arguements over a mississippi confederate statue

Morality is an emotion you dipshit, emotions are right or wrong, they are subjective.

Morality is not an emotion. You are just a sophist asshole.

Winning is the goal after all isn't it? If it wasn't you could sit in your trailer park, content with your moral victory.

This is a discussion forum. When you admit that you are the bad guy and that you don't care about right and wrong, you have lost the debate. That's a win for me and a loss for you.

I'm fine if you think I'm the bad guy and if your growing minority.

Said the man unable to defend his actions or positions other than to gloat about winning. That is more what you would expect from a supervillain monologue, not on a discussion forum.

None of it. Your simp feelings are easy enough to dissect. 😆

Mmm, no, the way you suck up to the white libs, who give you the power you need to win, that makes you the simp.

I'm true to myself and my beliefs, You are just going along with the mob and the current power structure, to get along and so you can feel powerful.

That is actually WEAK.
How would I know? I wasn't there. I've never read anyone who has researched the history of it.

And who cares? At some point in the past, they started using a different symbol to celebrate their heritge.
So you were the first person to ever research it, wow. Wouldn't the original actually be your heritage?
I could speculate if you want. If you think I am so wise that you are interested in my ideas, and you think you could learn from me.
Believe you me, I learn more and more about you with every post.
Morality is not an emotion. You are just a sophist asshole.
Then what is it?
This is a discussion forum. When you admit that you are the bad guy and that you don't care about right and wrong, you have lost the debate. That's a win for me and a loss for you.
You never heard the phrase one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter? Who is a bad guy or good guy is also subjective.
Said the man unable to defend his actions or positions other than to gloat about winning. That is more what you would expect from a supervillain monologue, not on a discussion forum.
It's you that seem to have the poor defense, after all its you who can't protect the statues and symbols you hold dear.
Mmm, no, the way you suck up to the white libs, who give you the power you need to win, that makes you the simp.
Who does that? If I have the power what the fuck would I need moderate white libs for? 😆 We plan to take over the Democratic Party, that's been the plan all along. We cucked segregationists and took it from them, what makes you think we can't do the same to moderates?
I'm true to myself and my beliefs, You are just going along with the mob and the current power structure, to get along and so you can feel powerful.
No, we, directing the mob at our enemies because we are powerful. See this is why you will always be a loser. You don't know how to win. 😆
That is actually WEAK.
No, you are, both politically and socially, that's why you're getting pushed around everywhere.
So you were the first person to ever research it, wow. Wouldn't the original actually be your heritage?

I made no such claim.

Believe you me, I learn more and more about you with every post.

A simple no would have been fine. So, that the end of that? Was there a point to those questions?

The fact remains. Not long after the war, the use of the "Confederate Flag" to symbolize regional pride, grew, as opposed to the use of the actual national flag of the Confederacy.

This is an interesting historical factoid.

Except not that interesting. I certainly don't care about that.

Why do you?
I made no such claim.

A simple no would have been fine. So, that the end of that? Was there a point to those questions?

The fact remains. Not long after the war, the use of the "Confederate Flag" to symbolize regional pride, grew, as opposed to the use of the actual national flag of the Confederacy.

This is an interesting historical factoid.

Except not that interesting. I certainly don't care about that.

Why do you?
So put the statues and monuments in a museum or at someone's house. Folks don't need to go down city streets and see that garbage on the street.
I made no such claim.

A simple no would have been fine. So, that the end of that? Was there a point to those questions?

The fact remains. Not long after the war, the use of the "Confederate Flag" to symbolize regional pride, grew, as opposed to the use of the actual national flag of the Confederacy.

This is an interesting historical factoid.

Except not that interesting. I certainly don't care about that.

Why do you?
It's not interesting, it's obvious you clown. Instead of annihilating white Southern racists they brought them back into the fold and allowed them to continue abusing black people under those symbols because white Americans are deeply deplorable assclowns and have been for quite some time.
So put the statues and monuments in a museum or at someone's house. Folks don't need to go down city streets and see that garbage on the street.

1. That has nothing to do with teh shit you were just asking me.

2. Not garbage. Harmless symbols of regional pride.

3. Why should your hysteria matter to anyone else?
1. That has nothing to do with teh shit you were just asking me.

2. Not garbage. Harmless symbols of regional pride.

3. Why should your hysteria matter to anyone else?
Our opinions however do seem to matter more than yours on this issue. What are you going to do to change that other than to keep crying about it while we laugh in your face?
It's not interesting, it's obvious you clown. Instead of annihilating white Southern racists they brought them back into the fold and allowed them to continue abusing black people under those symbols because white Americans are deeply deplorable assclowns and have been for quite some time.

You say that like you think it was morally wrong. Except you have also dismissed morality as just "feelings" and ridiculed the idea that it matters.

So, which is the real goat?

The tough guy that dismissed talk of right and wrong, if he is winning?

Or this guy, whining like a faggot because white wacists weren't treated harshly enough long before he was born?
You say that like you think it was morally wrong. Except you have also dismissed morality as just "feelings" and ridiculed the idea that it matters.

So, which is the real goat?

The tough guy that dismissed talk of right and wrong, if he is winning?

Or this guy, whining like a faggot because white wacists weren't treated harshly enough long before he was born?
When I talk about right and wrong I'm talking about what I feel to be right and wrong. You talk about it like sky daddy sat you on his knee and told you what to believe in. 😆
When I talk about right and wrong I'm talking about what I feel to be right and wrong. You talk about it like sky daddy sat you on his knee and told you what to believe in. 😆

SO, yeah, the whites of the Union, crafted policy to re assimilate the whites of the South, instead of "annihilating" them.

What of it? THey had won. That is all that matters to you, right? The winner gets to do what he wants. So why are you whining about it, like a faggot, 150 years after the fact?
SO, yeah, the whites of the Union, crafted policy to re assimilate the whites of the South, instead of "annihilating" them.

What of it? THey had won. That is all that matters to you, right? The winner gets to do what he wants. So why are you whining about it, like a faggot, 150 years after the fact?
I'm not whinning about it, I was relaying it as an explanation for why that flag endured. It wasn't adopted by a separate group of people who changed its meaning, it was the very same people and over the years and generations those people minimized the deplorable nature of the Confederacy and pretended that their was something in that flag to take pride in. There isn't.
I'm not whinning about it, I was relaying it as an explanation for why that flag endured. It wasn't adopted by a separate group of people who changed its meaning, it was the very same people and over the years and generations those people minimized the deplorable nature of the Confederacy and pretended that their was something in that flag to take pride in. There isn't.

The fact that you are even discussing their "nature" is you making moral judgements.

Yet, when I catch you being immoral, you reject the very idea of moral judgments.

The reality is that you are just a shit talker trying to have it both ways. Whining about moral judgements when it servers your purpose, but dismissing them when you are proved to be the one ACTUALLY BEING AN IMMORAL ASSHOLE.
The fact that you are even discussing their "nature" is you making moral judgements.

Yet, when I catch you being immoral, you reject the very idea of moral judgments.

The reality is that you are just a shit talker trying to have it both ways. Whining about moral judgements when it servers your purpose, but dismissing them when you are proved to be the one ACTUALLY BEING AN IMMORAL ASSHOLE.
Morality is subjective you fucking moron. Look that word up and get back to me. 😄
Morality is subjective you fucking moron. Look that word up and get back to me. 😄

Irrelevant to the fact that you are a shit talker trying to have it both ways.

When I call you on immoral behavior, you dismiss it and gloat about your power.

When you think something whites do or did is immoral, you whine like a faggot.
Irrelevant to the fact that you are a shit talker trying to have it both ways.

When I call you on immoral behavior, you dismiss it and gloat about your power.

When you think something whites do or did is immoral, you whine like a faggot.
Yes, I dismiss your ideas of what is and isn't moral, what aren't you getting? 😄
Yes, I dismiss your ideas of what is and isn't moral, what aren't you getting? 😄

I get it fine. You expect others to give a damn if YOU find something immoral. Or pretend to.

But when you are caught actually being immoral, you dismiss it as "feelings".

That is you being a shit talker trying to have it both ways.
Morality is an emotion you dipshit, emotions aren't right or wrong, they are subjective.

Have you read up on the ventromedial prefrontal cortex yet?

You should.

Then you will understand exactly what PART of morality is emotional.

And you won't be as much of a dummy anymore.

Winning is the goal after all isn't it? If it wasn't you could sit in your trailer park, content with your moral victory.

No son, winning is not the goal.

This is not a gladiator match.

I'm not here to destroy you.

Or your culture.

I'm fine if you think I'm the bad guy and if you're growing minority.

How old are you?

You can't be very old.

None of it. Your simp feelings are easy enough to dissect. 😆

What is this 'feelings" crap?

You really are a little troll, aren't you?

Go crack a fucking book, then maybe you'll know what you're talking about.

Here - start here:

And here:

Let's see if you can put two and two together without being a black activist about it
When I talk about right and wrong I'm talking about what I feel to be right and wrong.

No. You're not. Not at all.

That may be subjectively what it 'feels" like you're doing, but it's nowhere even close to what you're actually doing.

You talk about it like sky daddy sat you on his knee and told you what to believe in. 😆

Crack the book. You'll learn something.

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