Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

Oh, I'm curious, but only in things that matter.

Such as Obama's place of birth? But not Putin's influence on the trump Administration?

Are you curious that trump bloviated on voter fraud, claiming 3-5 million voted illegally and (some) were registered to vote in two states? Now we've learned his daughter is registered in two states, as is one of his nominees.

His place of birth mattered at the time, he refused to provide his BC. When he did, it no longer mattered.

Putin has no influence on the Yrump Adminstration.

Trump is probably right on the voter fraud.

Did his daughter vote twice? I'll bet not. I used to be registered in both Florida and South Carolina. But I only voted in one state at a time, the state I currently resided in.

Nothing there, try again.

Are you totally brainwashed, or a pathological liar (as is trump)? Do we need to read incredulous lies for the next four years from clowns like you?

Q. Did his daughter vote twice

A. Probably not, but your question is a non sequitur.

Why is it that I have to explain every single thing to you people? Nevermind, I know the answer. That's why I normally just call you people names, it's easier than explaining the painfully obvious over and over.

But hey, here goes:

Nothing in my statement was a lie. Much of it is my opinion and why would I lie about that?

There is exactly zero proof that Putin had any effect on the election. That has been proven to you numerous times.

It is totally relevant that she did not vote twice, that is Trumps point about the voter fraud.

Got it?

I doubt it.

I get the point that some of what you post is your opinion, or the opinion of someone else who your are echoing.

Your argument that his daughter being registered in two states is not relevant is wrong. trump based his argument on the fact that many voters who are registered in two or more states are evidence of fraud, which you correctly point out was not the intent of his daughter. Yet trump concludes this fact is proof of fraud which does not follow logically.

Voter fraud on the magnitude trump alleges has been debunked by state Attorney Generals and local County Clerks across the nation.

Please re-read, I said it was relevant. "Totally relevant" I said. You implied it was not.
His actions on:

The pipelines
Sanctuary cities
The wall
Obama's gift to terrorists
Our embassy in Israel
Taxpayer funded abortions

And much more, all in less than a week on the job! You think I give a fuck about his taxes? Only butthurt lefties care about that.
Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

You do know that being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is a requirement for eligibility to be president........DON'T YOU???? That is in the law of the Constitution, not how much you make vs taxes paid.......dumbass
Except these.......even though Bush/Cheney did provide their returns for other years, why didn't they in 2000 & 2001??? Were you screaming then?

For tax year 2001, both President Bush and Vice President Cheney released partial returns. For tax year 2000, Bush released only his Form 1040; Cheney provided a summary of his taxes, but released no forms.

Gerald Ford did not release his returns, but he did release summary data about his federal taxes for the years between 1966 and 1975

and why not from Truman to Nixon? FDR didn't release his either or anyone before him.

This is just mind blowing. All that logical gymnastics to justify your president not releasing his tax returns, yet you (and especially Trump) frothed at the mouth to demand Obama release A BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

You're truly pathetic and said.

You do know that being a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN is a requirement for eligibility to be president........DON'T YOU???? That is in the law of the Constitution, not how much you make vs taxes paid.......dumbass

Did that stop any Republicans from supporting Cruz, who was born in Canada, you ignorant bitch?

Obama would've been a natural born citizen by virtue of his mother's citizenship, AND the fact he was born in Hawaii.
The IRS has been auditing him for awhile now....if there was something wrong in there we would know about it already.

Give up. You folks are looking mighty petty.
Trump hasn't paid fed income taxes.

Stopped reading here.

The question was: Did Trump paid taxes that he was required to pay?

Irrelevant to your claim that those who paid zero federal income taxes should not have a say in how revenues are spent. You get that, right?

Did Trump paid taxes that he was required to pay?
Do welfare queens in Detroit and LA?

You have to use the same standards for both. Trump didn't pay federal income tax. By your own requirements, he's unable to chart our course in terms of revenue expenditures.
The IRS has been auditing him for awhile now....if there was something wrong in there we would know about it already.

Give up. You folks are looking mighty petty.

This isn't about wrongdoing with his filings. It's about tracking his monetary interests, debts, etc. Unless you want the president satisfying debts using government property. In which case you're an embarrassing, unethical, unAmerican hypocrite (but we already knew that).
See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.

Ok, more progress. I'm excited!

Did Trump say he would release his tax returns? Yes or no.


Did he also now say that he is NOT going to release his tax returns?
Yes, he was seen and heard to say it on t.v.

You. Are. Not. Smart.

Someone like you saying that, has zero credibility or effect.

You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

I posted the thread, and the question asked is very simple, one even you might comprehend. I am curious as to what trump is hiding, that you don't seem to care suggests to me:
  • You voted for trump and are defending your self from cognitive dissonance, or
  • You voted for trump and lack the ego strength to admit he lied and you have been fooled, or
  • You voted for trump and believe ignorance is strength and war is peace
The IRS has been auditing him for awhile now....if there was something wrong in there we would know about it already.

Give up. You folks are looking mighty petty.

This isn't about wrongdoing with his filings. It's about tracking his monetary interests, debts, etc. Unless you want the president satisfying debts using government property. In which case you're an embarrassing, unethincal, unAmerican hypocrite (but we already knew that).
Well that's the IRS job to figure out. Not yours.
The IRS has been auditing him for awhile now....if there was something wrong in there we would know about it already.

Give up. You folks are looking mighty petty.

This isn't about wrongdoing with his filings. It's about tracking his monetary interests, debts, etc. Unless you want the president satisfying debts using government property. In which case you're an embarrassing, unethincal, unAmerican hypocrite (but we already knew that).
Well that's the IRS job to figure out. Not yours.

No it's fucking not, you idiot.
The IRS has been auditing him for awhile now....if there was something wrong in there we would know about it already.

Give up. You folks are looking mighty petty.

This isn't about wrongdoing with his filings. It's about tracking his monetary interests, debts, etc. Unless you want the president satisfying debts using government property. In which case you're an embarrassing, unethincal, unAmerican hypocrite (but we already knew that).
Well that's the IRS job to figure out. Not yours.

No it's fucking not, you idiot.
Yes it is you stupid faggot.
Trump didn't pay any or very little personal taxes. Like me, he didn't 'technically' make any money.
Someone like you saying that, has zero credibility or effect.

You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

I posted the thread, and the question asked is very simple, one even you might comprehend. I am curious as to what trump is hiding, that you don't seem to care suggests to me:
  • You voted for trump and are defending your self from cognitive dissonance, or
  • You voted for trump and lack the ego strength to admit he lied and you have been fooled, or
  • You voted for trump and believe ignorance is strength and war is peace

Your ability to think rationally is hampered by one of two things: either you are a stubborn partisan, or you cannot read. I clearly stated my reasons and you included none of them in your post.

This is why you are wrong all the time. You should try listening and rational thought based on what you actually hear not what you choose to hear.

But then, you wouldn't be a liberal so....

*oh and btw, one does not "defend ones self FROM cognitive dissonance" one USES it to fend off the truth.
I am willing to bet money that the reason Trump's elected not to release his taxes is because it's just going to be used to paint him in a bad light, no matter what they say.

The MSM is on a mentally unstable warpath to destroy Trump because he is essentially destroying them. Everything he and his people have said is true - most people do not care about his tax returns (we accept that he probably paid nothing, we don't care because that has nothing to do with anything.) The people who do care are only looking for something to bitch about, you all say it with your posts but apparently cannot admit the truth of it.

Releasing them now and letting you idiots go off for a few weeks about how he didn't pay taxes, that his personal income isn't that high (of course it won't be, net worth is not reflected on taxes idiots), he didn't give to charity (orrr he didn't claim tax deductions for them, or went through his various businesses to contribute, or a bunch of other methods,) is only going to forward your vile anti-American agenda to delegitimize the legally elected President of this nation. It's subversive and disgusting and would merely offend folks like me (and the millions of others who voted for Trump) by further exposing what complete hypocritical pieces of shit you folks are. He's actually doing you all a favor, by trying to protect the currently fragile faith in the merits of the electoral practice in this country. You'll also note that he's calling for an investigation into the voting fraud thing that your media is spreading - again trying to restore faith that's been lost because of subversive assholes.

Frankly I think he should release his taxes and utterly destroy you bastards, but he's a far nicer asshole than I...
I don't give a rats ass if he paid nothing. There are a shitload of Democrats who are in trouble with the IRS, and no one cares about them. The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it. His taxes are between him and the IRS. They aren't important at all.

Okay. Stay with us here, thinks might get complicated. Answer these questions:

1. Did Trump say he would release his taxes? (keep in mind that video is a thing)
2. Is he going to do it?

It's only 5 days into his Presidency. Did he say he'd do it in a week?

Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

He's not releasing them at all.

So let's recap: YOU think the "important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it"

Do you STILL think that?

The wall
Sanctuary Cities
Wiping out ISIS
Ban on immigration from certain ME countries
Stopping taxpayer funded abortion over seas
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Yes, I still believe that.

I already stated that I didn't give a rats ass about his taxes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Nevermind, I know the answer.
  • The Wall, will never be paid for by the Mexican Government, it will be build, if it is, by the taxes We the People pay.
  • Obamacare / the PPACA may very well be repealed, money will be saved (maybe) but lives will be lost (definitely).
  • Sanctuary Cities will resist, and if trump decides to single out specific cities via an EO, he will find himself in court tying to defend his violation of the 5th A. (Due Process Clause). In effect, doing so will be a high crime and an impeachable offense
  • Wiping out ISIS. If trump puts tens of thousands of our servicemen and women in harms way, the protest across America will dwarf what we saw in DC, cities and towns across the nation on Saturday last
  • The final three bullet points are doable, but morally evil, since the known consequences will cause the deaths' of innocents.

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