Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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Neither. A conservative is just a liberal driving the speed limit.

“The whole modern world has divided itself into Conservatives and Progressives. The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected. Even when the revolutionist might himself repent of his revolution, the traditionalist is already defending it as part of his tradition."-G.K. Chesterson​

Ha! So far not one righty will vote. That's okay. I will add all the people up who commented but didn't vote and get my number that way.

Let me ask them a different way. If someone asked you "would you rather have conservatives or liberals running the country, which would you pick?" That's what I'll do. I'll ask them that.
The poll gives us a false dichotomy to choose from.
Ha! So far not one righty will vote. That's okay. I will add all the people up who commented but didn't vote and get my number that way.

Please refer to my response as a template for how to create a traditional USMB poll.

Com on, man. You've been around here since '08. You know the drill...



..... ..... ..... Monkey?

No one has that, leftard liar.

You fucking leftards sling shit like the fucking monkeys.

Everyone's laughing at your howler ass.

Christian or not, you're a fucking liar.
You're so triggered. I pushed your buttons huh?
USMB is about 60% shitcon and 30% shitlib.

10% other assorted flavors, including independent & LOLibertarian.

2 or 3 leftists.
Sounds about right.

I just watched an old South Park from the 2000's. It is just as true today as it was then. Douche Bag or Turd Sandwich? Unfortunately, those are your choices. LOL.

To me it's obvious which one to vote for. Douche Bag.
You're just an ordinary leftard asshole.

Who's so full of himself he thinks he can push my buttons.

No, brainless leftard, I'm calling you out for being the lying asswipe you are.
So he's a liberal? I don't believe he has voted yet. I assume he leans more right but you're saying he leans left?

He's a Christian. That makes me believe he leans right. Clearly not a person who believes in science. Or maybe he's a cherry picker Christian?
Exactly. Cheney had a more conservative voting record than her replacement in the conference. How ironic is that?

Definitely a cult.
I can't believe they refuse to pick conservative. Many times they get mad at me when I call them Republicans. Like I'm supposed to know which ones vote for the Constitution Party or Ron Paul. They all caucus together so I just call them all Republicans. Mixed bag of nuts.

This is why I never listen to any of them when they say there is no difference between the two parties. Clearly they are voting for Republican mayors, governors, judges, senators, house members, state senators, state house members. They won't admit they vote Republican, just like they won't admit they are more conservative than liberal. We learned something today huh? And the ones who didn't vote, I got them too. Add 15 to the con number. 30 cons have entered, only 12-13 liberals. We are really out numbered here. Just as I thought. But I prefer it that way. More assholes to argue with.
Poll - are you an anarcho-syndicalist or a venture capitalist?

You MUST choose one or the other, or else Sealy will lose control of his bowels.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
The world isn't simply black and white

Extremists always suck - no matter if right or left.
If it comes to "extremists" - no doubt the right is far more represented then the left on USMB.

Personally I see myself as a conservative that is open to liberal ideas or concepts. aka "enhancement".

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