Aren't these Trump rallies expensive?

Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries in history. A word became popular during the also failed administration of President Jimmy Carter, MALAISE!


SNAP participation monthly


SNAP participation annually


Crepitus, more?
You know all those charts show things got better years before Cheeto Jesus even thought about collaborating with Putin to steal the election.

You've proved my point.
They got better under Obama? What are you smoking?
Read yer fellow worshiper's charts.

Tell me what you see.
I see $1.5 trillion dollar deficits during the reign of Obama.
That didn't actually happen.

Who told you that?
The government.
Seems like Trump is having constant rallies even though the next election is far away. Doesn't he have a job to do? Aren't these using up lots of tax dollars?

Trump campaign to hold rallies in Mississippi, Kentucky
He’s spending millions of taxpayer dollars on these rallies.

Another thing Republicans will never be able to bitch about again.

And he's saving millions of dollars in other ways, including middle-east wars.

During the president’s first three-years, Trump spent $19.8 million less on White House payroll costs than Obama, adjusted for inflation.

Trump's Leaner White House 2019 Payroll Has Already Saved Taxpayers $20 Million
So why does it go to his re-election campaign instead of back to the tax-payers?
Seems like Trump is having constant rallies even though the next election is far away. Doesn't he have a job to do? Aren't these using up lots of tax dollars?

Trump campaign to hold rallies in Mississippi, Kentucky
He’s spending millions of taxpayer dollars on these rallies.

Another thing Republicans will never be able to bitch about again.

And he's saving millions of dollars in other ways, including middle-east wars.

During the president’s first three-years, Trump spent $19.8 million less on White House payroll costs than Obama, adjusted for inflation.

Trump's Leaner White House 2019 Payroll Has Already Saved Taxpayers $20 Million
So why does it go to his re-election campaign instead of back to the tax-payers?
It doesn't, you dumbass.
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
And trump gave out huge tax cuts we couldn't afford. He also spent huge on military and agreed to anything the dems wanted to spend on. The bar keeps getting lowered, every 2 years one party gets the upper hand on the other because the previous party did a bad job. If one were to actually do a good job they would likely be reelected. I know few people looking for handouts. Even freezing spending would be good at this point.
I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
If trump had done what he said and actually worked toward a balanced budget, would you still vote for him?
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

It wasn’t cheap when oboe went to Africa for his bs trip years back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
If trump had done what he said and actually worked toward a balanced budget, would you still vote for him?

I would, but again, it depends on what he had to cut. Of course that would never happen. If Trump cut all the Democrat goodies out of the budget, the Democrats would shutdown the government, just like they did with Trump's demand of a wall. And who does the media always blame when a government shutdown happens?
Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

It wasn’t cheap when oboe went to Africa for his bs trip years back.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I can't imagine it was.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
If trump had done what he said and actually worked toward a balanced budget, would you still vote for him?

I would, but again, it depends on what he had to cut. Of course that would never happen. If Trump cut all the Democrat goodies out of the budget, the Democrats would shutdown the government, just like they did with Trump's demand of a wall. And who does the media always blame when a government shutdown happens?
I think the people would support a freeze on increases. Dems can't do anything if the majority agree with the move. They are politicians after all, they won't fight something that is popular. But instead deficit Donald has actually increased the Obama deficits.
It’s a bargain, considering we will never be inputting the green new deal. We’ll be saving trillions![emoji2957]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
Some of us will vote for responsible politicians. There was a time we didn't constantly have huge deficits. We still had poliiticians.

Yes there was. But this is what I call my Ray from Cleveland's raccoon theory.

You see a hungry raccoon digging in your garbage can and feel sorry for the animal. So you go inside the house, and fetch that leftover ham you were going to throw away at the end of the week anyhow. After the animal eats in delight for a few seconds, try to take that ham away and see what happens to you.

The Democrats are well aware of my theory, although they may think of it in a different way, but humans are not that different than animals, where once you give them something, it's rightfully theirs as far as they are concerned. So few if any politicians right or left are willing to get their hand chewed up trying to take it away.

Now Democrats are pushing for Medicare for all, and free college. If they get away with it, those are government handouts nobody will ever be able to take away from the people, regardless how good or bad it works out.

That's the problem.
If trump had done what he said and actually worked toward a balanced budget, would you still vote for him?

I would, but again, it depends on what he had to cut. Of course that would never happen. If Trump cut all the Democrat goodies out of the budget, the Democrats would shutdown the government, just like they did with Trump's demand of a wall. And who does the media always blame when a government shutdown happens?
I think the people would support a freeze on increases. Dems can't do anything if the majority agree with the move. They are politicians after all, they won't fight something that is popular. But instead deficit Donald has actually increased the Obama deficits.
The smell that can never prove anything craps again.
It’s a bargain, considering we will never be inputting the green new deal. We’ll be saving trillions![emoji2957]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
How very fiscally responsible of you. Man this is funny.
Failed former President Barack Hussein Obama presided over one of the slowest recoveries in history. A word became popular during the also failed administration of President Jimmy Carter, MALAISE!


SNAP participation monthly


SNAP participation annually


Crepitus, more?
You know all those charts show things got better years before Cheeto Jesus even thought about collaborating with Putin to steal the election.

You've proved my point.
They got better under Obama? What are you smoking?
Read yer fellow worshiper's charts.

Tell me what you see.
I see $1.5 trillion dollar deficits during the reign of Obama.
That didn't actually happen.

Who told you that?

Crepitus, do you know that the Deficit is a paper number and the increase in the Debt is an actual number?

Well if only a few people supported trump as the left insists it doesn't cost much to rent a VFW hall now does it?

I believe much of the money is in the security. It's expensive to move a president all around the country. But you guys stopped caring about fiscal responsibility long ago....

Oh, please stop your Alinsky tactics. The reality is you people don’t give a flying fuck about fiscal responsibility. For example, you people shit yourselves over a proposed $5B wall to control illegal immigration yet ignore that illegals cost US at least 10x that number annually.

Most significantly, your side NEVER wants to discuss spending cuts when it comes to budget and taxes. It’s a 100 percent SPEND policy with you people.

You people should have no problem with the Office of the President spending money.
The reality is you people don’t care about fiscal responsibility. I don’t have a side, politicians are turds. We’d be better off if everyone realized that .

I"m sure most people don't believe you have no side as you're obviously an anti-Trump'r. But let me give you and excerpt from economist Walter E Williams.

"I'm going to run for office. My platform will be no spending. I plan on bringing zero dollars to my state. Now what do you suppose my chances would be at getting elected?"

The truth of the matter is that politicians have no choice but to spend, because this is what is expected of them.

For instance, let's say we're going to cut food stamps in half. The Democrats would be screaming to high heavens about the women, children and elderly that will go without eating. If the Democrats propose cutting our military budget in half, the people on my side would be enraged because that could have a serous consequence to our national security. If Trump proposes cutting welfare down to the bone, the left would be predicting starving children, and an increase in robberies, burglaries, and death. If the Democrats propose making people work until the age of 72 before you could collect SS benefits, the people on the right would be upset about middle-class blue collar workers, where physical labor is nearly impossible even up to the age of 65. And the list goes on and on and on.

Everybody wants less spending, but nobody is willing to sacrifice for it. So is it the fault of politicians, or is the fault of us?
That is the reason forcwelfare is to control unrest and to subsidize agriculture.
No they don't, on campaign trips, the RNC payes for it and they do not use AirForce 1. None of these rallies are on the Taxpayer dime, and by the way, Trump has NOT taken a dime in Salary yet. You tards can now go back to licking your gonads on the couch.

They got gonads?

Not since!

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