Aren't republicans the true moochers in this country by their disdain for paying taxes?

To be a mooch you actually have to mooch something. The rich pay their taxes, so calling them "mooches" is pure slander.

Furthermore, the rich generally don't use government services. They put their children in private schools and they have their own private security.

Your claim is simply a bald faced lie.
Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?

Defense accounts for about 18% of the budget. The government has no business building highways. The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to create federal police forces, which is what the CIA and the FBI are.
Not exactly. The CIA is part of the military, engaged in developing information on enemies abroad.

You could argue that, I suppose. However, there is no provision in the Constitution for a national police force. That makes the FBI unconstitutional.
Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?

Defense accounts for about 18% of the budget. The government has no business building highways. The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to create federal police forces, which is what the CIA and the FBI are.

lol, you want people and businesses to have to travel on a highway system built entirely by the private sector?

You must intentionally be acting stupid to make conservatives look bad.

Sure, why not. What does government do better than the private sector?

Answer: nothing.
Dogma, and wrong of course. Is national security private, for-profit? Nope.
Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?

Defense accounts for about 18% of the budget. The government has no business building highways. The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to create federal police forces, which is what the CIA and the FBI are.
Not exactly. The CIA is part of the military, engaged in developing information on enemies abroad.

You could argue that, I suppose. However, there is no provision in the Constitution for a national police force. That makes the FBI unconstitutional.
For Pat toasters are unconstitutional, the Founders neglected to mention them.
They don't benefit. Companies spend billions of dollars training their employees basics like how to write a paragraph or do simple math problems.

So why do the Republicans oppose the Common Core standards which would prevent this problem?

46 states adopted Common Core, including deep red states, without any federal dollars or input. Then one day, Obama says he likes Common Core and the very same Republicans who adopted and promoted Common Core suddenly decide it is a tool of the devil.

Pure Obama Derangement Syndrome at work.
So-called "tax expenditures" cannot be applied to a consumption tax. That's why the FAIR tax is a better way to go.

When you say consumption taxes cannot be corrupted, just how stupid are you? On DAY ONE, there would be carve-outs (exemptions) for milk and produce and coal and whatever other carve-outs a shit ton of lobbyist cash could buy.

This would mean the FAIR Tax would have to be raised to compensate for all those carve-outs. Exactly as the current income tax rate is higher because of the exemptions, credits, and deductions in the current tax scheme.

You are just moving the same old scheme to a new form.

Sorry. If you don't ban tax expenditures, then you are wasting everyone's time and allowing the sucking at the tit to continue.
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Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?

Defense accounts for about 18% of the budget. The government has no business building highways. The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to create federal police forces, which is what the CIA and the FBI are.

lol, you want people and businesses to have to travel on a highway system built entirely by the private sector?

You must intentionally be acting stupid to make conservatives look bad.

Sure, why not. What does government do better than the private sector?

Answer: nothing.
Not entirely true.
I wouldnt want private enterprise setting standards of weights and measures. Or coinage. I wouldnt really want them fighting wars. Or setting up patents.
But outside of that limited scope yeah, government pretty much sucks at whatever it tries to do.
Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?

Defense accounts for about 18% of the budget. The government has no business building highways. The Constitution doesn't authorize the government to create federal police forces, which is what the CIA and the FBI are.

lol, you want people and businesses to have to travel on a highway system built entirely by the private sector?

You must intentionally be acting stupid to make conservatives look bad.
Our transportation infrastructure was originally built almost entirely by the private sector.

And that's what you want to return to? No government maintenance of our system of roads and bridges?

What is happening on this forum? lol
Who laid the cable for the information superhighway? And who maintains it?

The private sector.
Who is breaking the back of the government price fixing scheme for government controlled taxi transportation services?

Uber and Lyft. The private sector.
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
how can they raise taxes on people who don't pay federal income tax?
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
You sorry-ass deluded fuck. :slap:
I'd like for them to explain how the poor who pay no federal income taxes can have their taxes increased?
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post
also, how does divides democrats have anything whatsoever to do with Reps?
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post

To be a mooch you actually have to mooch something. The rich pay their taxes, so calling them "mooches" is pure slander.

Furthermore, the rich generally don't use government services. They put their children in private schools and they have their own private security.

Your claim is simply a bald faced lie.
Oh please. The rich don't use gov services? Are you kidding me? You really think private schools is the only services they don't benefit from?

Do the rich use welfare? Do they need Social Security? Aside from the courts and the military, is there any government service the rich benefit from?
Do you even know how much we spend on defense? Obviously not. How about the FBI? CIA? Highways? Other infrastructure that republicans refuse to pay for?
You can't be that stupid, pay a third in taxes on pay check. Around thirty cent in gas tax. 6 percent sales tax. Property taxes, car tax. Extra taxes on phone, power, water. You think we need more taxes? Fuck you
They have no taxes at all in Somalia. It is a republican paradise!

Wrong again. Do you actually imagine those warlords don't extract some kind of revenue from the people living on their turf?
What? What kind of an anarchist are you? Without government, aren't people just supposed to get along and cooperate in a state of utopian bliss?

Somalia has got to be the safest country in the world. EVERBODY open carries there!
You come across like a child. You have no argument so you pound your fists on the ground in a tantrum.
The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

So, Republicans propose to give back to Americans $440 billion of their own earnings. Wow what a concept.

You don't give a shit about bloated, corrupt, inefficient, wasteful government do you? :slap:
Lol you only demonstrate my point. Those earnings pay for government services. Quit being a parasite.

Gov services for who?
Um everyone...

I just want to pay for the basics. Like military,fire,police,schools and roads.
The rest of it is a rip off.

Scratch roads, fire and schools. In fact, scratch the police. Then you have the basics
They have no taxes at all in Somalia. It is a republican paradise!

Wrong again. Do you actually imagine those warlords don't extract some kind of revenue from the people living on their turf?
What? What kind of an anarchist are you? Without government, aren't people just supposed to get along and cooperate in a state of utopian bliss?

Somalia has government. We used to call it Feudalism.
Poor Billy000, still trying to start a thread that has credibility and failing once again.
i notice he took "Moderate Liberal" from out of the bottom of his name....i guess he finally realized...he aint that moderate....
I didnt remove that. The site did. Don't you realize how ridiculous you sound by claiming I'm not a moderate simply because I criticize republicans?
thats not it at all say you criticize Democrats....WHERE?....why is every fucking thread you throw up about Republicans?.....if you say you are this or that....lets fucking see is cheap Billy.....and you can say what you want about me,at least im on record here saying both Democrats and Republicans are fucked, numerous about you? are no different than Dean....and you know what people here think of him.....
Republicans are easy targets. They represent everything I am against. That isn't the case with dems. They are corrupt hyocritical assholes, but they at least put forth policies I agree with.

Yep, you're against freedom, personal responsibility, self sufficiency and frugality in government.
Apparently they expect the government to pay for everything for them. Is it that they are too dumb to realize revenue pays for our military, public schools and highways etc.?

The newest republican tax cut proposal would add 440 billion to our national debt. More proof republicans don't give a shit about the issue

The Republican Party s top priority is to raise taxes on the poor. Literally.

A battle over taxes divides Democrats. More to come - The Washington Post

How about the poor start paying their fair share?
As it is they pay nothing. So who's the moocher here?
If we raise the minimum wage high enough I am all for that.
whats high enough?.....raising it 6 bucks everywhere like some people want is going to take a toll on many businesses and will result in many of those people being laid off....
If raised gradually over a few years the initial cost to businesses would be small. Over time, the boost in consumer spending from it will help businesses. $15 per hour would be kept up with inflation.

What about the subtraction from consumer spending caused by the tax? How will that help business?

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