Are you curious about Trump's Taxes?

I don't give a rats ass if he paid nothing. There are a shitload of Democrats who are in trouble with the IRS, and no one cares about them. The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it. His taxes are between him and the IRS. They aren't important at all.

Hypocritical, dishonest, and stupid.

You're a triple-threat guy!

Meh, the opinion of a deranged leftist has zero credibility or effect.

You don't need to believe me. Just read what the fuck we're typing, douchebag. It's inescapable logic.

Now your repeated stupidity is just boring me.

No, that's not boredom you're feeling. That's frustration at being cross-examined and hung with your own retarded statements, and the facts.
PredFan right now

There is exactly zero proof that Putin had any effect on the election. That has been proven to you numerous times.


You. Are. Not. Smart.

Someone like you saying that, has zero credibility or effect.

You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

You. Are. Not. Smart.

Someone like you saying that, has zero credibility or effect.

You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?
Okay, fine, then Trump should have no say in where federal income tax goes? Is that what you're saying?

No, that's what you're saying.

Now again (3rd time), before we jump to next quote, did Trump paid taxes that he was required to pay?

Keep in mind, logic exists, as does history of your prior posts.

Yep, you think that if you assume I said something, that I actually said it. I keep correcting you, but you don't get it.

Your second sentence is irrelevant.
You don't get to decide that. You have your arguments, I got mine.

Now, how about answer to that question above?
I don't give a rats ass if he paid nothing. There are a shitload of Democrats who are in trouble with the IRS, and no one cares about them. The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it. His taxes are between him and the IRS. They aren't important at all.

Okay. Stay with us here, thinks might get complicated. Answer these questions:

1. Did Trump say he would release his taxes? (keep in mind that video is a thing)
2. Is he going to do it?

It's only 5 days into his Presidency. Did he say he'd do it in a week?

Conway: Trump will not release tax returns -

He's not releasing them at all.

So let's recap: YOU think the "important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it"

Do you STILL think that?

The wall
Sanctuary Cities
Wiping out ISIS
Ban on immigration from certain ME countries
Stopping taxpayer funded abortion over seas
Moving our embassy to Jerusalem

Yes, I still believe that.

I already stated that I didn't give a rats ass about his taxes. Why is that so difficult for you to understand?

Nevermind, I know the answer.
I don't give a rats ass if he paid nothing. There are a shitload of Democrats who are in trouble with the IRS, and no one cares about them. The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it. His taxes are between him and the IRS. They aren't important at all.

Hypocritical, dishonest, and stupid.

You're a triple-threat guy!

Meh, the opinion of a deranged leftist has zero credibility or effect.

You don't need to believe me. Just read what the fuck we're typing, douchebag. It's inescapable logic.

Now your repeated stupidity is just boring me.

No, that's not boredom you're feeling. That's frustration at being cross-examined and hung with your own retarded statements, and the facts.

Someone like you saying that, has zero credibility or effect.

You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.
Okay, fine, then Trump should have no say in where federal income tax goes? Is that what you're saying?

No, that's what you're saying.

Now again (3rd time), before we jump to next quote, did Trump paid taxes that he was required to pay?

Keep in mind, logic exists, as does history of your prior posts.

Yep, you think that if you assume I said something, that I actually said it. I keep correcting you, but you don't get it.

Your second sentence is irrelevant.
You don't get to decide that. You have your arguments, I got mine.

Now, how about answer to that question above?

Garydog isn't not a bright guy, but he's fun to play around with....for now.
Hypocritical, dishonest, and stupid.

You're a triple-threat guy!

Meh, the opinion of a deranged leftist has zero credibility or effect.

You don't need to believe me. Just read what the fuck we're typing, douchebag. It's inescapable logic.

Now your repeated stupidity is just boring me.

No, that's not boredom you're feeling. That's frustration at being cross-examined and hung with your own retarded statements, and the facts.


Really? That was not your attitude regarding Obama. You chastised him in 2012 for "hiding things from the public."

Mittens say separation of church and state goes too far

did Trump paid taxes that he was required to pay?

Hardly relevant given your initial claim that "those who do not pay federal income tax should have no say in where the tax money goes."

Trump hasn't paid fed income taxes.

Therefore.....(I'll give you a shot at this before I give you the answer)

Yep, you think that if you assume I said something, that I actually said it. I keep correcting you, but you don't get it.

No, it's not an "assumption." We have proof you said it.

You don't get to decide that. You have your arguments, I got mine.

You didn't make the distinction about "paid all taxes required" in your original post. A welfare queen from Detroit paid ALL THE TAXES SHE'S REQUIRED TO PAY. Correct?

Therefore, she, like Trump, should have a say in where they go? (HINT: Here's a chance to vindicate yourself)

Now, how about answer to that question above?

Nah, you need to answer me, first. Should Trump have no say where federal taxes go, given that we know he did not pay federal income tax?
You're the guy who claims taxes are irrelevant in the same post in which you lambast democrats for not paying taxes! Are you joking?

Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.

Ok, more progress. I'm excited!

Did Trump say he would release his tax returns? Yes or no.
Yes, very. One of the main reasons politicians ever started making their taxes public was to see how policy proposals they support would affect their own finances. It's an anti-corruption thing. I think it is important that Trump release his taxes.

That being said, I don't think Trump would necessarily benefit anymore than any other relatively high income person. I believe he will never release his taxes for the simple reason that his income is shockingly low from what people *think* it should be. I also believe that a big reason Trump won't divest from his business interests is because he can't, he's upside-down or very close to a push.
Meh, the opinion of a deranged leftist has zero credibility or effect.

You don't need to believe me. Just read what the fuck we're typing, douchebag. It's inescapable logic.

Now your repeated stupidity is just boring me.

No, that's not boredom you're feeling. That's frustration at being cross-examined and hung with your own retarded statements, and the facts.


Really? That was not your attitude regarding Obama. You chastised him in 2012 for "hiding things from the public."

Mittens say separation of church and state goes too far


Lol, you post things that you don't understand, and you post them as a response to posts you don't understand.

I'll need a slide rule to estimate how fucking stupid you are.
Wrong. I did no such thing.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.

Ok, more progress. I'm excited!

Did Trump say he would release his tax returns? Yes or no.

So you think Democrats who haven't paid the IRS are beyond reproach, along with Trump? Progress!

See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.

Ok, more progress. I'm excited!

Did Trump say he would release his tax returns? Yes or no.


Did he also now say that he is NOT going to release his tax returns?
Color me surprised. Curious is not a characteristic I would attribute to you.

Oh, I'm curious, but only in things that matter.

Such as Obama's place of birth? But not Putin's influence on the trump Administration?

Are you curious that trump bloviated on voter fraud, claiming 3-5 million voted illegally and (some) were registered to vote in two states? Now we've learned his daughter is registered in two states, as is one of his nominees.

His place of birth mattered at the time, he refused to provide his BC. When he did, it no longer mattered.

Putin has no influence on the Yrump Adminstration.

Trump is probably right on the voter fraud.

Did his daughter vote twice? I'll bet not. I used to be registered in both Florida and South Carolina. But I only voted in one state at a time, the state I currently resided in.

Nothing there, try again.

Are you totally brainwashed, or a pathological liar (as is trump)? Do we need to read incredulous lies for the next four years from clowns like you?

Q. Did his daughter vote twice

A. Probably not, but your question is a non sequitur.

Why is it that I have to explain every single thing to you people? Nevermind, I know the answer. That's why I normally just call you people names, it's easier than explaining the painfully obvious over and over.

But hey, here goes:

Nothing in my statement was a lie. Much of it is my opinion and why would I lie about that?

There is exactly zero proof that Putin had any effect on the election. That has been proven to you numerous times.

It is totally relevant that she did not vote twice, that is Trumps point about the voter fraud.

Got it?

I doubt it.

I get the point that some of what you post is your opinion, or the opinion of someone else who your are echoing.

Your argument that his daughter being registered in two states is not relevant is wrong. trump based his argument on the fact that many voters who are registered in two or more states are evidence of fraud, which you correctly point out was not the intent of his daughter. Yet trump concludes this fact is proof of fraud which does not follow logically.

Voter fraud on the magnitude trump alleges has been debunked by state Attorney Generals and local County Clerks across the nation.
See if this helps make even the simple things easier for you to understand:

I don't care and I never said that I did. In fact I implied the exact opposite. I only brought them up because you butthurt lefties are bringing up his taxes. That's called being a hypocrite. You point fingers at Trump when your own are guilty. Google it.

Let's try this again. Maybe more slowly for your simple ass...

YOU SAID: The important thing is that Trump does what he said he would do and he is doing it.

Do you agree with that?

I already answered that. Yes.

Ok, more progress. I'm excited!

Did Trump say he would release his tax returns? Yes or no.


Did he also now say that he is NOT going to release his tax returns?

I don't know, I haven't heard and as I said, I don't give a rats ass.

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