Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

Nope, a friend of mine said he overpaid. I think that's what Harry Reid told me, but he couldn't confirm it.

Another who missed the point. It's not the tax he paid, or the tax he didn't pay, the FACT IS HE DIDN'T RELEASE HIS TAXES AND LIED ABOUT WHY HE DID NOT!
should we offer him a contingency remuneration, in we case we learn the, "Art of the Deal" from him?

Nope, a friend of mine said he overpaid. I think that's what Harry Reid told me, but he couldn't confirm it.

Another who missed the point. It's not the tax he paid, or the tax he didn't pay, the FACT IS HE DIDN'T RELEASE HIS TAXES AND LIED ABOUT WHY HE DID NOT!

Lies, according to unconfirmed sources he overpaid his taxes.

Hey, it got Obama elected afterall
I am willing to guarantee you 100% Trump did not overpay on purpose, even if he did - that's not why he pays people big bucks to do his taxes.

Believe it or not, Trump has /always/ been private about his financials. From the 80s onward it's been commented on by journalists that he doesn't talk about his business money except in very vague terms - that is actually what frustrated a lot of the Trump U folks; he didn't give up details, just the principles and guidelines (well that and they wanted to actually talk to him, probably in some misguided idea that they'd get details heh)

I think it boils down to either you trust Trump or you don't -- the voters trusted him and voted for him so his call/assumption that we don't care about his taxes isn't without basis in reality. Which also leads directly to the reality that most of the folks clambering for his taxes are not supporters, merely people who don't trust him. ~shrug~
The large majority did not vote for Trump. Militants voted for Trump. Not voting for him indicates not wanting him for President. That makes about 45% who didn't vote and somewhere around 5% who voted other than the two party twins. Add those who voted Democrat, and Trump is a distinctly minority President.
He is trusted... do things like name the head of Exxon to a top government post, to entangle already very complicated international affairs, to divide and polarize the nation, to preen and strut and self-glorify. He has, so far, been faithful to that trust. He has not been faithful to his own word.
Holding to his word the person who desires to sit in the highest position of power in the U.S. has nothing to do with invasion of privacy.
It's a moot point.

Even if Trump releases his taxes, and he shouldn't, how will Dems stop Putin from flipping all 25 Senate seats, even Schumer in NY in 2018?
It's a moot point.

Even if Trump releases his taxes, and he shouldn't, how will Dems stop Putin from flipping all 25 Senate seats, even Schumer in NY in 2018?

Huh? Even coming from you Frank, this post is more convoluted than your usual idiot-gram. Let me break it down for you:
  1. Trump lied, he said he could not release his taxes to the public because they were being audited - that is not true.
  2. Democrats cannot stop Putin from interfering with our democratic institutions, Republicans have the power for now.
  3. The R's in power can control the future make up of the Senate and the H. of Reps. by how they govern from now until Nov 2018
  4. If the Congress under Ryan and McConnell continue their past leadership, things will change from bad to better*** in Jan. 2019.
***if an only if trump grows into the job (unlikely) or has been removed from office by resignation or impeachment. We will then have to contend with Pence, the man who is loyal to Christianity, Conservatism and the Republican Party leaving our country and its people in fourth and fifth place (ir-respectively)
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Nope, a friend of mine said he overpaid. I think that's what Harry Reid told me, but he couldn't confirm it.

Another who missed the point. It's not the tax he paid, or the tax he didn't pay, the FACT IS HE DIDN'T RELEASE HIS TAXES AND LIED ABOUT WHY HE DID NOT!

He shouldn't have to release his taxes, and no one should ever have to even give a reason for it. Nonya biz ness.
The best defense of a man who give his word and does not hold to it seems to be to change the subject. One thing even the most ardent acolytes can't do is undo the deception. The deceiver stands revealed.
The large majority did not vote for Trump. Militants voted for Trump. Not voting for him indicates not wanting him for President. That makes about 45% who didn't vote and somewhere around 5% who voted other than the two party twins. Add those who voted Democrat, and Trump is a distinctly minority President.
He is trusted... do things like name the head of Exxon to a top government post, to entangle already very complicated international affairs, to divide and polarize the nation, to preen and strut and self-glorify. He has, so far, been faithful to that trust. He has not been faithful to his own word.

I haven't seen a president elected yet, that got the majority of the public trusting him.

If you want to count everyone who didn't vote for Trump as being anti-Trump, then Obama only got 65 million votes in 2012. That's out of 235 Million eligible voters, who didn't want to vote for Obama.

Again, you are assuming everyone who didn't vote for Trump was against Trump. By that same logic, 170 Million people were against Obama, and didn't trust him.

Trump won the election. The end. Story finished. Game over. You lost. Have a nice day.
The best defense of a man who give his word and does not hold to it seems to be to change the subject. One thing even the most ardent acolytes can't do is undo the deception. The deceiver stands revealed.

Are we talking about Hillary Clinton? You know, the one who said directly to the widows of murdered men and women, that the reason they were killed was because of some obscure video?
It's a moot point.

Even if Trump releases his taxes, and he shouldn't, how will Dems stop Putin from flipping all 25 Senate seats, even Schumer in NY in 2018?

Huh? Even coming from you Frank, this post is more convoluted than your usual idiot-gram. Let me break it down for you:
  1. Trump lied, he said he could not release his taxes to the public because they were being audited - that is not true.
  2. Democrats cannot stop Putin from interfering with our democratic institutions, Republicans have the power for now.
  3. The R's in power can control the future make up of the Senate and the H. of Reps. by how they govern from now until Nov 2018
  4. If the Congress under Ryan and McConnell continue their past leadership, things will change from bad to better*** in Jan. 2019.
***if an only if trump grows into the job (unlikely) or has been removed from office by resignation or impeachment. We will then have to contend with Pence, the man who is loyal to Christianity, Conservatism and the Republican Party leaving our country and its people in fourth and fifth place (ir-respectively)

1. Don't care. Not important. Shouldn't be an issue to begin with. If anything I'm glad Trump balls to tell you tax file demanding nimrods, to stick it.

2. There is no evidence that Putin had any real effect on the election either way. People hated Hillary decades ago. This isn't new. Nor is there any evidence the Democraps could stop it, or would even. They have routinely taken money from foreign governments in the past. Hillary and the China missile tech scandal ring a bell?

3. Good.

4. Good.

5. Pence: Good good and bad. I don't care about the party, but the rest of that is great.

Not interested. Trump likely has a small army of lawyers and tax accountants advising him. I seriously doubt he's done anything that is not legal.

I'm more interested in knowing who paid for Obabble's college education and what's in his transcripts. Those had more to do with Obabble's background and qualifications to be President than do Trump's compliance wtih a Byzantine Tax Code that he didn't write.

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