Are you starting to see why the whole empty concept is meaningless?

José;4221272 said:
But I do believe white latin americans who want to live in white-majority countries should have a right to do so.

Look Gravity...

Everybody in America understands the american Jew who wants to leave the US and go live in Israel.

1 - He doesn't like to live in a country where (depending on his job) he has to work on Saturdays because his God tells him he should spend that day worshipping him.

2 - He doesn't appreciate to live in a country where everybody look at him on the streets as if he were an ET because of his hair, beard and black clothes.

3 - He doesn't like to live in a country where his children are subjected to massive exposition to pagan religious festivities like Christmas.

etc, etc, etc....

You are a COMPLETE moron.
Originally posted by High_Gravity
White Hispanics usually do well in the Latin American countries don't they?

They do... they are usually the economic elites of those nations.

Do american Jews earn an awful lot of money in Uncle Sam?

Yes, but this does not prevent hundreds of thousands of them from "making allya" (immigrating) to Israel or at least spending an lot of time there enjoying all the benefits of israeli citizens.

They feel at home in Israel in a way they will never do in America.

Many white hispanics would also like to live among their own people in a white majority country.

American Jews in Israel = unalienable right, absolutely no quotas, automatic citizenship, no questions asked.

White hispanics in the USA = just a small number allowed, deport all the rest, illegal immigrants, criminals, etc, etc...

If this is not a double standard then double standard has no meaning.
UnKotard is a wierdo

Aaahhh... cut the poor guy some slack, tank...

He's just mad cause I made an unflattering comparison between his personal opinion and the smell of his rear end :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
José;4221444 said:
Originally posted by High_Gravity
White Hispanics usually do well in the Latin American countries don't they?

They do... they are usually the economic elites of those nations.

Do american Jews earn an awful lot of money in Uncle Sam?

Yes, but this does not prevent hundreds of thousands of them from "making allya" (immigrating) to Israel or at least spending an lot of time there enjoying all the benefits of israeli citizens.

They feel at home in Israel in a way they will never do in America.

Many white hispanics would also like to live among their own people in a white majority country.

American Jews in Israel = unalienable right, absolutely no quotas, automatic citizenship, no questions asked.

White hispanics in the USA = just a small number allowed, deport all the rest, illegal immigrants, criminals, etc, etc...

If this is not a double standard then double standard has no meaning.

I think that would depend Jose, the Jews feel a different kind of kinship with each other, a spiritual one because of religion, I don't know if white people would necessarily feel at home in a country just because most of the people who live there are white. I definently would feel out of place in Nigeria or Jamaica, even though most of the people there are Black it is different culture and African-American culture is very different from Nigerian and Jamaican culture, I would feel like a fish out of water in those places, I would imagine a white American would feel the same if he was thrown in a predominantly white country like Denmark or Estonia out of the blue.
José;4221444 said:
They feel at home in Israel in a way they will never do in America..

How the fuck do you know, idiot? What a stupid thing to say.
Everyone feels more comfortable around people of their own race, religion or ethnicity. Just a fact.

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