Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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TBF, sealy, you have no self awareness. So you cant help it.
If you did, you wouldnt be a duopoly pole smoker.
Retirement, marriage, healthcare, education, the private sector and societal behavior. Thats what you just said you wanted them controlling.
Are you fucking stupid? Yes, you want the govt doing every GD thing.
Ok, so you are against social security. Very unpopular. So you are a fringe minority on that.

If corporations weren't regulated, they'd rape your bank account you fool, first time you got really sick.

You're against public schools?

You're against regulating the private sector? Every government regulates it's industries. You want corporations to rule? You sure do. The founders warned us about you.

Societal behaviors? You guys are such hypocrites on this one. LOL

You can't run government well if you don't believe in government. And Democracy, not unregulated free market capitalism, will save the middle class.
TBF, sealy, you have no self awareness. So you cant help it.
If you did, you wouldnt be a duopoly pole smoker.
You're an extremist. You're literally anti government. What other country in the world runs the way you're saying we should be run? Without a government regulating industry? Any other?

I'm very self aware. You are a hypocrite. So I'm aware of you too. You want a controlling big brother authoritarian government that agrees with everything you agree with. And doesn't make you do anything, even if it's for the better good of the rest of us. Like a pandemic and you can't even stay at home and wear a mask. That's treading on your freedom. Weirdo.
Gun to head, which way do you lean. If you can't even do this exercise, which way would USMB members say you lean? Who do you argue with most? Come on man this isn't a hard question.

Have you been in a coma?
Jackie is a left wing LUNATIC.
Ok, so you are against social security. Very unpopular. So you are a fringe minority on that.

If corporations weren't regulated, they'd rape your bank account you fool, first time you got really sick.

You're against public schools?

You're against regulating the private sector? Every government regulates it's industries. You want corporations to rule? You sure do. The founders warned us about you.

Societal behaviors? You guys are such hypocrites on this one. LOL

You can't run government well if you don't believe in government. And Democracy, not unregulated free market capitalism, will save the middle class.
What am I a hypocrite on?
You ignore my point and just start ranting.
As usual, its pointless to discuss things with you.
You're an extremist. You're literally anti government. What other country in the world runs the way you're saying we should be run? Without a government regulating industry? Any other?

I'm very self aware. You are a hypocrite. So I'm aware of you too. You want a controlling big brother authoritarian government that agrees with everything you agree with. And doesn't make you do anything, even if it's for the better good of the rest of us. Like a pandemic and you can't even stay at home and wear a mask. That's treading on your freedom. Weirdo.
More ranting.
Grow up, dumb ass.
Saying someone is in the minority on issues, probably means they are the right one. You know, considering most people are fucking morons.
What has killed more people than government? In our entire history? The government. They still do, to this day. Especially ours. And the level of corruption is uncanny. Yet, people still want them to control their lives. It blows my fucking mind how stupid most of you are.
Have you been in a coma?
Jackie is a left wing LUNATIC.
That's cool. I don't know. So for people who won't vote, I have to rely on others to tell me.

Most liberals here, I don't know because they don't reply to my posts with stupid brainwashed idiotic lies. So we rarely talk. I only or mostly only read what was written to me. So 99% of the time I'm talking to conservatives here. They may not admit to being conservatives or Republicans or righties, but I know what they are.

I do realize that Trump duped some left leaning people. I can see how he did that. He's a good liar. And even we want to see illegal employers arrested and have their business' shut down. But he won't do that. He will just play wack a mole with illegal workers to please you. To show you that hey, at least he's trying.

You blue collar Republicans are such fools.

And you old conservatives, well, you grew up in a different generation. One that was asleep. Boomers ruined America. That's why America is WOKEing up.
You have your opinion, I have mine. Even if the Republicans are 90% FOS when they talk smaller gov and fiscal restraint, they still are about cutting regulations and taxes. And, equally important, they are not the party of open borders, sexualizing children, class warfare, and PC speech control.
Populism = It sounds like something I agree with, so naturally, I vote for it. :rolleyes:

Saying someone is in the minority on issues, probably means they are the right one. You know, considering most people are fucking morons.
What has killed more people than government? In our entire history? The government. They still do, to this day. Especially ours. And the level of corruption is uncanny. Yet, people still want them to control their lives. It blows my fucking mind how stupid most of you are.
Yes everyone else is dumb and you are the smart one. LOL

You hypocrite. They did a poll and found a HUGE chunk of Americans want an Authoritarian President. Yes a lot of liberals do too but the vast majority who want an authoritarian president who's above the law are Republicans.

But not when a Democrat is in charge. Then you want the president to be weak. So you can campaign against him and say he's weak. Try and impeach him over a blowjob, then 20 years later tell us you think Presidents should be above the law and allowed to cross the line. What a hypocrite you are.
You have your opinion, I have mine. Even if the Republicans are 90% FOS when they talk smaller gov and fiscal restraint, they still are about cutting regulations and taxes. And, equally important, they are not the party of open borders, sexualizing children, class warfare, and PC speech control.
Cutting regulations that are put in to make you safe, so corporations can make more.

Small government that is powerless to stop corporations from "crossing the line".
Saying someone is in the minority on issues, probably means they are the right one. You know, considering most people are fucking morons.
What has killed more people than government? In our entire history? The government. They still do, to this day. Especially ours. And the level of corruption is uncanny. Yet, people still want them to control their lives. It blows my fucking mind how stupid most of you are.
What has killed more people than Government? Old age. I don't see government on the list

  • Heart disease: 695,547.
  • Cancer: 605,213.
  • COVID-19: 416,893.
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 224,935.
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 162,890.
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 142,342.
  • Alzheimer's disease: 119,399.
  • Diabetes: 103,294.
Then ask the people who you argue with on USMB what you are and go with that. Who do you argue with here mostly Democrats or Republicans? I can help you figure out if you are a boy or girl just answer these few simple questions if you are having an identity crisis.

I sense you are probably a con.

Hillary or Trump? If you had 5 seconds to vote for one of them, gun to head, say a word and they shoot you dead, so don't even say anything to me other than TRUMP or HILLARY. That's it. You can respond with 1 word. Pick a fucking name. We know that name is going to be Trump. So vote con stupid.
Pull the trigger you authoritarian statist twit.
I'll take slowing it down at any level at this point. Again, why would I not vote for Trump just because of that?

there is no reason for you not to vote for Trump, he is not a conservative and neither are you.
I'll take slowing it down at any level at this point. Again, why would I not vote for Trump just because of that?
Trump didn't slow anything down. He sped it up. Republicans are such idiots. At least poor and middle class ones. They are eventually going to rely on social programs and safety nets, yet they vote for Republicans who cut those programs and nets.

I'm going to Florida next month. The neighbor is on disability. She's voting for Trump. Does she not understand Medicaid is a program Republicans love to cut???

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