Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter?"

Is "all lives matter" an offensive remark?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 18 100.0%

  • Total voters
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Offended? No.

I am amused how unbelievably out of touch and self-sabotaging a person can be whenever I hear them snivel like that expression out of their ignorant pie hole, though.

Yet a other racist joins the fray.

Oh, man. This is priceless. Thank you for coming along so quickly to demonstrate my point about self-sabotaging clueless idiots for me.

You can hear the minority vote tally running higher and higher on the Democratic side every time someone says, "ALL live matter!" :lol:

You people really have no clue. None at all.

I thought you all were just pretending to be obtuse, but this can't be fake. You must actually be this stupid.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Offended? No.

I am amused how unbelievably out of touch and self-sabotaging a person can be whenever I hear them snivel like that expression out of their ignorant pie hole, though.

Yet a other racist joins the fray.

Oh, man. This is priceless. Thank you for coming along so quickly to demonstrate my point about self-sabotaging clueless idiots for me.

You can hear the minority vote tally running higher and higher on the Democratic side every time someone says, "ALL live matter!" :lol:

You people really have no clue. None at all.

I thought you all were just being obtuse, but this can't be fake. You must actually be this stupid.

I wonder if that laughter yours is used as a defense mechanisms here to cover up the obtuse racism. Stating all lives matter is not "snivel". And believing so is "not having a clue". You racist asshole.

"All lives matter"

"You must have no clue, none at all. You must actually be this stupid."

- A regressive democrat.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Offended? No.

I am amused how unbelievably out of touch and self-sabotaging a person can be whenever I hear them snivel like that expression out of their ignorant pie hole, though.

Yet a other racist joins the fray.

Oh, man. This is priceless. Thank you for coming along so quickly to demonstrate my point about self-sabotaging clueless idiots for me.

You can hear the minority vote tally running higher and higher on the Democratic side every time someone says, "ALL live matter!" :lol:

You people really have no clue. None at all.

I thought you all were just being obtuse, but this can't be fake. You must actually be this stupid.

I wonder if that laughter yours is used as a defense mechanisms here to cover up the obtuse racism. Stating all lives matter is not "snivel". And believing so is "not having a clue". You racist asshole.

"All lives matter"

"You must have no clue, none at all. You must actually be this stupid."

- A regressive democrat.
Please keep posting more about this. I'm dying over here. :lol:
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Offended? No.

I am amused how unbelievably out of touch and self-sabotaging a person can be whenever I hear them snivel like that expression out of their ignorant pie hole, though.

Yet a other racist joins the fray.

Oh, man. This is priceless. Thank you for coming along so quickly to demonstrate my point about self-sabotaging clueless idiots for me.

You can hear the minority vote tally running higher and higher on the Democratic side every time someone says, "ALL live matter!" :lol:

You people really have no clue. None at all.

I thought you all were just being obtuse, but this can't be fake. You must actually be this stupid.

I wonder if that laughter yours is used as a defense mechanisms here to cover up the obtuse racism. Stating all lives matter is not "snivel". And believing so is "not having a clue". You racist asshole.

"All lives matter"

"You must have no clue, none at all. You must actually be this stupid."

- A regressive democrat.
Please keep posting more about this. I'm dying over here. :lol:

Yeah, I am sure you are. You think that stating all lives matter is so stupid it's comically funny someone would say such a thing.

You are a bigoted racist asshole, simple as that. This really has been as illuminating as the regressive Islam thread. All the dims reveal their true nature self identifying their racism without any problems what so ever.
The poor ignorant dumb fucks think "black lives matter" means "ONLY black lives matter".

"Black lives matter" is a plea which blacks are putting forth to draw attention to the incredibly imbalanced treatment they have been receiving for centuries.

It does not mean only blacks have been abused. It doesn't even mean the abuse of others is not important. It simply means they have been abused way out of balance to others, and all they are asking is for fair treatment. EQUAL treatment.

To retort with "ALL lives matter" demonstrates not just a willful ignorance. It is a hateful denial the imbalance exists. It is a punch in the face to the black community.

That's why every time a retard says "all lives matter", they are running up the minority vote tally for the Democrats.

You morons are doing the Democrats' work for them!

Unbelievable self-sabotage.
The poor ignorant dumb fucks think "black lives matter" means "ONLY black lives matter".

"Black lives matter" is a plea which blacks are putting forth to draw attention to the incredibly imbalanced treatment they have been receiving for centuries.

It does not mean only blacks have been abused. It doesn't even mean the abuse of others is not important. It simply means they have been abused way out of balance to others, and all they are asking is for fair treatment. EQUAL treatment.

To retort with "ALL lives matter" demonstrates not just a willful ignorance. It is a hateful denial the imbalance exists. It is a punch in the face to the black community.

That's why every time a retard says "all lives matter", they are running up the minority vote tally for the Democrats.

You morons are doing the Democrats' work for them!

Unbelievable self-sabotage.

Are you blind and deaf? The democat was BOOED OFF STAGE for saying all lives matter. Next they were demanding death to cops. Pretty sure that means all lives don't matter. You racist bigoted idiot!
You do stupid shit like "all lives matter", and then think the reason you lost 97 percent of the minority vote is "because gifts", which in itself is MORE racist idiocy!
I'm not offended by Trumps words. I'm offended by him in general.
You do stupid shit like "all lives matter", and then think the reason you lost 97 percent of the minority vote is "because gifts", which in itself is MORE racist idiocy!

We got it that you find "all lives matter" a very stupid thing to say.

Democrats bribe everyone with "free" gifts, they wouldn't do it any other way.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Offended? No.

I am amused how unbelievably out of touch and self-sabotaging a person can be whenever I hear them snivel that expression out of their ignorant pie hole, though.

This is the reality of BLM.

"A Black Lives Matter Activist interrupted a vigil for the Orlando victims by grabbing the microphone to ridicule the white attendees.

“I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd” said the activist, while audience members nervously laughed. “That wasn’t a joke” she added.

“I wish this many people came out to our racial demonstrations and our Black Lives Matter movements. I don’t want to stand up here and be angry, because this isn’t for me, this isn’t for you, it’s for the people that we lost, and the people that we lose tomorrow, and the people that lost yesterday. But I thought I’d take a moment to list out some facts that many of you probably don’t know because you’re white”.

The activist, who would better be described as a protester, then went on to complain about racial tensions in America and belittle the audience that was grieving for the loss of nearly 50 lives.

“As much as it’s awesome that so many people are here today, it’s like who are you really here for” she continued.

One audience member replied that they were there for everybody, before a large round of applause, before another shouted “we are here to be uniting, not dividing, which is what you are doing now” to the protester, before a large group of attendees started shouting at the man for criticizing her."

Except that black lives are not the only ones being lost.

So, the message of your comic is a Big Lie.

Good point

But BLM is concerned that when a black life is lost it is glossed over as too bad nothing we can do about it

Yet they never address t he FACT that most black lives lost to other blacks, not cops or whites.
The issue is the killings don't matter because they are black

You're projecting.

That's not the message I get when I see BLM protests or spokespeople.

Did you see this?

Black Lives Matter Activist Disrupts Orlando Victim Vigil

(this particular article makes it sound like the BLM activist rushed the stage or something. If you watch the vid it is obvious that she was with the organizers.

"A Black Lives Matter Activist interrupted a vigil for the Orlando victims by grabbing the microphone to ridicule the white attendees.

“I was really nervous to get up here because there’s a lot of white people in the crowd” said the activist, while audience members nervously laughed. “That wasn’t a joke” she added.

“I wish this many people came out to our racial demonstrations and our Black Lives Matter movements. I don’t want to stand up here and be angry, because this isn’t for me, this isn’t for you, it’s for the people that we lost, and the people that we lose tomorrow, and the people that lost yesterday. But I thought I’d take a moment to list out some facts that many of you probably don’t know because you’re white”.

The activist, who would better be described as a protester, then went on to complain about racial tensions in America and belittle the audience that was grieving for the loss of nearly 50 lives.

“As much as it’s awesome that so many people are here today, it’s like who are you really here for” she continued.

One audience member replied that they were there for everybody, before a large round of applause, before another shouted “we are here to be uniting, not dividing, which is what you are doing now” to the protester, before a large group of attendees started shouting at the man for criticizing her."

Watch the video. THe written word is underplaying what a hateful racist bitch she is, and how the organizers sided with her against the whites in the crowd who had a problem with being insulted.

PS. Keep in mind, that's your ally there on stage. Not mine.

That's the Defacto One Party Future you think is going to be All Rainbows and Unicorns.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Or would you rather believe in the democrat message that is no better than the KKK's: "Only black lives matter".

Of course, this criminal gang believes some lives are better not had at all:

There's an inability on the right and far-left to parse complicated issues.

Yes, all lives matter. But saying that in response to Black Lives Matter is missing the point.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Or would you rather believe in the democrat message that is no better than the KKK's: "Only black lives matter".

Of course, this criminal gang believes some lives are better not had at all:

There's an inability on the right and far-left to parse complicated issues.

Yes, all lives matter. But saying that in response to Black Lives Matter is missing the point.

It's a worthy response to those who booed a (too sane to be) democrat off stage for saying such thing.
Are you offended by Trump's words: "All lives matter!"

Or would you rather believe in the democrat message that is no better than the KKK's: "Only black lives matter".

Of course, this criminal gang believes some lives are better not had at all:

There's an inability on the right and far-left to parse complicated issues.

Yes, all lives matter. But saying that in response to Black Lives Matter is missing the point.

No, it's not.
Trump offends me in general.

And yet those in this thread who have tried to explain WHY this was offensive have had their reasons easily demolished.

Can you do better?

Or are you openly ignoring reasoned debate and logic and just here to share you feelings?

I don't have to do anything. What he said is not in and of itself offensive, and I never claimed otherwise.
Trump only exhibited his ignorance and stupidity – clearly he has no idea what the BLM movement is, and succeeded in only fostering the same clueless bigotry common to most on the right.

One of the primary purposes of conventions is to attract new voters to the party, Trump managed only in driving voters away with such inane rhetoric.

It's a race baiting orginization...not like you need more....but they can be more militant....and they are
BLM and the libs who defend them are beyond offended. They are rabidly pissed & demand an apology.


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