Arizona execution goes terribly wrong

This could lead to the abolition of executions.

Arizona Execution of Joseph Wood Took Nearly Two Hours - NBC News

An Arizona execution took nearly two hours on Wednesday, and witnesses said he gasped and snorted for well over an hour.

The execution of double-murderer Joseph Wood — which Arizona carried out with a lethal-injection it had never before tried — is certain to fan the debate over how U.S. states carry out the death penalty.

"I've never witnessed an execution that took that long," defense lawyer Dale Baich told NBC News. "The state of Arizona today conducted a failed experiment....It was horrible to watch."

Veterinarians have been ending animal's lives humanely for years with no trouble at all. Why is it they can't execute a human being just as easily? I don't get it.
Here's a thread for people to try to understand the hypocritical conservative logic of their so-called pro-life stance.
Here's a thread for people to try to understand the hypocritical conservative logic of their so-called pro-life stance.

No, most pro death penalty people want that penalty BECAUSE of their respect for life and seeing the unjustified killing of another person as meriting the ultimate form of justice; execution.

It is the pro-death abortion crowd that has the disrespect for life and wouldn't even hand out speeding tickets for those going to get a drive through abortion if they could swing it.

The pro-abortion fiends want EVERY baby to die and let the population reduce to about 500k globally.

They are just too cowardly to admit it in public.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.

Oh my! What will the neighbors think?!
I think we should lead; not follow.

Okay. When the rest of the world abandons a form of punishment because it is barbaric and we insist on keeping it, despite the fact of frequent cases of nearly executing the wrong person and making it prohibitively expensive to do, we aren't leading.

We are just stubbornly sticking to a bad idea.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.

Agreed. If my wife died trying to suck air after being shot in the lung they should be required to die sucking for air. Oh yeah he did. We're good.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.

Agreed. If my wife died trying to suck air after being shot in the lung they should be required to die sucking for air. Oh yeah he did. We're good.

The sad thing is, your good with it, civilized people are more like WTF.
NO, I think they should be punished appropriately.

WHich does NOT include barbaric forms of punishment the rest of the world has abandoned a long time ago.

We are in a club with China, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other barbaric countries. Most of the world has abandoned capital punishment.

Agreed. If my wife died trying to suck air after being shot in the lung they should be required to die sucking for air. Oh yeah he did. We're good.

The sad thing is, your good with it, civilized people are more like WTF.
How would you know? You're from Chicago FFS!
This could lead to the abolition of executions.

Arizona Execution of Joseph Wood Took Nearly Two Hours - NBC News

An Arizona execution took nearly two hours on Wednesday, and witnesses said he gasped and snorted for well over an hour.

The execution of double-murderer Joseph Wood — which Arizona carried out with a lethal-injection it had never before tried — is certain to fan the debate over how U.S. states carry out the death penalty.

"I've never witnessed an execution that took that long," defense lawyer Dale Baich told NBC News. "The state of Arizona today conducted a failed experiment....It was horrible to watch."

Veterinarians have been ending animal's lives humanely for years with no trouble at all. Why is it they can't execute a human being just as easily? I don't get it.

Because anti-death penalty advocates have become involved and deliberately caused issues.
Here's a thread for people to try to understand the hypocritical conservative logic of their so-called pro-life stance.

Where you pro-death ghouls think that the innocent should die without judicial review, but the guilty should be protected.

Yeah, you ghouls are something else..
Japan has it nearly impossible to own a firearm. And consequently no death penalty. Nor more importantly, no huge problem with violent crime either.

It is not "nearly impossible to own a firearm" in Japan. Much more restricted than the US, but not "nearly impossible." And, Japan does have the death penalty. The vast majority of the population supports it. AND, there is violent crime in Japan as well. Guns are not the only means to violence, champ.

It is so amazing that people have to be educated on the most simple, and easily looked up facts. No death penalty in Japan? That required a full 3.5 seconds to look up. Fail, there is.

And then the 'nearly impossible' crap? That required almost 10 seconds to look up..... so I'll give him partial credit, since it's hardly conceivable that a leftist would take more than 5 seconds to research anything.

[ame=]Asian immigrant schools americans on gun control at public hearing on gun violence - YouTube[/ame]

Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

No it's about following the 8th amendment rule against cruel and unusual punishment. Everyone has rights, including murderers.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

No it's about following the 8th amendment rule against cruel and unusual punishment. Everyone has rights, including murderers.

Yeah, and you are more worried about the murderers rights, than those he killed, and the victims he left behind.

This is why we on the right, don't give a crap what you people think. If you care more about murderers than the victims, that makes you an accomplice in my book. You should die with them. Save us all having you scum supporting criminals in our society.
Sadly, the worst sum of the earth are heroes to be cherished while their victims don't even deserve to be remembered to liberal idiots.

No it's about following the 8th amendment rule against cruel and unusual punishment. Everyone has rights, including murderers.
What then is cruel and unusual? Putting dogs to sleep is not considered cruel and unusual. Most these dogs have done have not so much as nipped at hand. The same cannot be said of these sick fuck killers on death row.

I feel far sorrier for the dogs, and even the cows, pigs and chickens slaughtered for our consumption.
No it's about following the 8th amendment rule against cruel and unusual punishment. Everyone has rights, including murderers.

Execution is neither cruel nor unusual.

The anti-American cadre has made it worse than it should be.

We have done lethal injection before.
Now they have no idea how to do it.
Were states forced to use a different procedure by Libs.
Now it's a disaster by design? So now there is outrage and we need to end it?

More like, other countries that were providing the drugs to do it aren't playing along anymore...

because it's fucking barbaric.

Here are my two problems with the Death Penalty.

Eventually, you are going to get the wrong guy, if you haven't already. 148 people on death row have been let go because someone else did what they were convicted of.

Second, in attempts to keep the first one from happening, ever, we spend a huge amount of money second- guessing and re-examining cases of the 3100 on Death Rows so we can execute 30 or so of them a year.

Lefty think: capital punishment is barbaric; abortion on demand isn't.

Go figure.
We have done lethal injection before.
Now they have no idea how to do it.
Were states forced to use a different procedure by Libs.
Now it's a disaster by design? So now there is outrage and we need to end it?

More like, other countries that were providing the drugs to do it aren't playing along anymore...

because it's fucking barbaric.

Here are my two problems with the Death Penalty.

Eventually, you are going to get the wrong guy, if you haven't already. 148 people on death row have been let go because someone else did what they were convicted of.

Second, in attempts to keep the first one from happening, ever, we spend a huge amount of money second- guessing and re-examining cases of the 3100 on Death Rows so we can execute 30 or so of them a year.

Lefty think: capital punishment is barbaric; abortion on demand isn't.

Go figure.
Abortion is one of the few topics I tread lightly on because I am undecided in my own mind. However, I will say the it seems hypocritical in the extreme to show such compassion on the death penalty for the worst of humanity than the most innocent. It is something that must take extreme and perverse conviction to justify.
More like, other countries that were providing the drugs to do it aren't playing along anymore...

because it's fucking barbaric.

Here are my two problems with the Death Penalty.

Eventually, you are going to get the wrong guy, if you haven't already. 148 people on death row have been let go because someone else did what they were convicted of.

Second, in attempts to keep the first one from happening, ever, we spend a huge amount of money second- guessing and re-examining cases of the 3100 on Death Rows so we can execute 30 or so of them a year.

Lefty think: capital punishment is barbaric; abortion on demand isn't.

Go figure.
Abortion is one of the few topics I tread lightly on because I am undecided in my own mind. However, I will say the it seems hypocritical in the extreme to show such compassion on the death penalty for the worst of humanity than the most innocent. It is something that must take extreme and perverse conviction to justify.

Most of those on this thread who allege that capital punishment is barbaric are humanists. They're absurd. They deny the existence of the only ontologically justifiable grounds for absolute morality, and so they are reduced to making wet, snot-stained-hanky talk about cruelty. The pertinent principle here is the sanctity of human life. But even human life is not the highest principle of all. Justice is. And justice demands a reckoning; otherwise, it is meaningless to even talk about the sanctity of human, let alone cruel or unusual punishment.

But of course the administration of capital punishment should be as humane as we can possibly make it for the same reason.

Lefty think: capital punishment is barbaric; abortion on demand isn't.

Go figure.

Yeah, fetuses aren't people.

They don't feel pain when aborted in 99% of abortions. (most are performed before the 12th week, pain receptors don't turn on until the 20th.)

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