Are You Going to Hell?

In Hebrew, the word re'em is translated as wild ox or aurochs.

In xtian translations from the early middle ages it is translated as 'unicorn'.

I guess they thought it sounded cooler.

Okay, but then why did God allow a bad translation? Mind you, the Fundy Morons will INSIST that the King James Version is the truest and best translation of the bible, inspired by God himself.

G-d has a great sense of humor.

I don't know, some kids actually NEED medication.. I probably didn't, but the whackings left me with an impression...

One that makes me hate religion with every fiber of my being.
True. In my many years of teaching I actually met a student who needed medication. Did the nuns only whack you during religion class? Or, were they the cause of you hating other subjects as well?
The evidence all shows there was no global flood.

there would not be evidence of the great flood - one year latter much less over the eons ... nor for the community that experienced it.
And why is that? Don't be cryptic and cute. Just explain yourself without having to be asked.

And why is that?

it's purpose was completed by the event there is no reason to believe physical evidence would have been evident after a rain storm ... the ancient recorded natural disasters are just that, the same without physical evidence.

its purpose as stated was to give humanity a second chance with the provision provided by the religion of antiquity - the triumph of good vs evil - with no further intervention than the conclusion humanity will someday fulfill and its final judgement.
it's purpose was completed by the event there is no reason to believe physical evidence would have been evident after a rain storm .
Whoah, hold on there. Don't attempt your parlor tricks on me. We are talking about a global flood, not a mere rainstorm. Yes, there would be evidence not only of the flood, but of the other parts of the debunked myth as well.
it's purpose was completed by the event there is no reason to believe physical evidence would have been evident after a rain storm .
Whoah, hold on there. Don't attempt your parlor tricks on me. We are talking about a global flood, not a mere rainstorm. Yes, there would be evidence not only of the flood, but of the other parts of the debunked myth as well.
One day I actually saw that nasty devil spirit manifest in mind friend. About fifteen minutes after that he was sitting at our little kitchen table with the Bible setting on it and he was sobbing as he told us portions about his childhood. I have no doubt that "good" portion in my beloved friend is kept by the one who created us.

Bobby Jindal, is that you?

These turds on here are so afraid that they are going to have to give up something (like their nasties) that they seem to think somehow they will bend the will that the Holy Spirit put in us. Those demon and devil spirits can't get that part that they already fell like star fall from heaven.

Naw, what my fear is that you nuts will gain real power and try to impose your backward-ass superstitions on the rest of us... that's what worries me.
You mean like the deviates going into schools teaching small children being queer and sex with older people is all normal and fine and dandy even teaching them stuff that is against their parents wishes; or how about like forces vaccines on everyone's children in order to try to change their DNA that causes strokes in them because you think there are just way too many people in the world; "it takes a village to raise a child"..."so we will determine what's best for your children"; is stopping the abominations of destroying little people minds the kind of force and power you are talking about? You and your hateful crew are so full of crap it is almost pathetic.
or how about like forces vaccines on every one children in order to try to change their DNA that causes strokes in them because you think there are just way too many people in the world
Wow, my brain needs a shower after this hailstorm of stupidity.
it's purpose was completed by the event there is no reason to believe physical evidence would have been evident after a rain storm .
Whoah, hold on there. Don't attempt your parlor tricks on me. We are talking about a global flood, not a mere rainstorm. Yes, there would be evidence not only of the flood, but of the other parts of the debunked myth as well.
but of the other parts of the debunked myth as well.

poetic injustice should be coined for their entire 4th century christian bible not just the travails of noah, i agree with you.
In Hebrew, the word re'em is translated as wild ox or aurochs.

In xtian translations from the early middle ages it is translated as 'unicorn'.

I guess they thought it sounded cooler.

Okay, but then why did God allow a bad translation? Mind you, the Fundy Morons will INSIST that the King James Version is the truest and best translation of the bible, inspired by God himself.

G-d has a great sense of humor.

More than a great sense of humour. The males of this species have poisonous spurs on their back legs. Not to worry, the spread of human habitation and agricultural chemicals are fast treatening them with extinction.
poetic injustice should be coined for their entire 4th century christian bible not just the travails of noah, i agree with you.
I’m not sure what you mean by ‘injustice’ but the bible had been rendered a mess long before the 4th century.
Bullshit I don't threaten anyone with hell.
Riiiight...not hell,just eternal suffering. Please. You really have a hard time being honest. Lies make baby Jesus cry....
You are really hung up on the destination, aren't you?

I think you are missing out on the journey. Try living in the present.
Nasties would be wouldn't they?
Well... they certainly behave nasty.
It reminds me at times of a friend that denied God and was always trying to goad me into arguing with him. He was a super intelligent guy but had been damaged along the way by an over zealous religious mom who beat him with a heeled shoe when he was a boy. He could not overcome that but God showed me to do just as Jesus told us, "Keep that which is good". One day I actually saw that nasty devil spirit manifest in mind friend. About fifteen minutes after that he was sitting at our little kitchen table with the Bible setting on it and he was sobbing as he told us portions about his childhood. I have no doubt that "good" portion in my beloved friend is kept by the one who created us.

These turds on here are so afraid that they are going to have to give up something (like their nasties) that they seem to think somehow they will bend the will that the Holy Spirit put in us. Those demon and devil spirits can't get that part that they already fell like star fall from heaven.
I have no idea if your expression is all over the place because English isn’t your first language or your brain is an irrational soup or both but please put some effort into biblical studies. You’re a very bad advocate for that twisted, sadistic religion of yours.
But I am not going with that philosophy, so can you understand how your jumping to these kinds of conclusions makes conversing more difficult than need be? You are not only making up the Bible, you are also making up the people with whom you discuss the Bible.

Your statement.

I believe in God and have every reason to know He does exist.

Again, don't you think the worshipers of Quetzalcoatl believed in him and had every reason to believe he existed when they were cutting the hearts out of people? They were really fucking sincere about it too... I don't see you guys killing people like the bible says anymore.


"But I gave up meat for Lent. That's almost as good, right?"
True. In my many years of teaching I actually met a student who needed medication. Did the nuns only whack you during religion class? Or, were they the cause of you hating other subjects as well?

doesn't matter. Those other classes I was misbehaving. The Religion classes, I was asking legitimate questions about why their sky fairy makes no sense.

Now, there were amusing points when we were discussing cave men in Science class and how we evolved from Apes, that didn't that contradict what the bible says about Adam and Eve. "WHACK!"

These nuns had a limited repertoire.

You mean like the deviates going into schools teaching small children being queer and sex with older people is all normal and fine and dandy even teaching them stuff that is against their parents wishes;

And where is this happening.. you are going into the nutty area here. I would hope that they would teach these kids how sex works. I would hope that they would teach them, that, yes, if you are gay, there is nothing wrong with that.

or how about like forces vaccines on everyone's children in order to try to change their DNA that causes strokes in them because you think there are just way too many people in the world;

Wow... that is crazy. YOu really think that happens?

"it takes a village to raise a child"..."so we will determine what's best for your children"; is stopping the abominations of destroying little people minds the kind of force and power you are talking about? You and your hateful crew are so full of crap it is almost pathetic.

Thanks for pointing out why we need to abolish religious teaching... It leads to all sorts of anti-science crazy.
"it takes a village to raise a child"..."so we will determine what's best for your children"; is stopping the abominations of destroying little people minds the kind of force and power you are talking about? You and your hateful crew are so full of crap it is almost pathetic.

Thanks for pointing out why we need to abolish religious teaching... It leads to all sorts of anti-science crazy.

It was no accident. The gospels were written by people who witnessed the destruction of Judea and the enslavement, exile and slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Jews.

To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels "the nations" were the enemy.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword." (Jesus H. Christ)

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

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"it takes a village to raise a child"..."so we will determine what's best for your children"; is stopping the abominations of destroying little people minds the kind of force and power you are talking about? You and your hateful crew are so full of crap it is almost pathetic.

Thanks for pointing out why we need to abolish religious teaching... It leads to all sorts of anti-science crazy.

It was no accident. To Jesus, his disciples and the authors of the gospels "the nations" were the enemy.

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword." (Jesus H. Christ)

"From his mouth there went a sharp sword with which to smite the nations"

Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

It must be a barf-fest at your house.

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