Arizona governor Katie Hobbs kills plan to allow parents to conceal carry at schools

A teacher having a conference with parents telling them their child is a little brat does not need an armed irate parent
The illegitimate governor, cartel Katie, is not acting in the best interests of protecting the children in Arizona. If there's a school shooting, the blood will be on her hands.

Hobbs does not have the authority to deny them the right to bear arms.
Hobbs just wants to protect her prime Democrat Voters, psycho mass shooters, muggers, rapists, pedophiles and gang bangers.
The illegitimate governor, cartel Katie, is not acting in the best interests of protecting the children in Arizona. If there's a school shooting, the blood will be on her hands.

I prefer to see an armed officer on a school campus if @ all po$$ible. Retired police officers/ former combat vets come to mind here. The problem we have here in America, & actually ANY society has, is that we have mentally deranged individuals looking for a headline. First line of defense for a school campus is grounds surveillance. Second line of defense should be limited access into the school campus structures. Third line of defense is of course the armed officer(s).

My concern is that a mentally deranged individual hell bent on taking out school aged kids & faculty, as well as himself/herself is the Timothy McVeigh type. A suicide minded individual can just use any ole retired commercial plow truck loaded with explosive chemicals to ram an exterior wall then roll right into a school structure & take out a fair amount of any school structure, along with the people within said structure. Mental illness is the real problem here as anyone can acquire a firearm or build an explosive device. The problem with suicide minded individuals is how to identify them before they can strike. While McVeigh was not interested in committing suicide one can bet that there are plenty of folks in our America that would be interested in checking out of this current existence with a big bang.
As far as I'm aware schools don't even have security anymore. Back when I went to school you had to be buzzed in if you came to school when it was already in session and any visitors had to have identification badges and possibly even security cameras. What happened?

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