Are you for or against a summit?

Are you for or against the summit with North Korea

  • Yes, I am for the summit

    Votes: 18 90.0%
  • No, I am not for the summit

    Votes: 2 10.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Remember when Trump (greatest president of the modern era and not close) announced talks with NK and then a summit was scheduled? The networks like Maddow and CNN attacked Trump. Pelosi attacked Trump. Then when the SK president met with kim jong un, to put an of the 68 year armistice, the left wing said it had nothing to do with Trump policies.

Not one president has even talked to a NK president, let alone even hint at ending the armistice. Within two years, that is exactly what is happening.

Now, we have a group that attacked Trump for creating a NUCLEAR ESCALATION with NORTH KOREA. Hawaii was freaking out. The left incessant yelling about a war as a result of Trump's tough talk. Then, North Korea does an about face (as a result of the tough talk), and the left say it has nothing do with ANYTHING Trump did.

Am I getting all of that right? I know that must be wrong. I mean it has to be right? The left could not be that blatant with their hypocrisy and not see it. Right? They are not that dumb, are they?

Yes, they are that dumb.
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Remember when Trump (greatest president of the modern era and not close) announced talks with NK and then a summit was scheduled? The networks like Maddow and CNN attacked Trump. Pelosi attacked Trump. Then when the SK president met with kim jong un, and an agreement on end of the 68 year armistice, the left wing said it nothing to do with Trump policies.

Not one president has even talked to a NK president, let alone even hint at ending the armistice. Within two years, that is exactly what is happening.

Now, we have a group that attacked Trump for creating a NUCLEAR ESCALATION with NORTH KOREA. Hawaii was freaking out. The left incessant yelling about a war as a result of Trump's tough talk. Then, North Korea does an about face (as a result of the tough talk), and the left say it has nothing do with ANYTHING Trump did.

Am I getting all of that right? I know that must be wrong. I mean it has to be right? The left could not be that blatant with their hypocrisy and not see it. Right? They are not that dumb, are they?

Yes, they are that dumb.

Unfortunately, yes, they are that stupid.
Remember when Trump (greatest president of the modern era and not close) announced talks with NK and then a summit was scheduled? The networks like Maddow and CNN attacked Trump. Pelosi attacked Trump. Then when the SK president met with kim jong un, to put an of the 68 year armistice, the left wing said it had nothing to do with Trump policies.

Not one president has even talked to a NK president, let alone even hint at ending the armistice. Within two years, that is exactly what is happening.

Now, we have a group that attacked Trump for creating a NUCLEAR ESCALATION with NORTH KOREA. Hawaii was freaking out. The left incessant yelling about a war as a result of Trump's tough talk. Then, North Korea does an about face (as a result of the tough talk), and the left say it has nothing do with ANYTHING Trump did.

Am I getting all of that right? I know that must be wrong. I mean it has to be right? The left could not be that blatant with their hypocrisy and not see it. Right? They are not that dumb, are they?

Yes, they are that dumb.

So when did NK say they would be getting rid of their nuclear bombs?
I'm not in favor of it. Then again I'm not in favor of any type of International communication, cooperation or interface (unless said interface occurs at the end of a weapon).
Remember when Trump (greatest president of the modern era and not close) announced talks with NK and then a summit was scheduled? The networks like Maddow and CNN attacked Trump. Pelosi attacked Trump. Then when the SK president met with kim jong un, to put an of the 68 year armistice, the left wing said it had nothing to do with Trump policies.

Not one president has even talked to a NK president, let alone even hint at ending the armistice. Within two years, that is exactly what is happening.

Now, we have a group that attacked Trump for creating a NUCLEAR ESCALATION with NORTH KOREA. Hawaii was freaking out. The left incessant yelling about a war as a result of Trump's tough talk. Then, North Korea does an about face (as a result of the tough talk), and the left say it has nothing do with ANYTHING Trump did.

Am I getting all of that right? I know that must be wrong. I mean it has to be right? The left could not be that blatant with their hypocrisy and not see it. Right? They are not that dumb, are they?

Yes, they are that dumb.

So when did NK say they would be getting rid of their nuclear bombs?

WTF, Fakebook didn't convey that news?
What possible card Trump can bring to the table to negotiate with a megalomaniac is my Q

NO summit!

Instead one gigantic nuclear strike.

Followed by a tweet that simply says:

I'm for a summit. Why's worth a shot.

BUT, I believe that the summit cannot be allowed to take a long time
for resolution. The Dinks will be just delaying things until America gets
a democrat as president and that wimp takes off all the pressure.

We need finalization to this in a hurry. Let those slime balls know they
will either denuke or be nuked. They'll bargain with us.
Looks like the summit may continue without the US sitting at the table

China will replace us as facilitator
No issue seeing what he has to say............If it works it works............If it doesn't it doesn't.

I hope they are willing to stop their BS and end their program. Jong's policies are damaging to his people and the world.

So why the hell not. Nothing to lose..........All other elements remain in place.

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