Arizona execution goes terribly wrong

Can we get this discussion back on to the Death Penalty and why you all think it's fine to torture people to death?
!. The punishment should fit the crime.
2. The victim and/or the victim's family deserve justice.
3. I can't afford and am not interested in paying for a life of leisure for a scumbag.
Again, a tragedy how this one guy died, it should not have gone on that long.

It wasn't intentional by the state, it was a mistake and mistakes happen, maybe the state like Joe explained about the guy who shot the 17, had a "bad day."

I guess we are all allowed "bad day."

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Can we get this discussion back on to the Death Penalty and why you all think it's fine to torture people to death?
!. The punishment should fit the crime.
2. The victim and/or the victim's family deserve justice.
3. I can't afford and am not interested in paying for a life of leisure for a scumbag.

1. Life imprisonment fits the crime.
2. Revenge isn't justice
3. Prisons aren't luxury resorts.

So three failed argument that don't really cover mean-spiritedness.
Can we get this discussion back on to the Death Penalty and why you all think it's fine to torture people to death?
!. The punishment should fit the crime.
2. The victim and/or the victim's family deserve justice.
3. I can't afford and am not interested in paying for a life of leisure for a scumbag.

1. Life imprisonment fits the crime.
2. Revenge isn't justice
3. Prisons aren't luxury resorts.
So three failed argument that don't really cover mean-spiritedness.

1. Life imprisonment fits the crime.
Wrong. Not even close. And why should innocent citizens be forced to pay for it?

2. Revenge isn't justice
Sure it is. Never heard of crime and punishment? If victims or their families can't rely on the justice system to appropriately punish the perpetrators they can't be blamed for "taking the law into their own hands".

3. Prisons aren't luxury resorts.
No? Three hots and a cot, free medical care, free dental care, protection from those they've abused, and new victims who can't escape them. Close enough and why should I be willing to pay for it? Way more than many innocent people have especially the military.
I hear St. Catherine's Wheel ('the Breaking Wheel') was a fun Saturday afternoon, in the town square, in the Middle Ages.
Oh my, we certainly wouldn't want to inconvenience those waiting to rape and murder our children.
This could lead to the abolition of executions.

Arizona Execution of Joseph Wood Took Nearly Two Hours - NBC News

An Arizona execution took nearly two hours on Wednesday, and witnesses said he gasped and snorted for well over an hour.

The execution of double-murderer Joseph Wood — which Arizona carried out with a lethal-injection it had never before tried — is certain to fan the debate over how U.S. states carry out the death penalty.

"I've never witnessed an execution that took that long," defense lawyer Dale Baich told NBC News. "The state of Arizona today conducted a failed experiment....It was horrible to watch."

But how did it go wrong? The bastard is dead, isn't he?

3. Prisons aren't luxury resorts.
No? Three hots and a cot, free medical care, free dental care, protection from those they've abused, and new victims who can't escape them. Close enough and why should I be willing to pay for it? Way more than many innocent people have especially the military.

Wow, Really?

So after 30 years of making war on the middle class, this is what you wingnuts consider "luxury"?
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

Yes, and Obama is an excellent example of that, leaving a decorated hero Marine in a Mexican jail with no effort to get him out, while he exchanges 5 of the Talibans top terrorists for a deserter.

He gives pink slips to serving officers in a combat zone while allowing illegal criminal aliens to enter our military without due documentation.

Libtards are insane, there is no other way to put it.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.

Oh my! What will the neighbors think?!
I think we should lead; not follow.
I hear St. Catherine's Wheel ('the Breaking Wheel') was a fun Saturday afternoon, in the town square, in the Middle Ages.

Sadly, most of you Wing Nuts would probably be happy living in the Middle Ages.

An absolute dictatorship where all property, wealth, and means of production were owned by the state, to be doled out as the ruler saw fit?

That is EXACTLY what you and the other Khmer Rouge democrats advocate, Comrade Stalin. Ultimately, the Communism you promote is nothing more than the return to feudalism.
Japan has it nearly impossible to own a firearm. And consequently no death penalty. Nor more importantly, no huge problem with violent crime either.

It is not "nearly impossible to own a firearm" in Japan. Much more restricted than the US, but not "nearly impossible." And, Japan does have the death penalty. The vast majority of the population supports it. AND, there is violent crime in Japan as well. Guns are not the only means to violence, champ.

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