Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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The brain dead rubes only care what their team SAYS, not what they DO.
A lot of their loyalty to Trump is based on their hatred for Mexicans and people of color in general. They see America becoming more and more "tanned" and they don't like that. They're losing their position as the dominant ethnic group, hence their absolute, unconditional allegiance to Trump.
That's what the MSM has gaslit you into believing. Regardless, the left is now the ideology of big government, speech restriction, and higher taxation. I'll pass.
Wow. Textbook projection.

The number of fed employees increased on Trump's watch.

Under Biden, the number of fed employees is now less than when Trump took office.

Under Trump, the federal deficit DOUBLED. Before Covid.

And who can forget Ron DeSantis trying to silence Disney for being against his "Don't Say Gay" bill?

And, of course, opposing the teaching of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow in our schools.

Moms for Liberty (an ironic name if ever there was one) even opposes Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story being allowed in school libraries.

One of their complaints about the book is that it has Norman Rockwell's The Problem We All Live With in it.


Give Trans their own Bathrooms and Separate category in Sports and Olympics
Go hard on the Border Round ups, that shit is a terrorist attack or health pandemic waiting to happen.
Once Border secured you can look at Immigration laws
Let states decide abortion laws. I personally don't give a shit and have never had a conversation with anyone about abortions.
Take Marijuana off high Schedule list and then let states decide legality.
We either make people adults at 18 or adults at 21 this mix and match bullshit does nothing (voting, drinking, credit, smoking, military)
Ban women from getting fix a flat asses and duck lips
Mandatory Paternity tests when children are born
Mandatory age limit for Presidents with Cognitive Test results made public
Term Limits for Senate and Congress with Mandatory Criminal Background and Credit Checks
Wow. Textbook projection.

The number of fed employees increased on Trump's watch.

Under Biden, the number of fed employees is now less than when Trump took office.

Under Trump, the federal deficit DOUBLED. Before Covid.

And who can forget Ron DeSantis trying to silence Disney for being against his "Don't Say Gay" bill?

And, of course, opposing the teaching of slavery and segregation and Jim Crow in our schools.

Moms for Liberty (an ironic name if ever there was one) even opposes Ruby Bridges Goes to School: My True Story being allowed in school libraries.

One of their complaints about the book is that it has Norman Rockwell's The Problem We All Live With in it.


Your gaslighting won’t work either, chumley.
Your gaslighting won’t work either, chumley.

You're the one who has been gaslighted.

You actually bleev the GOP and Trump are fiscally responsible! :lol:

You actually bleev the GOP is the party of law and order even though they are on the cusp of nominating a known rapist and fraud who attempted a coup! :lol:

I feel sad for you rubes and for our country. You're dragging us all under with you.
You're the one who has been gaslighted.
You actually bleev the GOP and Trump are fiscally responsible! :lol:
You actually bleev the GOP is the party of law and order even though they are on the cusp of nominating a known rapist and fraud who attempted a coup! :lol:

I feel sad for you rubes and for our country. You're dragging us all under with you.
Sorry, kid, anyone who uses the word “bleev” is a fucking moron and unworthy of my time.

And you misspelled “I’m” in your first question.
IOW, better than the left. Two viable options in our fucked-up duopoly.

No, not better just different. Choosing between the Rs or the Ds is the same as choosing to be shot or to be poisoned

You fucking worship the one side of the duopoly, and now you want to say something bad about it! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
No, not better just different. Choosing between the Rs or the Ds is the same as choosing to be shot or to be poisoned

You fucking worship the one side of the duopoly, and now you want to say something bad about it! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:
You have your opinion, I have mine. Even if the Republicans are 90% FOS when they talk smaller gov and fiscal restraint, they still are about cutting regulations and taxes. And, equally important, they are not the party of open borders, sexualizing children, class warfare, and PC speech control.
I'm relatively new here, but this thread is beneficial to those of us who don't really know the members very well yet.
I'm a Trump supporter and don't mind saying so. But I am a California Republican and don't have any issues with regulated abortion, legal pot or gay marriage.
I don't particularly care for biological men in women's sports or the bloody idiots in Sacramento. Or Biden.

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