Are You Going to Hell?

Bullshit I don't threaten anyone with hell.
Riiiight...not hell,just eternal suffering. Please. You really have a hard time being honest. Lies make baby Jesus cry....
You are really hung up on the destination, aren't you?

I think you are missing out on the journey. Try living in the present.
Nasties would be wouldn't they?
Well... they certainly behave nasty some of the time.
Bullshit I don't threaten anyone with hell.
Riiiight...not hell,just eternal suffering. Please. You really have a hard time being honest. Lies make baby Jesus cry....
You are really hung up on the destination, aren't you?

I think you are missing out on the journey. Try living in the present.
Nasties would be wouldn't they?
Well... they certainly behave nasty.
It reminds me at times of a friend that denied God and was always trying to goad me into arguing with him. He was a super intelligent guy but had been damaged along the way by an over zealous religious mom who beat him with a heeled shoe when he was a boy. He could not overcome that but God showed me to do just as Jesus told us, "Keep that which is good". One day I actually saw that nasty devil spirit manifest in mind friend. About fifteen minutes after that he was sitting at our little kitchen table with the Bible setting on it and he was sobbing as he told us portions about his childhood. I have no doubt that "good" portion in my beloved friend is kept by the one who created us.

These turds on here are so afraid that they are going to have to give up something (like their nasties) that they seem to think somehow they will bend the will that the Holy Spirit put in us. Those demon and devil spirits can't get that part that they already fell like star fall from heaven.
It reminds me at times of a friend that denied God and was always trying to goad me into arguing with him.
Gee, let us all guess how this story turns out:

Everything he said and did, regardless of what it was, served only to reinforce and affirm your preconceptions and magical, iron age beliefs.

It reminds me at times of a friend that denied God and was always trying to goad me into arguing with him.
Gee, let us all guess how this story turns out:

Everything he said and did, regardless of what it was, served only to reinforce and affirm your preconceptions and magical, iron age beliefs.

Nah. He was actually a fun character to be around when he wasn't being used by satan.

He once told us about his wrinkled ole' ass while we sat at an exclusive eatery on a bay down in Florida. I could help but laugh at his antics and his details of how he derived at determining how his ass was as wrinkled as his face.
Don't believe lying MSM and political correct carrier politicians, Hell is in reality waiting for you.
Stop to commit sin and begin to study the Holy Bible, otherwise you are lost.

So where is your proof Hell is a thing?


This is your evidence? The book that has talking snakes, giants and unicorns in it?

So why is it "Hell" doesn't get mentioned until the New Testament. The Jews don't believe in Hell.


Show me where, commie?
This has nothing to do with the price of tea in China.

If you are going to go with the philosophy that your belief validates the existence of God, then all those other "gods' must exist, too.


Speaking of which...

Your summary gives insight into how you think, but has little else to do with the story of Jephthah or the history and culture in which he lived. What I learned about you from your version of the account: Someone who spins his own stories to rationalize his own view of religion and God.

Please point out what I got wrong about Judges Chapter 11 and 12. Jephthah prays to God, promises to sacrifice the first thing he sees when he gets home, and that's his virgin daughter. God loves him some roast virgin, I guess, so he's cool with it. Then he proved his Godliness by murdering 42,000 of his fellow Hebrews.

Tell you what, I told you were to find it, go ahead read it through, let me know what I got wrong.

I am truly sorry your idea of Catholic teaching came in the form of a hateful, ignorant nun. One year, I went through my own version of a hateful nun, so I have some idea of what you went through. But then I moved on and grew up. You battle the cutesy version of Bible Stories with your own hateful version. The second is no more accurate than the first.

Quite the contrary.. I see the Bible for what it is, a book written by religious savages... most of you wouldn't want to live under Bible Law, you'd probably all get stoned to death in a week or so. But you try to pass off this awful book of horrid characters and terrible punishments as a source of moral guidance.

Indeed, you are shadow boxing. No nun ever whacked any of us, and trust me, we were more irreverent in our questions than you. By the way, the histories behind the two genealogies is fascinating.

No, they aren't. HEre's the history. Matthew and Luke ripped off the Gospel of Mark, and just made shit up, to make Jesus fit into the "House of David" narrative to give him Messiah Bona Fides.

Keep in mind, this is supposed to be PROOF that Jesus descended from David (even though they both go through Joseph, who was not the Sperm Donor) but they couldn't even agree on the names of the people in-between or the number of generations. Matthew rips some of it off from the book of Chronicles, but he misses a bunch of people. Luke was just making stuff up.

Indeed, you are shadow boxing. No nun ever whacked any of us, and trust me, we were more irreverent in our questions than you.

Our nuns whacked us all the time. I remember when one of them screamed at this fifth grade girl so much she peed herself in front of the class. These were truly awful people.... with too much religion.

Show me where, commie?

Happy to.

Unicorns in the Bible - Unicorns Rule!

  • In Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, the Bible speaks of the strength of a unicorn.
  • Deuteronomy 33:17, Psalms 22: 21 and Psalms 92:10 speak of the unicorn’s horn.
  • Job 39:10 and 39:10 both speak of the unicorn not tilling the earth.
  • In Psalms 29:6, the unicorn is likened to a young calf skipping, while Isiah 34:7 mentions unicorns in the same context as bulls and bullocks.
Jesus Christ dogmatically stated: “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me” (John 14:6).

the above is a 4th century christian forgery, there is one or more on nearly every page of their christian bible.

Show me where, commie?

Happy to.

Unicorns in the Bible - Unicorns Rule!

  • In Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, the Bible speaks of the strength of a unicorn.
  • Deuteronomy 33:17, Psalms 22: 21 and Psalms 92:10 speak of the unicorn’s horn.
  • Job 39:10 and 39:10 both speak of the unicorn not tilling the earth.
  • In Psalms 29:6, the unicorn is likened to a young calf skipping, while Isiah 34:7 mentions unicorns in the same context as bulls and bullocks.

In Hebrew, the word re'em is translated as wild ox or aurochs.

In xtian translations from the early middle ages it is translated as 'unicorn'.

I guess they thought it sounded cooler.
So it’s just a total coincidence that a flood myth happens to occur in almost every ancient culture in both sides of the planet?

another deceiver, there were no survivors to record the great flood by the Almighty - your heresy is noted.
One day I actually saw that nasty devil spirit manifest in mind friend. About fifteen minutes after that he was sitting at our little kitchen table with the Bible setting on it and he was sobbing as he told us portions about his childhood. I have no doubt that "good" portion in my beloved friend is kept by the one who created us.

Bobby Jindal, is that you?

These turds on here are so afraid that they are going to have to give up something (like their nasties) that they seem to think somehow they will bend the will that the Holy Spirit put in us. Those demon and devil spirits can't get that part that they already fell like star fall from heaven.

Naw, what my fear is that you nuts will gain real power and try to impose your backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us... that's what worries me.
In Hebrew, the word re'em is translated as wild ox or aurochs.

In xtian translations from the early middle ages it is translated as 'unicorn'.

I guess they thought it sounded cooler.

Okay, but then why did God allow a bad translation? Mind you, the Fundy Morons will INSIST that the King James Version is the truest and best translation of the bible, inspired by God himself.
If you are going to go with the philosophy that your belief validates the existence of God, then all those other "gods' must exist, too.
But I am not going with that philosophy, so can you understand how your jumping to these kinds of conclusions makes conversing more difficult than need be? You are not only making up the Bible, you are also making up the people with whom you discuss the Bible.

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