Are you nervous and who wins your state ??

Syn is “ empty skirt loon “ who has completely disrupted my thread and is about to be on iggyland
You cannot have any rationale debate with any leftist but you can “cancel them from your life “
Watch Trump lose Iowa with crap like this. He dismisses coverage of Iowa floods because they're ignoring his fake Nobel Prize nomination. He's demented. And the audience is finally starting to see it.

Seriously, how do you all keep deceiving yourselves that he's not an unwell man? He's clearly disturbed.

I agree with you that he is well. ( "Not unwell" is a double negative which means "he's well."

Oh, you tried so hard. :lol:

FAIL. Reason: Reading comprehension.

LOL. You still don't get it, do you? Not Un well. If he is NOT unwell, he must be well.

Examples of Double Negatives:
  • I don't want nothing. (If you don't want "nothing," you must want "something.")
  • She didn't see nothing. (If she didn't see "nothing," she must have seen "something.")
  • He is not unattractive. (This might be a time when a double negative is needed-the person doesn't want to say he is...
  • I did not know neither the date nor the month.
I didn't mean to embarrass you, until you said "Fail: Reading Comprehension. Just trying to help.

But this isn't a double negative.

Seriously, how do you all keep deceiving yourselves that he's not an unwell man?

If I said Seriously, how do you all keep deceiving yourselves that he IS an unwell man?

That would be saying that you Trumpers think he's sick. Get it?

No? :lol:
Yes it is a double negative and therefore improper grammar.

Seriously, how do you all keep deceiving yourselves that he's not an unwell man?

There. Fixed it for you.

[/4th grade schoolmarm mode]
Did you see the 11 hour line of Black people in line to vote?

Did you? Where and when was it? There are people who know and there are people that don't know. And then there are people who don't know they don't know. Like you.

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