Arizona Sheriff: ‘Our Own Government Has Become Our Enemy’

All has been answered. You are like the little kid whose hand is caught in the candy jar and says, "What candy jar?" When told the one you have your hand in, you then say, "It is Obama's fault."

You are being silly. Your racism is fact based on your own words. Look at my signature line with your own words. Thou art the man.

No little boy you haven't answered anyone of my comments.
For starters When I used the word ****** was it directed at anyone or any race or group of people?
You are being silly. Your racism is fact based on your own words. Look at my signature line with your own words and look at your own admission. You, of all people, are not allowed to use the word. Thou art the man.
You are being silly. Your racism is fact based on your own words. Look at my signature line with your own words and look at your own admission. You, of all people, are not allowed to use the word. Thou art the man.

Answer the question

For starters When I used the word ****** was it directed at anyone or any race or group of people?
bigrebnc1775;2617093"An armed man is a citizen. An unarmed man is a subject" "When injustice becomes law said:[/url]

And a man with all the bombs who is too terrified to use them against the evil Mexicans is called OBAMA!

As I said anyone who is willing to fight with America deserves some respect. Mexicans that fought and dies in World war 2 deserve respect. no matter what the numbers are. You can have your opinion like I an have my opinion on this subject. I am not willing to debate you about it.

OK. Now get 105,000,000 Mexicans to die for America and you will have proved your point!
And a man with all the bombs who is too terrified to use them against the evil Mexicans is called OBAMA!

As I said anyone who is willing to fight with America deserves some respect. Mexicans that fought and dies in World war 2 deserve respect. no matter what the numbers are. You can have your opinion like I an have my opinion on this subject. I am not willing to debate you about it.

OK. Now get 105,000,000 Mexicans to die for America and you will have proved your point!

You win I concede
Nope, biggie, you will not justify it, because you are by your own words a racist.

I do commend you for your response to Bullfighter.
Nope, biggie, you will not justify it, because you are by your own words a racist.

I do commend you for your response to Bullfighter.

You condemn yourself because you will not answer a direct question, and you have ties with ties with a known racist. After all starkey is not a common name.
How things going with Jesse?
Silly biggie. Nope, biggie, you cannot justify it, because you are by your own words a racist. Thou art the man.
Right, biggie. You are so silly. You are a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. Your own words condemn you.

All you have to do is to take a big breath, be a big boy, and admit it.
Right, biggie. You are so silly. You are a racist, a sexist, a homophobe. Your own words condemn you.

All you have to do is to take a big breath, be a big boy, and admit it.

thou art the man jake jesse starkey.
You, Biggles, are typical far right reactionary loony trying to act like the GOP conservative you are not.

Who is stating the feds are not doing the job? All true Americans (right, center, left) agree that the laws have to be enforced, the border secured, immigrant reform legislation enacted, and businesses punished for knowingly hiring illegals.

So it is not me, Biggles; the government has to do better. But Arizona does not have constitutional authority to pass and enforce the AZ law. If Arapio or any other AZ official interferes with a U.S. Marshall, the AZ official is arrested and goes to the pokey, period.

Why are the feds not going after sanctuary cities? Can you answer anything anyone asks you? (I typed reeeeeal slow so you are able to read along without getting lost ;) )
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It's really sad to see everyone arguing about this issue. Posting assumptions and calling them facts. Pointing to opinions and calling them facts. Trying to discredit someone for any reason, rather than actually discussing the issue. What a bunch of trolls from both sides of the isle.

I live in Tucson. Every day I see the results of our current illegal immigration policies, or lack thereof.

-Anytime you go to an emergency room here, all you see are illegals (yes you can tell who they are). They use the emergency rooms instead of a regular doctor, don't pay for it, which drives up the costs for the hospitals.

-Drug gangs are so bad between here and the border (and west of here) that you have to carry weapons with you or risk not coming back. People dissapear all the time out there. I've been shot at a number of times. I've had friends killed out there.

Our gov't (both parties) continues to do next to nothing. Throwing us under the bus for votes while people are dying.

Now, please explain to me why it's ok to let people die for votes?


-A few years ago then govenor Janet Napalitano put national guard troops on the border. The drug gangs, and the illegals backed away. There is something that worked and doesn't cost any more than we're spending already on military.

-It costs too much to put murderers in jail, so we shouldn't do it? Once we actually enforce our laws and protect our citizens and borders, most illegals will self deport.

-Tell Mexico that it has to take care of it's own people for a change. Money from the states is their 2nd largest source of income. No wonder they are backing Obama in suing AZ over a law that is on the books of other states already.

-Lastly, more and more I hear regular folks talking about protecting the border themselves if the fed won't do it. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Am I racist? I really don't care anymore if you call me racist, I've heard that term thrown around so much it almost doesn't even register anymore. I guess you could ask my neice of hispanic heritage, I doubt she would agree.

Just remember, a great tactic to use if you want to conquer a country, start divison within. We're all americans here. To my mind, anyone who's actions hurt the soverenty of this nation is a traitor.

Flame on... Guilty concience?
I hear ya on the harsh reality of those who actually live in that State twofox. The talking heads in the federal government are using this as a political weapon... Not saying the other side wouldn't be doing the same thing! Unfortunately with every one of you trying to get the message out on how bad it is there's ten others spouting off the opposite thing to drown your voice out.
The sad thing is, IMHO, the way it's been going it'll come down to a gun fight between our border patrol and the Mexican military before the Federal Gov. finally realizes this is an invasion.
I support Arizona and I hope other states take up the cause. I live 500 plus miles from the Mexican border, but you'd never know it NOW. And these cretins run the place. They don't care about MY rights; Constitutional or Human or otherwise. They are total assholes, forgive my language. Mr. Starkey, ever have illegal aliens threaten to kill you ? Over the volume of a radio? The Constitution says I ALSO have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, Mexicans differ on all that. They would wipe their asses on OUR constitution, boy-o, they don&#8217;t care. You don&#8217;t have ANYTHING to do with immigrants, illegal or not, do YOU? You would sing a deferent tune if you did.
It's really sad to see everyone arguing about this issue. Posting assumptions and calling them facts. Pointing to opinions and calling them facts. Trying to discredit someone for any reason, rather than actually discussing the issue. What a bunch of trolls from both sides of the isle.

I live in Tucson. Every day I see the results of our current illegal immigration policies, or lack thereof.

-Anytime you go to an emergency room here, all you see are illegals (yes you can tell who they are). They use the emergency rooms instead of a regular doctor, don't pay for it, which drives up the costs for the hospitals.

-Drug gangs are so bad between here and the border (and west of here) that you have to carry weapons with you or risk not coming back. People dissapear all the time out there. I've been shot at a number of times. I've had friends killed out there.

Our gov't (both parties) continues to do next to nothing. Throwing us under the bus for votes while people are dying.

Now, please explain to me why it's ok to let people die for votes?


-A few years ago then govenor Janet Napalitano put national guard troops on the border. The drug gangs, and the illegals backed away. There is something that worked and doesn't cost any more than we're spending already on military.

-It costs too much to put murderers in jail, so we shouldn't do it? Once we actually enforce our laws and protect our citizens and borders, most illegals will self deport.

-Tell Mexico that it has to take care of it's own people for a change. Money from the states is their 2nd largest source of income. No wonder they are backing Obama in suing AZ over a law that is on the books of other states already.

-Lastly, more and more I hear regular folks talking about protecting the border themselves if the fed won't do it. Let's hope it doesn't come to that.

Am I racist? I really don't care anymore if you call me racist, I've heard that term thrown around so much it almost doesn't even register anymore. I guess you could ask my neice of hispanic heritage, I doubt she would agree.

Just remember, a great tactic to use if you want to conquer a country, start divison within. We're all americans here. To my mind, anyone who's actions hurt the soverenty of this nation is a traitor.

Flame on... Guilty concience?
Nice link Taijilib.

I gew up in the midwest. Us city kids worked the farms in the summer. Why? Because we wanted that first car, or stereo, or whatever. Nothing was given to us.

Let's take a few industries:

Construction - Illegals get paid $10/hr to do the jobs that americans would love to be doing but they used to make upwards of $15/hr. Now they have to take alot less. But americans will do those jobs.

Yard care - Same story on the wages. As a matter of fact there are american owned companies doing those jobs now.

Food service - Lots of highschool and college kids work at mcdonalds as first jobs, and to get through school. Lots of waitresses out there still doing there thing. Nothing new there.

Prok/beef/chicken processing plants - Again, americans would love those jobs, but the wages have been driven down so far by the illegals.

So what jobs are you talking about that americans won't do? I say that if the jobs are there, then americans will do them. Unless they deign not to consider such lowly work as most kids do.

Why do wages go down? Because employers pay illegals under the table, also known as working for "tax". In other words, no taxes are payed by anyone involved, so alot of it can't be tracked. That might be one reason americans don't want those jobs, because wages have been driven down so far by the illegals.

Something else to consider. Most illegals working here don't want to become americans. They just want to send money home, and they to, by the billions every year. Why not help mexico clean up it's own house? You sound like a crusader, go down to mexico and help them do it! It'd be just like going south in the 60's for civil rights, which was really a noble cause. (no sarcasm intended).

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