are you aware that there have been any gays 60 years ago?

Dud the are everwhere omglfaom

everywhere in the massmedia and they created a whole sub-culture about being gay, with gay Clubs, Bars, etc. gay newspapers, etc. they do gay pride parades and are active on the streets etc.

also lots of People i talked to online seem to have gay friends or know a gay Person, 60 years ago that would be quiete impossible. if you asked someone about gay? he would reply "gays where?"
I'm sure that back then, if black people could've pretended to be white, they would've.

That's a metaphor. For racism... and homophobia... quite similar things... in case you're unsure.
I'm sure that back then, if black people could've pretended to be white, they would've.

That's a metaphor. For racism... and homophobia... quite similar things... in case you're unsure.

black People can reproduce and create other blacks, gay People cant reproduce naturally without Technology and create other gays. i dont see it as on the same Level. also discriminating ethnicity shouldnt be considered as same as discriminating sexual preferences because a black Person cant turn White, but a gay Person can live heterosexual if he wants. i read of cases of married men who had their "coming out" so it is possible they have families and live normal.
No idea how many there were in the fifties. But considering the scriptures warn against homosexual behavior and they have been around thousands of years, people have clerly been engagining in homosexual behavior for millenia.
Masters and Johnson erroneously estimated that 10% of the population was homosexual, male and female. Recent, better studies indicate that it is about 2% - 4%.
Repression of homosexuals has declined, similarly to anti-Semitism and 'racism'.
Intellectuals and those who support freedom have correctly rallied to these movements, as the freedom of anyone depends on the freedom of all.
Dud the are everwhere omglfaom

everywhere in the massmedia and they created a whole sub-culture about being gay, with gay Clubs, Bars, etc. gay newspapers, etc. they do gay pride parades and are active on the streets etc.

also lots of People i talked to online seem to have gay friends or know a gay Person, 60 years ago that would be quiete impossible. if you asked someone about gay? he would reply "gays where?"

The fifties were a conservative christian decade. The reason you wouldn't find gays common was not because they didn't exist in the Same numbers they do today and always have. It was because they were not accepted by anyone, anywhere, and had to hide themselves in order stay safe.
In the 1950s how many People were gay? Now they seem to be everywhere

There have always been homosexuals and 50 years ago there were probably the same number of them as there are today. They just kept their sexuality private because it wasn't socially accepted, like it is today.
I think people deserve the freedom to be themselves. Gay people shouldn't have to hide themselves away, they have nothing to be ashamed of.

maybe there could be a compromise between totally hiding and like now:confused:

No. Gay people are human beings and shouldn't have to hide because of who they love.

Gay people have always existed since the dawn of time. It's a biological occurrence. Most ancient civilizations' culture included gay people, from Gods/Goddesses, to citizens. Before the rise of Christianity, it was socially accepted in many, if not most cultures.

i dont know if it is biological. was a gay gene discovered? and how is bi-sexuality explained?
maybe there could be a compromise between totally hiding and like now:confused:

No. Gay people are human beings and shouldn't have to hide because of who they love.

Gay people have always existed since the dawn of time. It's a biological occurrence. Most ancient civilizations' culture included gay people, from Gods/Goddesses, to citizens. Before the rise of Christianity, it was socially accepted in many, if not most cultures.

i dont know if it is biological. was a gay gene discovered? and how is bi-sexuality explained?

There is no gay gene that we know of, but logically, no one would choose to be gay.
No. Gay people are human beings and shouldn't have to hide because of who they love.

Gay people have always existed since the dawn of time. It's a biological occurrence. Most ancient civilizations' culture included gay people, from Gods/Goddesses, to citizens. Before the rise of Christianity, it was socially accepted in many, if not most cultures.

i dont know if it is biological. was a gay gene discovered? and how is bi-sexuality explained?

There is no gay gene that we know of, but logically, no one would choose to be gay.

in ancient greece it was cool to be gay, and everyone was. so i dont know
No. Gay people are human beings and shouldn't have to hide because of who they love.

Gay people have always existed since the dawn of time. It's a biological occurrence. Most ancient civilizations' culture included gay people, from Gods/Goddesses, to citizens. Before the rise of Christianity, it was socially accepted in many, if not most cultures.

i dont know if it is biological. was a gay gene discovered? and how is bi-sexuality explained?

Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

Homosexuality isn't genetic, but it is biological. At least that's what these researchers claim.

Bi-sexuality is a bit trickier. I don't know that much about biological causes for bisexuality, but this link should answer your questions.

Scientific U-Turn: Male Bisexuality Is Real | LiveScience

i think same gender sex, should not be viewed as something healthy and normal to live. we shouldnt hate those who are gay if it is biological but maybe view them as someone who is disabled and pitty them. i mean no one would discriminate a disabled guy and everyone is friendly to him, but also no one would say his condition is normal. maybe that is a compromise?
i dont know if it is biological. was a gay gene discovered? and how is bi-sexuality explained?

Scientists claim that homosexuality is not genetic ? but it arises in the womb

Homosexuality isn't genetic, but it is biological. At least that's what these researchers claim.

Bi-sexuality is a bit trickier. I don't know that much about biological causes for bisexuality, but this link should answer your questions.

Scientific U-Turn: Male Bisexuality Is Real | LiveScience

i think same gender sex, should not be viewed as something healthy and normal to live. we shouldnt hate those who are gay if it is biological but maybe view them as someone who is disabled and pitty them. i mean no one would discriminate a disabled guy and everyone is friendly to him, but also no one would say his condition is normal. maybe that is a compromise?

Gays are perfectly normal. The fact that they like the same sex shouldn't matter to anyone.

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