Are you surprised Palin backed Trump rather than Cruz?

Does her endorsement of Trump rather than Cruz surprise you?

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at the moment she seen his devil sign

she knew the intent of his heart

He came out today and said he respects her immensely regardless of her choice.

Thing is Cruz has fought both the GOP & the Dems for several years now. He has bucked the system at near every turn and she endorsed a man who has repeatedly said he respects the Clinton's and has held hard left positions. Her endorsement based on the history of both men baffles me.

Palin's daughter slammed Senator Cruz.

Palin has always been an articulate straight talk speaker and she backed the front runner. If Cruz wins the primary there is no doubt that she will back him. The real question is who the hell will back Hilly or Bernie.

Didn't we almost have it all
When love was all we had worth giving?
The ride with you was worth the fall my friend
Loving you makes life worth living
Didn't we almost have it all?
The nights we held on till the morning
You know you'll never love that way again
Didn't we almost have it all?

Money begets money. Where the herd goes, Sarah Palin will follow. She still has a lot of books to sell.
Backing Cruz would sell less books
Eh, not buying that bill of goods

If you think she's backing Trump for any other reason than expanding her brand then you're crazy. She knows how her bread gets buttered.
She would have gotten the same press no matter who she endorsed. Especially if Cruz overcomes Trump's lead in Iowa.

Bad endorsement imo
Doubtful. Prominent members of the right wing echo chamber make money depending on how extreme they are. Trump is more extreme than Cruz right now. You think she'd sell any books if she endorsed Kasich?
Palin has always been an articulate straight talk speaker and she backed the front runner. If Cruz wins the primary there is no doubt that she will back him. The real question is who the hell will back Hilly or Bernie.

Did you just say she has always been articulate?
I'm surprised by this as well, but Sarah likes to back winners, and it looks like Trump is going to run away with the nomination.

Backing Cruz would sell less books
Eh, not buying that bill of goods

If you think she's backing Trump for any other reason than expanding her brand then you're crazy. She knows how her bread gets buttered.
She would have gotten the same press no matter who she endorsed. Especially if Cruz overcomes Trump's lead in Iowa.

Bad endorsement imo
Doubtful. Prominent members of the right wing echo chamber make money depending on how extreme they are. Trump is more extreme than Cruz right now. You think she'd sell any books if she endorsed Kasich?
Possibly more. Being predictable is pretty shallow if that's what it comes down to.

I've respected Palins anti establishment positions but that doesn't mean you jump on just any bandwagon.
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
Seems to be many passionate Trump supporters out there.....

Can you post something besides your stupid thumbnails? Anything?

What does it say about YOU when you rely on a fucking McDonald's billboard to express your own thoughts?

It serves my piss if scumbags! You qualify!
Lick my left nut loser. Just admit you can't articulate your own thoughts so you rely on Taco Bell giffs & cartoon pictures.
If Sarah Palin had any brains she would have endorsed the only candidate that can defeat Hillary Clinton, Carly Fiorina.

Backing Cruz would sell less books
Eh, not buying that bill of goods

If you think she's backing Trump for any other reason than expanding her brand then you're crazy. She knows how her bread gets buttered.
She would have gotten the same press no matter who she endorsed. Especially if Cruz overcomes Trump's lead in Iowa.

Bad endorsement imo
Doubtful. Prominent members of the right wing echo chamber make money depending on how extreme they are. Trump is more extreme than Cruz right now. You think she'd sell any books if she endorsed Kasich?
Possibly more. Being predictable is pretty shallow if that's what it comes down to.

I've respected Palins anti establishment positions but that doesn't mean you jump on just any bandwagon.
Every conservative talk radio personality has endorsed Trump. It's because they can't be out-extremed by their competition or the base will turn the dial.
If Cruz takes a beating in IA now, his people will go to Kasich, the true conservative, in NH.

He is only 7 points behind Trump there and closing quickly. Palin's endorsement helps him mightily.
If Cruz bombs his support will goto Trump not Kasich. You're out of touch

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