-economy, which at the time of their creation leaned far more towards capitalism made them possible in the first place. There's a reason these programs didn't exist even 100 years ago.

I think the industrial revolution was invented by rich assholes to get richer off the back of poor workers and its only gone down hill since then.

That's a deflection.
That stupid picture someone posted.

ROFLMAO! So tell me more about the people starving and needing food stamps and TANF and medicaid being wealthy please...:lol::lol:

So are you saying that the world as a whole is not better off now, where much of it has been industrialized or moved into service-oriented fields, than it was before the industrial revolution? Are you saying that poor people today are worse off, or at least no better off, than poor people then?

I would suggest that the fact that food stamps and Medicaid exist at all is because the wealth generated by the U.S. mixed-economy, which at the time of their creation leaned far more towards capitalism made them possible in the first place. There's a reason these programs didn't exist even 100 years ago.

I think the industrial revolution was invented by rich assholes to get richer off the back of poor workers and its only gone down hill since then.

That's because you're an ignorant brainwashed asshole who believes the propaganda he's been fed. It takes true stupidity and willful blindness to believe the poor haven't benefited from the industrial revolution.
I think the industrial revolution was invented by rich assholes to get richer off the back of poor workers and its only gone down hill since then.

That's because you're an ignorant brainwashed asshole who believes the propaganda he's been fed. It takes true stupidity and willful blindness to believe the poor haven't benefited from the industrial revolution.

Ah those pesky facts getting in the way of your capitalist utopia mate? Sucks eh.

"Facts?" You must be joking. I only had to read a few sentences before I spotted a lie.

Defenders of the human richness that was the Industrial Revolution commonly counter tales of child labor by referring to the lack of options that existed beforehand. For example, in his book Human Action, the iconic economist Ludwig von Mises eloquently stated: "It is a distortion of facts to say that the factories carried off the housewives from the nurseries and the kitchen and the children from their play. These women had nothing to cook with and to feed their children. These children were destitute and starving. Their only refuge was the factory. It saved them, in the strict sense of the term, from death by starvation." - See more at: The Daily Bell - The Industrial Revolution You Haven't Met

The children and housewives who were starving that Mises referred to didn't work in the factories. They were enjoying that idyllic pastoral existence that commies like you wax so sanctimoniously about whenever you attack capitalism. Mass starvation was a regular feature of life before the industrial revolution. Mises was not attacking the industrial revolution. He was praising it, but your author is too stupid to know it, or more likely to dishonest to tell the truth.

If you want to attack capitalism and the industrial revolution, Mises is the last person you should be quoting. He is the world's most famous champion of capitalism.
I consider Libertarians above the 2 party circus clowns, but I do not consider myself a libertarian, because I do not believe in nationalism.

You are mistaken that the two are connected.

Evoking nationalist pride, and the inevitable scapegoating of other countries, have been integral parts of Socialist and Fascist experiments, as any student of economic history can attest. The Socialists in Germany for example incorporated nationalism to build support for their ideals and their need for their citizenry to effectively worship the state. Libertarian ideals on the other hand, require no nationalistic ideals, only those of freedom and voluntary choice among individuals. In fact, given the libertarian notion of free trade across borders and the fact that many libertarian scholars have advocated allowing borders to form naturally by virtue of language and culture vs traditional boundaries determined by treaty and or war, one could easily argue that nationalism is the antithesis of libertarianism.

Of course, that does has not, nor should not, preclude individual libertarians fortunate enough to live in a country that may embrace, or has traditionally embraced individual freedom from taking pride in their nation and the freedoms it may offer. However, my point is that patriotism or proud loyalty to a nation are not required elements of libertarian ideals but socialist ones.

Where the Socialist inevitably requires adherence to nationalist ideas in order to garner support for the all powerful state, the libertarian, who seeks to minimize the state's influence over the people, makes no such nationalistic demands.
Nope. Can agree with them on some things, but not all. rather than join the Libertarian movement, of which you 'agree on some things, but not all,' would you prefer to continue the current charade? I surely hope you DISAGREE with MOST of what is the US Gov.

As long as Americans continue to vote D or R, the terrible charade continues.

Unless we come together rather than fight amongst ourselves, over nonsensical issues planted and fomented by the power elite so they can continue to fleece us of our wealth and liberty, the charade continues unabated...

Government is the PROBLEM...and Libertarianism is ALL about reducing and controlling government, while providing maximum individual LIBERTY FOR ALL.
I am and this explains why...perfectly...

I am a libertarian. Libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with the permissible use of force or violence. It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government. It is not a political philosophy that is socially liberal and economically conservative. It is not a political philosophy that says government is less efficient than the private sector. It is not a political philosophy that says freedom can be achieved by promoting some government policies over others. It is not a political philosophy that is low-tax liberalism. Libertarianism is not the absence of racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, nationalism, nativism, classism, authoritarianism, patriarchy, inequality, or hierarchy. Libertarianism is not diversity or activism. Libertarianism is not egalitarianism. Libertarianism is not toleration or respect. Libertarianism is not a social attitude, lifestyle, or aesthetic sensibility.

I am a libertarian. I subscribe to the non-aggression principle that says, in the words of Murray Rothbard: “The only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another.” I am concerned with actions; I am not concerned with thoughts: I am concerned only with the negative consequences of thoughts. I believe that the non-aggression principle extends to government. Libertarians should therefore oppose or otherwise seek to limit the domestic and foreign meddling and intervention of governments, which are the greatest violators of the non-aggression principle.

I am a libertarian. I believe in the golden rule. I believe in live and let live. I believe that a person should be free to do anything he wants, as long as his conduct is peaceful. I believe that vices are not crimes.

I am a libertarian. Our enemy is the state. Our enemy is not religion, corporations, institutions, foundations, or organizations. These only have power to do us harm because of their connection with the state. And since war is the health of the state, the state’s military, wars, and foreign interventions must be opposed root and branch.

I am a libertarian. I believe in laissez faire. Anyone should be free to engage in any economic activity without license, permission, prohibition, or interference from the state. The government should not intervene in the economy in any way. Free trade agreements, educational vouchers, privatizing Social Security, etc., are not the least bit libertarian ideas.

I am a libertarian. The best government is no government. That government that governs least is the next best government. Government, as Voltaire said, at its best state is a necessary evil and at its worst state is an intolerable one. The best thing any government could do would be to simply leave us alone.

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

I am a libertarian. I am not a libertine. I am not a hedonist. I am not a moral relativist. I am not a devotee of some alternative lifestyle. I am not a revolutionary. I am not a nihilist. I neither wish to associate nor aggress against those who are. I believe in the absolute freedom of association and discrimination.

I am a libertarian.
I Am a Libertarian ?

After reading your piece it confirms my opinion that libertarians do not know what the fuck they are. They are great at saying what they aren't but when you try to pin them down to what they actually support it is like nailing Jello to the wall

In your piece, you say:

It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government.
yet further down say:
The best government is no government

The whole non-aggression principle is uncomprehensible as a keystone of a political position

In a nutshell, in spite of all the proclamations of what Libertarians are not, it comes down to leave me alone in a society. I want to belong to a society, I want to benefit from belonging to a society....Just don't expect me to contribute
I am and this explains why...perfectly...

I am a libertarian. Libertarianism is a political philosophy concerned with the permissible use of force or violence. It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government. It is not a political philosophy that is socially liberal and economically conservative. It is not a political philosophy that says government is less efficient than the private sector. It is not a political philosophy that says freedom can be achieved by promoting some government policies over others. It is not a political philosophy that is low-tax liberalism. Libertarianism is not the absence of racism, sexism, homophobism, xenophobism, nationalism, nativism, classism, authoritarianism, patriarchy, inequality, or hierarchy. Libertarianism is not diversity or activism. Libertarianism is not egalitarianism. Libertarianism is not toleration or respect. Libertarianism is not a social attitude, lifestyle, or aesthetic sensibility.

I am a libertarian. I subscribe to the non-aggression principle that says, in the words of Murray Rothbard: “The only proper role of violence is to defend person and property against violence, that any use of violence that goes beyond such just defense is itself aggressive, unjust, and criminal. Libertarianism, therefore, is a theory which states that everyone should be free of violent invasion, should be free to do as he sees fit except invade the person or property of another.” I am concerned with actions; I am not concerned with thoughts: I am concerned only with the negative consequences of thoughts. I believe that the non-aggression principle extends to government. Libertarians should therefore oppose or otherwise seek to limit the domestic and foreign meddling and intervention of governments, which are the greatest violators of the non-aggression principle.

I am a libertarian. I believe in the golden rule. I believe in live and let live. I believe that a person should be free to do anything he wants, as long as his conduct is peaceful. I believe that vices are not crimes.

I am a libertarian. Our enemy is the state. Our enemy is not religion, corporations, institutions, foundations, or organizations. These only have power to do us harm because of their connection with the state. And since war is the health of the state, the state’s military, wars, and foreign interventions must be opposed root and branch.

I am a libertarian. I believe in laissez faire. Anyone should be free to engage in any economic activity without license, permission, prohibition, or interference from the state. The government should not intervene in the economy in any way. Free trade agreements, educational vouchers, privatizing Social Security, etc., are not the least bit libertarian ideas.

I am a libertarian. The best government is no government. That government that governs least is the next best government. Government, as Voltaire said, at its best state is a necessary evil and at its worst state is an intolerable one. The best thing any government could do would be to simply leave us alone.

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

I am a libertarian. I am not a libertine. I am not a hedonist. I am not a moral relativist. I am not a devotee of some alternative lifestyle. I am not a revolutionary. I am not a nihilist. I neither wish to associate nor aggress against those who are. I believe in the absolute freedom of association and discrimination.

I am a libertarian.
I Am a Libertarian ?

After reading your piece it confirms my opinion that libertarians do not know what the fuck they are. They are great at saying what they aren't but when you try to pin them down to what they actually support it is like nailing Jello to the wall

In your piece, you say:

It is not a political philosophy that says limited government is the best kind of government.
yet further down say:
The best government is no government

The whole non-aggression principle is uncomprehensible as a keystone of a political position

In a nutshell, in spite of all the proclamations of what Libertarians are not, it comes down to leave me alone in a society. I want to belong to a society, I want to benefit from belonging to a society....Just don't expect me to contribute

I do not expect someone like yourself having the ability to comprehend Libertarianism...due to your neolib statist mind numbing programming.

First, the piece I posted is quite clear that the BEST form of government IS no limited government is NOT the best I need to explain further for you to understand?

Non-aggression is very simple..even a simpleton like you SHOULD means non-aggression. It does not mean no military and it does not mean we never go to war. You might look up its meaning before posting nonsense.

And really dummy, WE ARE ALL part of the society. Libertarians demand that the big tyrannical government you love, leave us alone. Do you get it yet? Government...not being a neolib, probably think government and society are the same thing...

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In other words.....anarchy

Lets look at this Libertarian utopia

I am a libertarian. Taxation is government theft. The government doesn’t have a claim to a certain percentage of one’s income. The tax code doesn’t need to be simplified, shortened, fairer, or less intrusive. The tax rates don’t need to be made lower, flatter, fairer, equal, or less progressive. The income tax doesn’t need more or larger deductions, loopholes, shelters, credits, or exemptions. The whole rotten system needs to be abolished. People have the right to keep what they earn and decide for themselves what to do with their money: spend it, waste it, squander it, donate it, bequeath it, hoard it, invest it, burn it, gamble it.

We don't need taxes, we just rely on human nature to voluntarily send money where it is needed. My kids are grown, so I do not want to pay for a school system. Police, Fire protection, Ambulances...I'll take my chances. Roads, bridges? I'll only pay for what I use. People in my community are suffering? Not my problem. Hurricane hit Florida? Thats their fucking problem

In summary....Look out for number one
A simple question for real Libertarians. Not the anarchists

Do you really want to live in a society with no Government? Exist with no taxation?

Does the OP really reflect your politiical outlook?

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