Arizona Judge Rejects Kari Lake’s Effort to Overturn Her Election Loss

Apparently blieves in the rules of evidentiary procedures.

A judge on Saturday dismissed Republican Kari Lake’s election challenge and affirmed Democrat Katie Hobbs’ election as governor two days after a trial in which he said Lake failed to prove her case.

Maricopa County Judge Peter Thompson, who oversaw the two-day trial, ruled that Lake’s legal team never offered clear and convincing evidence showing the election was rigged against her.

Lake can appeal the case before Hobbs is expected to be sworn into office Jan. 2. Because of the tight timetable, the case may move swiftly to the Arizona Supreme Court.

Thompson noted that real problems did affect the election, but election workers tried their best and performed their role "with integrity."

"Not perfectly,” Thompson continued, "as no system on this earth is perfect, but more than sufficient to comply with the law and conduct a valid election."

Judge Thompson found no "Convincing Evidence showing the election was rigged against her" (Lake). In order to sustain a charge of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud, you must evidence beyond a reasonable doubt of Election Fraud/Voter Fraud. Lake had nothing unbelievable conspiracy theories including shruken ballots caused her to lose the election.

Anyone who doesn't ape the conspiracy becomes part of it.

You can't use evidence (or in this case, their spectacular lack of it) to convince people who run on emotion, conjecture and speculation.
Apparently, the judge set the bar fairly high as to what the precise issues would be. And ultimately, the judge determined that the plaintiff had failed to meet that burden of proof, citing it as being mostly just speculative.

In reality, the ruling doesn’t surprise almost anyone. Right or wrong, it was fully expected.

Not by our board conservatives. And certainly not by Kari Lake.

I don't think 'smoking gun' means what she thinks it means.
Did you even follow the presentation of the evidence? If you did, give us a quick summary.

Several AZ LAWS were obviously broken and even the witness for the state admitted it. There is a law, for example, that there MUST BE a verifiable chain of custody when moving ballots from polling places to a central location for tabulation. No such evidence was available to prove that law was complied with and their witness admitted it. BY LAW, every damned one of those 250 thousand ballots should have been disqualified.'

Says you, citing yourself a legal authority.

You can always tell when MAGA has reached the limit of reason when they start citing themselves as the sole authoritative interpreters of the law.
There was proof that someone in the crew running the elections intentionally misprinted ballots so they could not be scanned. That change HAD to be done by a system administrator. Security would not have otherwise allowed it. Also, there was proof that this change was executed on the day of the election. Finally, the most important part of this is the fact that you fu*king people would be in the streets burning shit down if this behavior cost YOUR candidate a victory.
Don't be surprised when the rest of us finally decide to mimic you. Apparently, that's the only way to convince SCOTUS to take elections seriously again...

There was the accusation that was the case.....from one dude flown in by the My Pillow guy. But the judge (nor anyone with a brain) bought that accusation as compelling or remotely likely.

Especially given that *everyone who wanted to was able to vote*.
Stop with the lie that there was a “lack of evidence”. It was shown in court Maricopa County did not follow the law. But it is nearly impossible to prove the intent of individuals was malice, as opposed to gross negligence.

So basically it is okay to violate the law in elections and cheat, since you can’t prove that individuals meant to do it. Sets the precedent for cheating. So be careful what you wish for.
what law do you claim was shown in court, where Maricopa cnty, did not follow it?
As everyone except for usmb conservatives expected, lack of evidence was cited. Why do Republicans always lose these kinds of lawsuits? Yes. It was a rhetorical question.
The judge refused to allow evidence that would have proved her case to be entered into the record.
As everyone except for usmb conservatives expected, lack of evidence was cited. Why do Republicans always lose these kinds of lawsuits? Yes. It was a rhetorical question.
/——/ Paywall. I’m not giving the NY Slimes one dime.
Stop with the lie that there was a “lack of evidence”. It was shown in court Maricopa County did not follow the law. But it is nearly impossible to prove the intent of individuals was malice, as opposed to gross negligence.

So basically it is okay to violate the law in elections and cheat, since you can’t prove that individuals meant to do it. Sets the precedent for cheating. So be careful what you wish for.
Cry Cry Cry
Soros is shaping our justice system. And stealing elections is turning into an art form.
If elections can be stolen carte blanche, why would you ever expect an honest election again? That process is over. Our elections are no different than an election in North Korea, or China. The transition to UN dictatorship is taking place now. Our Bill of Rights no longer exists.
Now go get your masks...
what law do you claim was shown in court, where Maricopa cnty, did not follow it?

Maricopa county failed to do chain of custody with mail in ballots going to Runbeck. Using Runbeck itself was illegal. The printer settings were manually changed, which caused the ballot issues for Election Day voters, was proven to have happened. Ballots were also injected in by Runbeck employees which is illegal. Recounted ballots were also sent to Hobbs instead of the court, which is illegal but that was the other case.

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