Are you a moderate or do you lean left or right (Poll)?

Are you a moderate or do you lean left or right?

  • I'm a MODERATE!

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • I lean LEFT!

    Votes: 11 20.0%
  • I lean RIGHT!

    Votes: 33 60.0%

  • Total voters
I put the option of "moderate" in there sort of jokingly. I thought more people would count themselves as one. I've seen some radicals on this forum call themselves "moderate" and had to laugh.

No such thing as a moderate. You either have beliefs or you don't.

Says you. Of course there is such a thing. Like I believe you’re a white trash, Jew hating, unemployed loser. In reality you should be a Democrat.
Lean Left.

I did this and my red dot was in the top right section.
Not as Right as me I am a Right-Wing Totalitarian and I look GREAT in black

Then you might be fairly close to my Authoritarian belief system. Though your apparent belief that women should have a say in politics is more centrist than me.

Oh, and I generally look best covered in the blood and gore of my enemies.
I love to be taxed. I want a government that will take care of me from the cradle to the grave.
I want free stuff and have other people pay for it. I want more welfare for all.
But most of all....I think Nan Pelosi is cute, and have you seen Hillary's legs? They go all the way up to her ass.
Now I need to go take a shower....I feel so dirty after posting that post.
I love to be taxed. I want a government that will take care of me from the cradle to the grave.
I want free stuff and have other people pay for it. I want more welfare for all.
But most of all....I think Nan Pelosi is cute, and have you seen Hillary's legs? They go all the way up to her ass.
It's a great day when people are free to express themselves and even better when all the other stuff is free. I think ms. Clinton a cutie too! I wonder what's under that pant suit?!

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