Are you surprised Palin backed Trump rather than Cruz?

Does her endorsement of Trump rather than Cruz surprise you?

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He came out today and said he respects her immensely regardless of her choice.

Thing is Cruz has fought both the GOP & the Dems for several years now. He has bucked the system at near every turn and she endorsed a man who has repeatedly said he respects the Clinton's and has held hard left positions. Her endorsement based on the history of both men baffles me.
She is happy to stab Cruz in the back for the bucks Trump will feed her.
She and her followers have always valued authoritarianism over consistency, so it's not a surprise at all.

That is, they don't care much about the policies of their leader, so long as he sticks it to their perceived enemies.
Bold move by Palin. Doesn't mean she's turned against Cruz.. for all the wacko talking. She can do what she wants. That';s what I call a Trump thumps up!
Just like a gold digger is going to seek out the men with the most money, attention whores are going to go for the coat tails of the person in the lead.

She's endorsing Trump, because she knows that he's the one that gets the most air time on the news, and is looking to dust off her brand and fleece her supporters of even more money.

If Cruz was in the limelight as much as Trump has been, she'd have gone with Cruz.
She's a big fan of Cruz and has backed him on many occasion. There are many out there who are torn between the three leaders in the primaries but with everything kicking into high gear people have to make choices.

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