Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

You do know that being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is a requirement for eligibility to be president........DON'T YOU???? That is in the law of the Constitution, not how much you make vs taxes paid.......dumbass

Did that stop any Republicans from supporting Cruz, who was born in Canada, you ignorant bitch?

Obama would've been a natural born citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship, AND the fact he was born in Hawaii.

BUT wasn't both of Cruz's parents American citizens that just happened to give birth while in Canada?...not as residents? Either/or I don't care. I never supported Cruz, neither did many others and he's not President, now is he?

As for Obama's so called birthright.......yes he needed to provide his birth certificate to verify that

This would be the same as when people were demanding Hillary's health records, something protected by HIPPA's nobody's damn business.

ps.......I'm not the one showing ignorance by not accepting the facts. You are by resorting to vicious name calling.
I don't give a rats ass if he paid nothing. There are a shitload of Democrats who are in trouble with the IRS, and no one cares about them. The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it. His taxes are between him and the IRS. They aren't important at all.

Okay. Stay with us here, thinks might get complicated. Answer these questions:

1. Did Trump say he would release his taxes? (keep in mind that video is a thing)
2. Is he going to do it?

It's only 5 days into his Presidency. Did he say he'd do it in a week?

Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

He's not releasing them at all.

So let's recap: YOU think the "important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it"

Do you STILL think that?

The wall
Sanctuary Cities
Wiping out ISIS
Ban on immigration from certain ME countries
Stopping taxpayer funded abortion over seas
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Yes, I still believe that.

I already stated that I didn't give a rats ass about his taxes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Nevermind, I know the answer.
  • The Wall, will never be paid for by the Mexican Government, it will be build, if it is, by the taxes We the People pay.
  • Obamacare / the PPACA may very well be repealed, money will be saved (maybe) but lives will be lost (definitely).
  • Sanctuary Cities will resist, and if trump decides to single out specific cities via an EO, he will find himself in court tying to defend his violation of the 5th A. (Due Process Clause). In effect, doing so will be a high crime and an impeachable offense
  • Wiping out ISIS. If trump puts tens of thousands of our servicemen and women in harms way, the protest across America will dwarf what we saw in DC, cities and towns across the nation on Saturday last
  • The final three bullet points are doable, but morally evil, since the known consequences will cause the deaths' of innocents.

Lol, you lefties have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME you said anything about Trump. Yet you still talk like you know what is definitely going to happen.

You are wrong about every single point you just made, the wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, 0bamacare will be replaced and not cost any lives, sanctuary cities will fall in line, and we can wipe out ISIS without harm to any troops.
Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

You do know that being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is a requirement for eligibility to be president........DON'T YOU???? That is in the law of the Constitution, not how much you make vs taxes paid.......dumbass

Did that stop any Republicans from supporting Cruz, who was born in Canada, you ignorant bitch?

Obama would've been a natural born citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship, AND the fact he was born in Hawaii.

BUT wasn't both of Cruz's parents American citizens that just happened to give birth while in Canada?...not as residents? Either/or I don't care. I never supported Cruz, neither did many others and he's not President, now is he?

As for Obama's so called birthright.......yes he needed to provide his birth certificate to verify that

This would be the same as when people were demanding Hillary's health records, something protected by HIPPA's nobody's damn business.

ps.......I'm not the one showing ignorance by not accepting the facts. You are by resorting to vicious name calling.

What do you expect? Stupid is as stupid does.
Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

You do know that being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is a requirement for eligibility to be president........DON'T YOU???? That is in the law of the Constitution, not how much you make vs taxes paid.......dumbass

Did that stop any Republicans from supporting Cruz, who was born in Canada, you ignorant bitch?

Obama would've been a natural born citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship, AND the fact he was born in Hawaii.

BUT wasn't both of Cruz's parents American citizens that just happened to give birth while in Canada?...not as residents? Either/or I don't care. I never supported Cruz, neither did many others and he's not President, now is he?

As for Obama's so called birthright.......yes he needed to provide his birth certificate to verify that

This would be the same as when people were demanding Hillary's health records, something protected by HIPPA's nobody's damn business.

ps.......I'm not the one showing ignorance by not accepting the facts. You are by resorting to vicious name calling.

Obama proved his place of birth during the primaries. Bigots like you and Trump demanded MORE proof for 6 more years.

Cruz's father was born in Cuba, and was not a natural-born American citizen.

/---- Hillary Clinton Avoided Taxes the Same Way Trump Did. Hillary Clinton used the same exact method as Donald Trump to pay less tax, according to her own tax returns released by her presidential campaign.

The bigger issue here is not how much - if any - Trump paid in taxes.

It's about spotlighting where his investments are, where his liabilities are, and thus where his conflicts of interest lie.

Seriously, explaining this shit to you people is like talking to a golden fucking retriever.

/---- Hillary Clinton Avoided Taxes the Same Way Trump Did. Hillary Clinton used the same exact method as Donald Trump to pay less tax, according to her own tax returns released by her presidential campaign.

The bigger issue here is not how much - if any - Trump paid in taxes.

It's about spotlighting where his investments are, where his liabilities are, and thus where his conflicts of interest lie.

Seriously, explaining this shit to you people is like talking to a golden fucking retriever.
Ever thought of offering 'treats'?
Anyway, agreed about the 'bigger issue'.
Oh, and just added: Trump got us out of that bull shit Paris Climate accord that 0bama fucked us in the ass with.

Yeah, I don't give a shit about his taxes.

You paid your taxes and you don't care if he did? That's mighty gracious of you.

I made 5M last year and will pay zero in personal taxes. Thanks for the pass.
Oh, and just added: Trump got us out of that bull shit Paris Climate accord that 0bama fucked us in the ass with.

Yeah, I don't give a shit about his taxes.

Aw, come on ... you have lots of shit to give, you do so in almost every post you write. How many bulls do you own, BTW?
Okay. Stay with us here, thinks might get complicated. Answer these questions:

1. Did Trump say he would release his taxes? (keep in mind that video is a thing)
2. Is he going to do it?

It's only 5 days into his Presidency. Did he say he'd do it in a week?

Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

He's not releasing them at all.

So let's recap: YOU think the "important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it"

Do you STILL think that?

The wall
Sanctuary Cities
Wiping out ISIS
Ban on immigration from certain ME countries
Stopping taxpayer funded abortion over seas
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Yes, I still believe that.

I already stated that I didn't give a rats ass about his taxes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Nevermind, I know the answer.
  • The Wall, will never be paid for by the Mexican Government, it will be build, if it is, by the taxes We the People pay.
  • Obamacare / the PPACA may very well be repealed, money will be saved (maybe) but lives will be lost (definitely).
  • Sanctuary Cities will resist, and if trump decides to single out specific cities via an EO, he will find himself in court tying to defend his violation of the 5th A. (Due Process Clause). In effect, doing so will be a high crime and an impeachable offense
  • Wiping out ISIS. If trump puts tens of thousands of our servicemen and women in harms way, the protest across America will dwarf what we saw in DC, cities and towns across the nation on Saturday last
  • The final three bullet points are doable, but morally evil, since the known consequences will cause the deaths' of innocents.

Lol, you lefties have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME you said anything about Trump. Yet you still talk like you know what is definitely going to happen.

You are wrong about every single point you just made, the wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, 0bamacare will be replaced and not cost any lives, sanctuary cities will fall in line, and we can wipe out ISIS without harm to any troops.

Thanks so much Nostradamus, would you be so kind as to let me know who wins the world series this year, the 2018 Super Bowl and if Mavericks will have a contest this year, and the size of the waves and the winner?

/---- Hillary Clinton Avoided Taxes the Same Way Trump Did. Hillary Clinton used the same exact method as Donald Trump to pay less tax, according to her own tax returns released by her presidential campaign.

The bigger issue here is not how much - if any - Trump paid in taxes.

It's about spotlighting where his investments are, where his liabilities are, and thus where his conflicts of interest lie.

Seriously, explaining this shit to you people is like talking to a golden fucking retriever.

It's been explained to them many times, they simply ignore the facts as they've been presented, and choose to respond with a non sequitur. It is not a logical error, it is a malicious lie and has become a conspiracy to mislead the reader. Something which seems to be inherent in the character of the 21st Century Conservative, i.e. dishonesty.
Oh, and just added: Trump got us out of that bull shit Paris Climate accord that 0bama fucked us in the ass with.

Yeah, I don't give a shit about his taxes.

You paid your taxes and you don't care if he did? That's mighty gracious of you.

I made 5M last year and will pay zero in personal taxes. Thanks for the pass.

Weird how someone as illiterate as you made so much money. But hey, this is America. Congrats.
It's only 5 days into his Presidency. Did he say he'd do it in a week?

Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

He's not releasing them at all.

So let's recap: YOU think the "important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it"

Do you STILL think that?

The wall
Sanctuary Cities
Wiping out ISIS
Ban on immigration from certain ME countries
Stopping taxpayer funded abortion over seas
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Yes, I still believe that.

I already stated that I didn't give a rats ass about his taxes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Nevermind, I know the answer.
  • The Wall, will never be paid for by the Mexican Government, it will be build, if it is, by the taxes We the People pay.
  • Obamacare / the PPACA may very well be repealed, money will be saved (maybe) but lives will be lost (definitely).
  • Sanctuary Cities will resist, and if trump decides to single out specific cities via an EO, he will find himself in court tying to defend his violation of the 5th A. (Due Process Clause). In effect, doing so will be a high crime and an impeachable offense
  • Wiping out ISIS. If trump puts tens of thousands of our servicemen and women in harms way, the protest across America will dwarf what we saw in DC, cities and towns across the nation on Saturday last
  • The final three bullet points are doable, but morally evil, since the known consequences will cause the deaths' of innocents.

Lol, you lefties have been wrong EVERY SINGLE TIME you said anything about Trump. Yet you still talk like you know what is definitely going to happen.

You are wrong about every single point you just made, the wall will be built and Mexico will pay for it, 0bamacare will be replaced and not cost any lives, sanctuary cities will fall in line, and we can wipe out ISIS without harm to any troops.

Thanks so much Nostradamus, would you be so kind as to let me know who wins the world series this year, the 2018 Super Bowl and if Mavericks will have a contest this year, and the size of the waves and the winner?

So let's see how this goes then shall we? You can make predictions about things you don't have a clue, and that's fine, but I make the opposite prediction and this is how you respond? I am not surprised of course.
Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

Let me ask you.... in the Constitution of our country, which item is mentioned as a requirement to be qualified to be president:
  1. Tax returns being released.
  2. Being a U.S. citizen by birth.
You get one chance to answer, and a wrong answer proves yourself unqualified to be on this debate.

Bonus question- Which poster in the last 20 post has proven himself immature, and too ignorant to have an opinion of any value?

It's a trick question: The answer is only two letters, one of which is "m", and is only accurate if you answer the question. Good luck! :D
I don't care about Trump's taxes and legally he's not obligated to release them.

However, since he said he's going to release his tax reports, I want him to keep his word.

He's already said he won't. He's a piece of shit liar, and you were conned. The reason you SHOULD care about his taxes is so that we can all be aware of who he owes money to. That's how conflicts of interest work for the leader of the free world.

I don't care about his taxes. I don't care who he owes money to.

The only reason he should release it because during campaign he said he will.

You should care. If you care at all about the direction of the country.

Yeah, because if he paid a lot... .that will.... what? How dumb do you have to be, to think that how much he paid in taxes, will magically make his polices work or fail?

Are you telling me, that if he proposes increasing the minimum wage, that if he paid too little in tax, then it won't work, and if he paid tons, it will work?

You can't be this stupid.

No. Look, you're too fucking stupid to know the true purpose behind inspecting an alleged billionaire-president's tax returns, so let me explain it to you:

Tax returns tell you who the president owes money to. If he had hundreds of millions in debt to various creditors (which he does), then the extent to which he sells of American policy and/or assets to personally enrich himself by paying this debt will be unknown without knowing precisely who he owes debt to.

This isn't some gotcha game of pinpointing how much he paid in taxes. This is about the integrity of the office of president.

Something you care nothing for, apparently.

I've never seen a tax return yet that showed who I owed money to.

Second, Trump himself likely doesn't have any personal loans. Most of the loans are to his corporations, none of which would show up on a personal tax return.

Seriously dude.... that's the whole point of a limited liability corporation. It shields you from frivolous law suits. You think a billionaire is going to sign personally on this stuff? Come on.
I have more concern about the Clintons leaving the White House dead broke and now having $200 million in their bank account. Why don't you libtards do something about that.?


and this is just plain sick
Lol, sick? What are you, a pastor?

I agree, it's just dumb. Grow up. What are you 5 years old?

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