arguements over a mississippi confederate statue

Funny, you seem afraid of me just talking and pointing out that the shit you say is stupid ass shit.

Which is all is.

No I don't. Talk all you like, doesn't seem to be doing shit. Thing is, we've already won on the statue issue, you're just now seeing the results. I don't care how long it takes. They sure as fuck ain't putting any more up. If they keep subtracting, even slowly, and they never add, well even a moron like you can do that math. 😁

No I don't. Talk all you like, doesn't seem to be doing shit. Thing is, we've already won on the statue issue, you're just now seeing the results. I don't care how long it takes. They sure as fuck ain't putting any more up. If they keep subtracting, even slowly, and they never add, well even a moron like you can do that math. 😁

So you say. Yet, you are here a LOT and whining a lot as I constantly point out that the shit you say is wrong, ranging the scale from simply "wrong" to "monkey with a brain injury fucking retarded wrong".

It's almost like you are terrified that someone might have the balls to say the Truth.

Because you know that your entire world is built on Lies.
So you say. Yet, you are here a LOT and whining a lot as I constantly point out that the shit you say is wrong, ranging the scale from simply "wrong" to "monkey with a brain injury fucking retarded wrong".

It's almost like you are terrified that someone might have the balls to say the Truth.

Because you know that your entire world is built on Lies.
You mean you keep cry shouting your opinion at people who find it hilarious? 😆
You mean you keep cry shouting your opinion at people who find it hilarious? 😆

1, I'm not the one pretending that talking about the issues is not important. Thus my presence here talking makes sense.

2. YOU are the one pretending to not care what other people, specifically me, say, yet you are here a lot, pushing back. That makes no sense.

3. That you need that explained to you, is one more example of how you seem to have teh intelligence of a brain damaged monkey.
1, I'm not the one pretending that talking about the issues is not important. Thus my presence here talking makes sense.

No you moron with one too many participation trophies, your presence here doesn't mean shit. No one's does. This is just a debate board, it's Hobby Lobby. The shit that matters is the ability to affect social and political change in the real world. We can get statues taken down, you can't get statues put up. That's the tale of the tape.
2. YOU are the one pretending to not care what other people, specifically me, say, yet you are here a lot, pushing back. That makes no sense.
I'm mainly just laughing at you. Anything you think is pushback is me just explaining to you how stupid and ineffectual I find all your arguments.
3. That you need that explained to you, is one more example of how you seem to have teh intelligence of a brain damaged monkey.
And yet we can get statues taken down and you can't get new ones put up so we must be doing something right. 😄

No you moron with one too many participation trophies, your presence here doesn't mean shit. No one's does. This is just a debate board, it's Hobby Lobby. The shit that matters is the ability to affect social and political change in the real world. We can get statues taken down, you can't get statues put up. That's the tale of the tape.

Yet you spend a lot of time here. And let's be real. You come across as a retarded, racist monkey. You realize that a lot of white libs read the shit you are posting. You are making them face the fact that they are allied with blood thirsty savages.

I'm mainly just laughing at you. Anything you think is pushback is me just explaining to you how stupid and ineffectual I find all your arguments.

Except you are teh one who can't support your position with any examples or reasoned arguments.

And yet we can get statues taken down and you can't get new ones put up so we must be doing something right. 😄

Correct. You and your white libs have done well in tearing down the country. It is easier to destroy then build, after all.

You might win.

It is telling though, that what you will "win" will be a ruined nation full of people at each other's throats.

For example, any children you have, will be raised in a school run by white libs, and will be groomed to grow up to be tranniers, or to at least date them.

A real black man, would have a problem with that.

And that is just one way, that your victory would actually make your life WORSE for you and your people, that you pretend to care about.
Yet you spend a lot of time here. And let's be real. You come across as a retarded, racist monkey. You realize that a lot of white libs read the shit you are posting. You are making them face the fact that they are allied with blood thirsty savages.

Except you are teh one who can't support your position with any examples or reasoned arguments.

Correct. You and your white libs have done well in tearing down the country. It is easier to destroy then build, after all.

You might win.

It is telling though, that what you will "win" will be a ruined nation full of people at each other's throats.

For example, any children you have, will be raised in a school run by white libs, and will be groomed to grow up to be tranniers, or to at least date them.

A real black man, would have a problem with that.

And that is just one way, that your victory would actually make your life WORSE for you and your people, that you pretend to care about.
My daughter is going to graduate from an HBCU. Fail harder you clown. I don't fear you, not even a little bit. 😆
My daughter is going to graduate from an HBCU. Fail harder you clown. I don't fear you, not even a little bit. 😆

Black children, are and will be going to schools where they will have their minds filled with the world view of white libs and trannies.

Any real black man, would have more of a problem with that, then with a confederate flag on some white guys truck.
Black children, are and will be going to schools where they will have their minds filled with the world view of white libs and trannies.

Any real black man, would have more of a problem with that, then with a confederate flag on some white guys truck.
You think Confederate flags are my main concern? 🤣
The Left wants to erase History.

Try as they might, they will not be able to.

What they don't understand is that these people they hate so much are the ones who founded and molded the country they now get to enjoy that makes them so free and provides so much that worrying about a statue can actually be an issue to them.

If you can worry about a statue then you have a pretty sweet life. A whole lot of other people only ever worry about having enough to eat, not getting killed, or trying to get enough money to survive, or being controlled by a dictator.

That's a big reason American society sucks is because we now have a large amount of people who don't want to conform to America, they want America to conform to them.

No I don't. Talk all you like, doesn't seem to be doing shit. Thing is, we've already won on the statue issue, you're just now seeing the results. I don't care how long it takes. They sure as fuck ain't putting any more up. If they keep subtracting, even slowly, and they never add, well even a moron like you can do that math. 😁
Speaking of math - dude - teach your kids to read. Stop trying to destroy my culture, and teach your kids to add 2 and 2.

Some of you intellectuals and activists are running around claiming that math is racist. Maybe you heartless fucks should start thinking about the children instead
Speaking of math - dude - teach your kids to read. Stop trying to destroy my culture, and teach your kids to add 2 and 2.

Some of you intellectuals and activists are running around claiming that math is racist. Maybe you heartless fucks should start thinking about the children instead

They don't give a fuck about their kids. All they care about is power.
Speaking of math - dude - teach your kids to read. Stop trying to destroy my culture, and teach your kids to add 2 and 2.

Some of you intellectuals and activists are running around claiming that math is racist. Maybe you heartless fucks should start thinking about the children instead
The kids in my family mostly go to private schools now because we are all largely successful doctors, nurses and business owners. 😆 We can do both. It's the rising class of black intellectual elites why you are starting to see racism and history discussed from a black perspective (CRT and the 1619 Project) gaining more prominence.
You left out the "whining like a faggot" part.

I fully respect the blacks that just ignore the statues and go about living their lives, even if they are not fans of the various symbols in question.

Now, when this debate moves on to attacking the Founding Fathers, I will be less forgiving.
Of course you do, you have always loved for us to just ACCEPT things as they are.
The kids in my family mostly go to private schools now because we are all largely successful doctors, nurses and business owners. 😆 We can do both. It's the rising class of black intellectual elites why you are starting to see racism and history discussed from a black perspective (CRT and the 1619 Project) gaining more prominence.

Oh horseshit. My best friend from high school is now a brain surgeon. No black brain surgeon is going to buy that CRT baloney.

History does not have a black "perspective", it's HISTORY. Those fucktard CRT idiots talk about "whiteness" which is NOT a history concept, it's some revisionist asshole's OPINION and it stinks
Oh horseshit. My best friend from high school is now a brain surgeon. No black brain surgeon is going to buy that CRT baloney.

History does not have a black "perspective", it's HISTORY. Those fucktard CRT idiots talk about "whiteness" which is NOT a history concept, it's some revisionist asshole's OPINION and it stinks
Of course history has perspectives you fuckwit. What do you think history is? 😄

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