are you better off than you were four years ago...

are u better off than u were four years ago...

  • yes

    Votes: 13 76.5%
  • no

    Votes: 4 23.5%

  • Total voters
What do yous mean by better off?
I got my dream land, I could barely pay the bills in Obama's economy.
How nice, I've had mine since 1998 and it had not a damn thing to do with a president.
Get rid of Obama's policies and it made it easier. But you welfare people don't know anything about that.
Anything else you'd like to lie about?
Yep Obama's regulation and taxes. Trump got elected and the economy took off! Even after the Democrat shutdown of our economy, it comes back at record numbers! Get that pussy hat ready! Lol
I never slowed probably because I have several trades to fall back on...I have to slow down now the spinal stenosis is screwing me over again. Don't ever get old and wore out.
I just turned 50 so I've slowed down. But in construction, it can't be any busier.
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
The last recession was in 2009. Why are we going back 11 yrs?
I don't know you seem to feel the need to make excuses for presidents that were in office when financial recession hit...the last one was in Feb and the one before that was in 2008-2009.I do believe Bush was in office in 2008-2009....Can you make an excuse for him?

That was the Dem/Obama recession. They drove the country into recession starting when Dems took control of congress Jan, 2007.
Oh, surely you can fib better than that..
It was GW and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Have you been posting insults for a long time? I had zero problems existing when a recession hit I am so use to living through them.
I understand Liberals are mentally ill but...
The recession was GWs and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Well,,,if you count being locked in your house is better off. Unless you want to go to a hump which case you have to sign a disclaimer that says you will not hold hump responsible if you catch COVID-19 and die. And if you play it safe and wear a mask, hump will mock you and call you a wussy until you take it off....cause hump is the smartest hump in the world.
Fauci gave the go to lock the country down, a lover of Hillary. One of your guys you stupid shit.

Hump lied for weeks about the severity of the virus....36,000 died due to his incompetence.....Dung Breath...
Well,,,if you count being locked in your house is better off. Unless you want to go to a hump which case you have to sign a disclaimer that says you will not hold hump responsible if you catch COVID-19 and die. And if you play it safe and wear a mask, hump will mock you and call you a wussy until you take it off....cause hump is the smartest hump in the world.
Fauci gave the go to lock the country down, a lover of Hillary. One of your guys you stupid shit.

Hump lied for weeks about the severity of the virus....36,000 died due to his incompetence.....Dung Breath...
Yeah, Trump is responsible for the Global Pandemic.
Thanks for proving you're an idiot.
What do yous mean by better off?
I got my dream land, I could barely pay the bills in Obama's economy.
How nice, I've had mine since 1998 and it had not a damn thing to do with a president.
Get rid of Obama's policies and it made it easier. But you welfare people don't know anything about that.
Anything else you'd like to lie about?
Yep Obama's regulation and taxes. Trump got elected and the economy took off! Even after the Democrat shutdown of our economy, it comes back at record numbers! Get that pussy hat ready! Lol
I never slowed probably because I have several trades to fall back on...I have to slow down now the spinal stenosis is screwing me over again. Don't ever get old and wore out.
I just turned 50 so I've slowed down. But in construction, it can't be any busier.
I've had to turn stuff down and it really depresses me to not have that loot.
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
The last recession was in 2009. Why are we going back 11 yrs?
I don't know you seem to feel the need to make excuses for presidents that were in office when financial recession hit...the last one was in Feb and the one before that was in 2008-2009.I do believe Bush was in office in 2008-2009....Can you make an excuse for him?

That was the Dem/Obama recession. They drove the country into recession starting when Dems took control of congress Jan, 2007.
Oh, surely you can fib better than that..
It was GW and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Have you been posting insults for a long time? I had zero problems existing when a recession hit I am so use to living through them.
I understand Liberals are mentally ill but...
The recession was GWs and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Not to ask again but, what does Oblama did dipshit to improve anything mean? I've never seen cursing in that sequence...
Well,,,if you count being locked in your house is better off. Unless you want to go to a hump which case you have to sign a disclaimer that says you will not hold hump responsible if you catch COVID-19 and die. And if you play it safe and wear a mask, hump will mock you and call you a wussy until you take it off....cause hump is the smartest hump in the world.
you could always join up with the thousands looters and rioters that gather every day ....
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
The last recession was in 2009. Why are we going back 11 yrs?
I don't know you seem to feel the need to make excuses for presidents that were in office when financial recession hit...the last one was in Feb and the one before that was in 2008-2009.I do believe Bush was in office in 2008-2009....Can you make an excuse for him?

That was the Dem/Obama recession. They drove the country into recession starting when Dems took control of congress Jan, 2007.
Oh, surely you can fib better than that..
It was GW and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Have you been posting insults for a long time? I had zero problems existing when a recession hit I am so use to living through them.
I understand Liberals are mentally ill but...
The recession was GWs and Obama did dipshit to improve anything.
Not to ask again but, what does Oblama did dipshit to improve anything mean? I've never seen cursing in that sequence...
Keeping Open Borders did not help minority employment.
Not shaming businesses back that off-shored.
Not reducing the number of H1-Bs so Americans can be employed.
Seriously,,,did I really have to be that explicit?
Well,,,if you count being locked in your house is better off. Unless you want to go to a hump which case you have to sign a disclaimer that says you will not hold hump responsible if you catch COVID-19 and die. And if you play it safe and wear a mask, hump will mock you and call you a wussy until you take it off....cause hump is the smartest hump in the world.
Fauci gave the go to lock the country down, a lover of Hillary. One of your guys you stupid shit.

Hump lied for weeks about the severity of the virus....36,000 died due to his incompetence.....Dung Breath...
Did Pelosi lie when after Trump decided to agree with Fauci, tell people to get out and associate?
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
the community reinvestment act ...
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
the community reinvestment act ...
Yes, something I never did receive.
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
The last recession was in 2009. Why are we going back 11 yrs?
I don't know you seem to feel the need to make excuses for presidents that were in office when financial recession hit...the last one was in Feb and the one before that was in 2008-2009.I do believe Bush was in office in 2008-2009....Can you make an excuse for him?
I didnt vote for Bush. What excuse did I make for that idiot? It was under Clinton that the policy of “everyone gets a house” was implemented. Banned yet?
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
The 13.75% unemployment rate should help...
You realize that’s due to the pandemic, right? Please get banned again and soon.
The last recession was due to the housing market now make an issue about that.
the community reinvestment act ...
Yes, something I never did receive.
You cannot “receive” the CRA. LOL.
I really dont pay that much attention.
Although after the spamdemic I had some bank shares go from 26 to 6 bucks a share but they're already back to 20.
That didnt change the way I live in anyway though.
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.

I see Putin's Trolls are getting some overtime. The highest unemployment since the depression...and graduates are gonna find plenty of jobs. Putin is desperate to screw the US for 4 more years.
So hump goes to Arizona and pushes them to reopen. They are seeing record numvers of COVID-19 cases. The Gov is a hump Stooge.
Last edited:
No better, No worse. We are both currently in college so hard to expect things to be any better.

You are far more likely to find a job after graduation thanks to president Trump's pro business policies.
Oh absolutely I think so as well. Political Science is my major, I am not expecting a ton of money I would be happy making 35k a year or so wife is almost done with her degree in medical office administration so fortunately the medical sector has stayed busy so she shouldn't have a problem finding work.
i'm delighted to see young, bright people studying polysci... it's one of the greatest topics ever, you will never get board. let me ask you about socialism as Bernie wanted. ?

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