Are you surprised Palin backed Trump rather than Cruz?

Does her endorsement of Trump rather than Cruz surprise you?

  • Yes

  • No

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Eh, not buying that bill of goods

If you think she's backing Trump for any other reason than expanding her brand then you're crazy. She knows how her bread gets buttered.
She would have gotten the same press no matter who she endorsed. Especially if Cruz overcomes Trump's lead in Iowa.

Bad endorsement imo
Doubtful. Prominent members of the right wing echo chamber make money depending on how extreme they are. Trump is more extreme than Cruz right now. You think she'd sell any books if she endorsed Kasich?
Possibly more. Being predictable is pretty shallow if that's what it comes down to.

I've respected Palins anti establishment positions but that doesn't mean you jump on just any bandwagon.
Every conservative talk radio personality has endorsed Trump. It's because they can't be out-extremed by their competition or the base will turn the dial.
Well I guess I'm out of the loop. I don't listen to talk radio
Seems to be many passionate Trump supporters out there.....

Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:
If you think she's backing Trump for any other reason than expanding her brand then you're crazy. She knows how her bread gets buttered.
She would have gotten the same press no matter who she endorsed. Especially if Cruz overcomes Trump's lead in Iowa.

Bad endorsement imo
Doubtful. Prominent members of the right wing echo chamber make money depending on how extreme they are. Trump is more extreme than Cruz right now. You think she'd sell any books if she endorsed Kasich?
Possibly more. Being predictable is pretty shallow if that's what it comes down to.

I've respected Palins anti establishment positions but that doesn't mean you jump on just any bandwagon.
Every conservative talk radio personality has endorsed Trump. It's because they can't be out-extremed by their competition or the base will turn the dial.
Well I guess I'm out of the loop. I don't listen to talk radio
The GOP base does. And they endorse Trump for the same reason Palin, Anne Coulter and other snake oil salesmen of the GOP endorsed Trump.
Seems to be many passionate Trump supporters out there.....

Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
Apparently mods don't think much of what you post based on your vacation history. Want to continue?

You shouldn't cause you obviously lack the self control required to not continually get banned.
Seems to be many passionate Trump supporters out there.....

Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?

Vig has worshipped the Donald so long... he's starting to believe he IS the Donald!
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:

You keep letting us know that you really are a subversive DemoRAT... you're pathetic!
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:
Why are you confronting me on negs? I hardly ever used the negative system outside of rderp. Hell Ravi nagged me the day I joined and I did not reciprocate. I like Ravi despite her terminal lunacy
Seems to be many passionate Trump supporters out there.....

Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
Apparently mods don't think much of what you post based on your vacation history. Want to continue?

You shouldn't cause you obviously lack the self control required to not continually get banned.

If you haven't been banned you aren't passionate enough! This is politics, people enjoy getting passionate... just look at the JakeAss continually making an ass of himself!
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:

You keep letting us know that you really are a subversive DemoRAT... you're pathetic!
See, on some things we can agree
Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
Apparently mods don't think much of what you post based on your vacation history. Want to continue?

You shouldn't cause you obviously lack the self control required to not continually get banned.

If you haven't been banned you aren't passionate enough! This is politics, people enjoy getting passionate... just look at the JakeAss continually making an ass of himself!
Passion? Really? I fuck with Dont Taz Me so hard and I've yet to receive the bans you have. Learning to tiptoe vs being passionate (stupid)..... try it
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:

You keep letting us know that you really are a subversive DemoRAT... you're pathetic!
See, on some things we can agree

Well YOU are a confused Republican, the JakeAss is a fucking subversive DemoRAT that continually shows his stripes!
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:

You keep letting us know that you really are a subversive DemoRAT... you're pathetic!
See, on some things we can agree

Well YOU are a confused Republican, the JakeAss is a fucking subversive DemoRAT that continually shows his stripes!
You mistake not being a hypocrite for being confused. Don't trip, you're not alone, many idiots think the same.
It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
Apparently mods don't think much of what you post based on your vacation history. Want to continue?

You shouldn't cause you obviously lack the self control required to not continually get banned.

If you haven't been banned you aren't passionate enough! This is politics, people enjoy getting passionate... just look at the JakeAss continually making an ass of himself!
Passion? Really? I fuck with Dont Taz Me so hard and I've yet to receive the bans you have. Learning to tiptoe vs being passionate (stupid)..... try it

Being afraid of a banning also shows your courage!
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch
I think you are wrong, so we will see.

A few disaffected pretend cons will go to Trump, but the real cons will go to Kasich.

Comment on ratings: now the positive effort to counter the terrible beating the far right took here on neg reps. Rate away, cons, rate away: it means nothing. :lol:

You keep letting us know that you really are a subversive DemoRAT... you're pathetic!
See, on some things we can agree

Well YOU are a confused Republican, the JakeAss is a fucking subversive DemoRAT that continually shows his stripes!
You mistake not being a hypocrite for being confused. Don't trip, you're not alone, many idiots think the same.

There's your problem, YOU don't think... But since I've been here you haven't!
Link my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.

If you had any talent at all, instead of making dumb comments to conservatives, you might actually have some RATINGS for being a member so long...apparently conservatives don't think much of what you post... want to continue?
Apparently mods don't think much of what you post based on your vacation history. Want to continue?

You shouldn't cause you obviously lack the self control required to not continually get banned.

If you haven't been banned you aren't passionate enough! This is politics, people enjoy getting passionate... just look at the JakeAss continually making an ass of himself!
Passion? Really? I fuck with Dont Taz Me so hard and I've yet to receive the bans you have. Learning to tiptoe vs being passionate (stupid)..... try it

Being afraid of a banning also shows your courage!
Courage is not something you display on the Internet dumbfuck. It is something you practice in REAL LIFE.
I have actually been legit Banned once. It was shortly after I joined and some Muslim dirt bag was bragging about a new 9/11 coming. I told him directly I was going to report his posts to the FBI. That whole if you see/hear something say something. I did, and got banned for it.

In the end calling you for the dumbfuck you are is not courage, it's just fun. Learn limits like an adult

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