Aren't republicans the true moochers in this country by their disdain for paying taxes?

This thread shows the astounding lack of education, critical thinking skills, and common sense typical of lefties. The OP is so utterly stupid, I don't know where to begin to respond.

You have remember that these Lefties all voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. That tells you all you need to know that they aren't exactly the brightest bulbs in the chandelier.

They love the idea of big government because they believe in the filthy concept of redistribution of income and wealth. They like the government to steal money on their behalf. It is simple greed.
first off there are many dim light bulbs on the Republicans chandelier too.........and there many greedy Republicans as well...........
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
You sorry-ass deluded fuck. :slap:
I can't help but notice how easy it is to get thank-you's and agree's from right wingers. It's like making fart jokes.
How about the poor start paying their fair share?
As it is they pay nothing. So who's the moocher here?
If we raise the minimum wage high enough I am all for that.
whats high enough?.....raising it 6 bucks everywhere like some people want is going to take a toll on many businesses and will result in many of those people being laid off....
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.
the people out here protesting about that want $15 right now.....not 7 years from now........Cal just raised theirs to 9 an hour and in 2016 it will be 10.....the protesters out here say thats not good enough....
They are shooting for 15 so that businesses will decide to negotiate with something lower at least.
You know this, how?
Why should businesses negotiate at all?
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post

To be a mooch you actually have to mooch something. The rich pay their taxes, so calling them "mooches" is pure slander.

Furthermore, the rich generally don't use government services. They put their children in private schools and they have their own private security.

Your claim is simply a bald faced lie.
Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
They sure as hell benefit from the military.
If we raise the minimum wage high enough I am all for that.
whats high enough?.....raising it 6 bucks everywhere like some people want is going to take a toll on many businesses and will result in many of those people being laid off....
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.
the people out here protesting about that want $15 right now.....not 7 years from now........Cal just raised theirs to 9 an hour and in 2016 it will be 10.....the protesters out here say thats not good enough....
They are shooting for 15 so that businesses will decide to negotiate with something lower at least.
You know this, how?
Why should businesses negotiate at all?
You aren't smart enough to be a business owner so I don't expect you to understand.
whats high enough?.....raising it 6 bucks everywhere like some people want is going to take a toll on many businesses and will result in many of those people being laid off....
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.
the people out here protesting about that want $15 right now.....not 7 years from now........Cal just raised theirs to 9 an hour and in 2016 it will be 10.....the protesters out here say thats not good enough....
They are shooting for 15 so that businesses will decide to negotiate with something lower at least.
You know this, how?
Why should businesses negotiate at all?
You aren't smart enough to be a business owner so I don't expect you to understand.
You are the biggest waste of DNA on this board. Not the second. Not in the top 5. The number one waste. Your threads are always troll threads that you can't defend and get your ass beaten to a pulp by people who know more than you. Which is virtually everyone on this board. Including the libs.
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.
the people out here protesting about that want $15 right now.....not 7 years from now........Cal just raised theirs to 9 an hour and in 2016 it will be 10.....the protesters out here say thats not good enough....
They are shooting for 15 so that businesses will decide to negotiate with something lower at least.
You know this, how?
Why should businesses negotiate at all?
You aren't smart enough to be a business owner so I don't expect you to understand.
You are the biggest waste of DNA on this board. Not the second. Not in the top 5. The number one waste. Your threads are always troll threads that you can't defend and get your ass beaten to a pulp by people who know more than you. Which is virtually everyone on this board. Including the libs.
Lol you're so transparent. The more you rant on about me being "the worst", the more obvious it is of how sore I've made you on here.
Republicans are not against paying taxes they are against paying unfairly high taxes.
i notice he took "Moderate Liberal" from out of the bottom of his name....i guess he finally realized...he aint that moderate....
I didnt remove that. The site did. Don't you realize how ridiculous you sound by claiming I'm not a moderate simply because I criticize republicans?
thats not it at all say you criticize Democrats....WHERE?....why is every fucking thread you throw up about Republicans?.....if you say you are this or that....lets fucking see is cheap Billy.....and you can say what you want about me,at least im on record here saying both Democrats and Republicans are fucked, numerous about you? are no different than Dean....and you know what people here think of him.....
Republicans are easy targets. They represent everything I am against. That isn't the case with dems. They are corrupt hyocritical assholes, but they at least put forth policies I agree with.
why the hell would you back someone who you are admitting are corrupt hypercritical assholes? Satan is no good but Dracula is ok? that what you are saying?.........come on Billy....what you just told me i would think you would hate both parties and would be saying so in the shit you throw up....but its not i is just talk..........
So I just criticized dems and that still isn't good enough for you? Get real dude. I have mixed feelings about dems. My feelings for repubs is pretty black and white. I am gonna put my energy to that.
you just fucking told me you think they are not only corrupt but hypercritical assholes.... and so i question you as to WHY you would back people like that and you get upset about me asking?.....i think you should get real Billy and come to grips with the fact that you are ok with the Democrats no matter what they do and you will just keep on making excuses for them ......thats a farther left individual........
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
Actually repubs tend to complain more about taxes and democrats tend not to pay them
Hard to complain about what doesn't hit YOUR wallet.
How about the poor start paying their fair share?
As it is they pay nothing. So who's the moocher here?
If we raise the minimum wage high enough I am all for that.
whats high enough?.....raising it 6 bucks everywhere like some people want is going to take a toll on many businesses and will result in many of those people being laid off....
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.
the people out here protesting about that want $15 right now.....not 7 years from now........Cal just raised theirs to 9 an hour and in 2016 it will be 10.....the protesters out here say thats not good enough....
They are shooting for 15 so that businesses will decide to negotiate with something lower at least.
thats YOUR opinion.....the protesters were saying they want it NOW....they already have the lower out here....some places out here already pay 10 or better which makes the Min.wage out here maybe the highest in the Country....but yet they are not satisfied.....
Republicans are not against paying taxes they are against paying unfairly high taxes.

but the right doesn't mind paying 12$ billion a month so some muzzie can dip his thumb in purple ink ...

there's the damn rub.
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
You sorry-ass deluded fuck. :slap:
I can't help but notice how easy it is to get thank-you's and agree's from right wingers. It's like making fart jokes.
so why dont the lefties here thank their fellows?....
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
You sorry-ass deluded fuck. :slap:
I can't help but notice how easy it is to get thank-you's and agree's from right wingers. It's like making fart jokes.
so why dont the lefties here thank their fellows?....
We do when it's called for. Thank's and agree's on every piddling post is like a standing ovation for a sub-par performance.
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
You sorry-ass deluded fuck. :slap:
I can't help but notice how easy it is to get thank-you's and agree's from right wingers. It's like making fart jokes.
so why dont the lefties here thank their fellows?....
We do when it's called for. Thank's and agree's on every piddling post is like a standing ovation for a sub-par performance.

5,000 thank you's for basically the same comment ... Obama sucks, or anything relating to Obama sucks ... RW heaven.
Deductions, credits, and exemptions are a form of mooching. They are, in fact, by far the largest mooching enterprise going in America today, to the tune of $1.2 trillion a year.

So when you take a deduction, credit, or exemption when filling out your taxes, just remember; you are a mooch. You are a member of the biggest mooching class.

That $1.2 trillion has to come from someone else. Either in the form of higher tax rates for everyone, or by borrowing from China.

But just watch a "conservative" scream like a welfare hippie when you try to shut off that $1.2 trillion government tit.

"I get to keep more of my money!" they scream. They don't care that money comes at someone else's expense. That part of the equation does not matter to them.

Suck on that government tit, little piggies! Suck away. And keep deluding yourselves you are not the biggest part of the problem.
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
Apparently you still like to project like crazy,conservatives are not anti tax,just anti over tax.But people like yourself just love to shape the narrative with lies and untruths,so you feel better about your stupid ways,and you question others maturity level.what are an 8th grader home on a snow day?

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