Are you liberal or conservative?

Conservative or Liberal?

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Trump didn't slow anything down. He sped it up. Republicans are such idiots. At least poor and middle class ones. They are eventually going to rely on social programs and safety nets, yet they vote for Republicans who cut those programs and nets.

I'm going to Florida next month. The neighbor is on disability. She's voting for Trump. Does she not understand Medicaid is a program Republicans love to cut???

Congress has a part to play as well, and are you talking about AFTER March 2020 and that little pandemic thing that happened?
That's a good answer. Anyone who tells me I'm not a liberal, that's what I'm going to say. I'm more liberal than you.

No, you aren't, you are a progressive. Classical liberals would never support the things you do. Just look at Bill Maher seeing the light.
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?

I know we have some foreign people here too, but-
The USA is a center right country.
So -
Congress has a part to play as well, and are you talking about AFTER March 2020 and that little pandemic thing that happened?
OMG, imagine if Trump were still president and you learned this

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Some of the new numbers are startling. Average household net worth now tops $500,000 for Americans in their late 30s. For late-40-somethings, it exceeds $750,000. For 50-somethings, it reaches seven figures.

You would say Trump deserves a 3rd term for this. Right? So why isn't Biden getting credit for this?
and are you talking about AFTER March 2020 and that little pandemic thing that happened?

Trump doubled the deficit before the pandemic. He also fought against the Dems because he wanted even bigger checks sent out to the people than even the Dems wanted. This is the guy you support, he fought with the Dems because they were not spending enough.
i have never claimed to be a conservative. You claim to be one but never actually vote for one.

Seems I am the only one of us being honest.


You play the middle of the road crap and only seem to care when the right tries to actually accomplish something their voters agree with.

Your harping on fiscal conservatism only gives away your attempts at subterfuge.
No, you aren't, you are a progressive. Classical liberals would never support the things you do. Just look at Bill Maher seeing the light.
Nobody said I'm a classic liberal. I'm a modern day liberal.

Like, remember it was "classic liberal" Democrats in the South who owned slaves. But those "classic liberals" would be Republicans today. So I don't care about classical. Get that shit out of here.
OMG, imagine if Trump were still president and you learned this

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Some of the new numbers are startling. Average household net worth now tops $500,000 for Americans in their late 30s. For late-40-somethings, it exceeds $750,000. For 50-somethings, it reaches seven figures.

You would say Trump deserves a 3rd term for this. Right? So why isn't Biden getting credit for this?

You do realize those numbers aren't adjusted for inflation, right?

And how many years of bad inflation have we had?
Nobody said I'm a classic liberal. I'm a modern day liberal.

Like, remember it was "classic liberal" Democrats in the South who owned slaves. But those "classic liberals" would be Republicans today. So I don't care about classical. Get that shit out of here.

Classic liberals believe in individual rights and freedom of expression, something you do not.
i have never claimed to be a conservative. You claim to be one but never actually vote for one.

Seems I am the only one of us being honest.
In the last 4 or so general elections, who ran that was a conservative?

Which Republicans that ran against Trump were conservatives? Ron, Nikki, Tim, Vivek, who?

And question for conservatives here who say I'm not a liberal. Was Carter? Clinton? Obama? Biden? Are any of them liberals?
You do realize those numbers aren't adjusted for inflation, right?

And how many years of bad inflation have we had?
WRONG! Can't you read? It says after adjusting for inflation.

I'll give you a hint why this number is bullshit. It's bullshit because the mega rich made most of that money. So when we take all their gains and all your gains and divide equally, WE'RE doing really well. We are. But you? Not really. Take out the rich dudes and 50 somethings actually only have $300K of wealth. That includes their $150K home. So they only actually have $150K saved.

But that wouldn't stop Bush or Trump from bragging about this.

Household wealth swelled at a record pace during the pandemic. From 2019 to 2022, the median net worth of American families jumped 37% to $192,900, after adjusting for inflation. It’s the largest increase ever recorded by the federal Survey of Consumer Finances, released last fall. Surging home values and rising stock ownership fed the surge.

Some of the new numbers are startling. Average household net worth now tops $500,000 for Americans in their late 30s. For late-40-somethings, it exceeds $750,000. For 50-somethings, it reaches seven figures.

So America is Great Again. Thanks Biden.
Yes everyone else is dumb and you are the smart one. LOL

You hypocrite. They did a poll and found a HUGE chunk of Americans want an Authoritarian President. Yes a lot of liberals do too but the vast majority who want an authoritarian president who's above the law are Republicans.

But not when a Democrat is in charge. Then you want the president to be weak. So you can campaign against him and say he's weak. Try and impeach him over a blowjob, then 20 years later tell us you think Presidents should be above the law and allowed to cross the line. What a hypocrite you are.
No, im not the only smart one. Not every person is a statist.
How does that make me a hypocrite? WTF are you talking about? Do you even know what that word means?
I didnt agree with what happened to bill, although he shouldnt have lied. And I do not believe in presidential immunity. It doesnt actually exist.
Anything else you would like to lie about?
Some of the new numbers are startling. Average household net worth now tops $500,000 for Americans in their late 30s. For late-40-somethings, it exceeds $750,000. For 50-somethings, it reaches seven figures.

So America is Great Again. Thanks Biden.

There are very few stats more meaningless than average wealth/net worth. Mark Zuckerberg is 39, thus everyone in their late 30s has their average wealth increased by his 136 billion dollar net worth.

You have been told this before and yet you persist in posting this meaningless figure
A bunch of us are having a discussion on if USMB is mostly conservatives/republicans or mostly Democrats/Liberals. Do you mind voting?
How about, do you believe in science and democracy. How about, do you believe the election was fair and AGW climate change. How about, do you believe the American dream should be open to everyone and not just the chosen few who have the most money.
No, im not the only smart one. Not every person is a statist.
How does that make me a hypocrite? WTF are you talking about? Do you even know what that word means?
I didnt agree with what happened to bill, although he shouldnt have lied. And I do not believe in presidential immunity. It doesnt actually exist.
Anything else you would like to lie about?

Are you voting for Trump? He's a statist.

“When she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I’m very impressed by her. I think she’s a very impressive person. I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn’t do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost – it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which personally I think would’ve been a wonderful thing,” Trump told Blitzer in the interview.

“Impeaching him?” Blitzer asked.

“Absolutely. For the war. For the war,” said Trump, referring to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies, and I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant and they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And yet Bush got us into this horrible war with lies. By lying. By saying they had weapons of mass destruction. By saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true.”

So Trump agrees with us that it was bullshit what they did to Bill Clinton. He was great and anyone who didn't like him was jealous. But Trump agrees with me Bush should have been impeached. That's Trump's position before he became president and started breaking all kinds of laws. Maybe that's why Trump thinks the presidency is above the law. Bush never got in trouble for lying us into Iraq so.....

And Trump also wanted Hillary locked up for using private emails. Trump not only did that, he broke 4 other laws and he's being charged. So citizen Trump believed Hillary and Bush should have been charged with crimes. But not him.
How about, do you believe in science and democracy. How about, do you believe the election was fair and AGW climate change. How about, do you believe the American dream should be open to everyone and not just the chosen few who have the most money.
Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes. Yes to every question.

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