Are you going to the "support chick fil a day" today?

This should be a non-issue since the boss said what millions and millions and millions of other Americans believe concerning marriage, but the liars on the left turned it into Chick-fil-A is discriminating against gays, which is pure bullshit but very par for the course from those clowns.

And what have these a-holes gotten for this version of their idiocy? Just a ground swell of millions of people deciding to back a quickly organized day of support for Chick-fil-A restaurants all across the country in fil-A states.

So lefties, just think of it as a great big gigantic Fuck You from the rest of us.

Absolutely! I had a Classic Chick-fil-A sandwich today (place was PACKED!) and going to get another tonight! Consider this a giant flip of the Gadfly's Dirty Digit to all you wacked-out , intolerant, PC loons on the Left, for making an issue of this in the first place! Enjoy the blowback. God, it's fun to watch you liberals make complete fools of yourselves yet again!
I'll guarantee you one thing, if Chik's CEO were Muslim and made the same sort of statement, you would not have heard a single peep (pun not intended) from American liberals, nor would any Dem mayor have attempted to keep them from building a restaurant in their town.
I heard a little of the Mike Gallagher(sp?) Show on the radio today, he was actually suggesting that people in the drive through should pay for the car behind them as a nice gesture. You guys are weird.

I'm just glad Operation Artery Clog is running smoothly.

I pay forward at Starbucks all the time, you know the random acts of kindness.
I'll guarantee you one thing, if Chik's CEO were Muslim and made the same sort of statement, you would not have heard a single peep (pun not intended) from American liberals, nor would any Dem mayor have attempted to keep them from building a restaurant in their town.

I disagree...but we will never know because it wasn't a was a christian.....wasn't it?
I'll guarantee you one thing, if Chik's CEO were Muslim and made the same sort of statement, you would not have heard a single peep (pun not intended) from American liberals, nor would any Dem mayor have attempted to keep them from building a restaurant in their town.

I disagree...but we will never know because it wasn't a was a christian.....wasn't it?

Yes, just like the black DEMOCRAT christian minister who compared Obama to Judas.
I'll guarantee you one thing, if Chik's CEO were Muslim and made the same sort of statement, you would not have heard a single peep (pun not intended) from American liberals, nor would any Dem mayor have attempted to keep them from building a restaurant in their town.

I disagree...but we will never know because it wasn't a was a christian.....wasn't it?

Yes, just like the black DEMOCRAT christian minister who compared Obama to Judas.

Yep....that was pretty funny...especially when he turns around and finds out he's not getting a following.
I disagree...but we will never know because it wasn't a was a christian.....wasn't it?

Yes, just like the black DEMOCRAT christian minister who compared Obama to Judas.

Yep....that was pretty funny...especially when he turns around and finds out he's not getting a following.

As the statement just came out the amount of followers remains to be seen.

I understand as a gay person this hits home for you but it doesn't make your CLEAR biased opinion fact. .
I believe it was Huckabee who tried to organize it. I'm going for lunch today out of both support for a legit business and curiosity to see if the message was widespread.

No. I work for a living. I didn't even have time to eat today, let alone make a political statement while doing so.
No chick-fil-a near me, so I cooked up some BBQ chicken to show my support... Damn good too.

Isn't Huntington, WV, the city that was the most unhealthy and obese in the US, that Jamie Oliver highlighted on Food Revolution? That's probably the size of the line everyday.

Be patriotic! Eat Fried Chicken. (Beats actually doing something, eh?)

You know how those righties as little as possible. Oh they just LOVE the idea of buying chicken to support one of their pet's right up their ally.
Yes, just like the black DEMOCRAT christian minister who compared Obama to Judas.

Yep....that was pretty funny...especially when he turns around and finds out he's not getting a following.

As the statement just came out the amount of followers remains to be seen.

I understand as a gay person this hits home for you but it doesn't make your CLEAR biased opinion fact. .

I will be laughing just the same.
"You should have the right to say your opinion without being penalized," said Lillian Somers, 78, at a Chick-fil-A in Birmingham, Alabama. "I am tired of people trying to force their beliefs on me and people being blasted for Christian beliefs."

The general manager of New Hampshire's only Chick-fil-A franchise reacted to the controversy by becoming a sponsor of the state's gay pride festival slated for Aug. 11.

The restaurant in a Nashua shopping mall "has gay employees and serves gay customers with honor, dignity and respect," general manager Anthony Picolia said in a statement released by the organizers of New Hampshire Pride Fest.

"I would challenge people to come have a conversation with me before they make assumptions or boycott my restaurant," he said.

In Chick-fil-A's corporate hometown of Atlanta, 42-year-old government worker Hackwin Devoe said he "does not find Biblical support" for gay marriage but does not oppose it.

He said one of the things that makes the United States a great nation is that Americans respect one another for their opinions.

UPDATE 2-Same-sex marriage foes flock to Chick-fil-A chain | Reuters
"You should have the right to say your opinion without being penalized," said Lillian Somers, 78, at a Chick-fil-A in Birmingham, Alabama. "I am tired of people trying to force their beliefs on me and people being blasted for Christian beliefs."

The general manager of New Hampshire's only Chick-fil-A franchise reacted to the controversy by becoming a sponsor of the state's gay pride festival slated for Aug. 11.

The restaurant in a Nashua shopping mall "has gay employees and serves gay customers with honor, dignity and respect," general manager Anthony Picolia said in a statement released by the organizers of New Hampshire Pride Fest.

"I would challenge people to come have a conversation with me before they make assumptions or boycott my restaurant," he said.

In Chick-fil-A's corporate hometown of Atlanta, 42-year-old government worker Hackwin Devoe said he "does not find Biblical support" for gay marriage but does not oppose it.

He said one of the things that makes the United States a great nation is that Americans respect one another for their opinions.

UPDATE 2-Same-sex marriage foes flock to Chick-fil-A chain | Reuters

Interesting that this was not a boycott day....people know that, right?

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