Ark of the Covenant

And yet they knew the universe was created from nothing and that man was a product of that creation 6,000 years before science did.
No they didn't. Get that nonsense out of here. They claimed to "know" a lot of things, almost all nonsense.

This is like the guy who wakes up every day and says it is going to rain. Then, on the days it does rain, he says: "I told you so!". Pure nonsense.
Of course they did. A creator God is the foundation of monotheism. It's in Genesis Chapter 1.

The only thing that reforms a Tax Collector is death.
Good god man. This is the year 2021, not 21.
Human nature never changes.
Yes, we just get better as a society at pointing at stupid, evil shit like you just said and deeming it unacceptable. And we have secular ideas to thank for that.
Try BBC, Reuters and AP if you want to see uncivilized behavior.
The nations you admire are spilling blood like water.
they'll never accomplish the feat to become pure as prescribed by the religion of antiquity and equal to the gods for admission to the Everlasting through triumph by being slaves to the scriptures of the desert religions even for those that consider such an endeavor as homework.

purity of spirit - And just exactly what in the hell is that? Prob for a different thread.
the relevance is intrinsic to the thread title and general implications for an object that does not exist and the reason bearing on the religions that promote the deception.

there never were etched from heaven - 10 commandments - for there to have been the - arc of the covenant. the christians and jews are lying and have been for centuries and for the last day and a half in this thread.

* for the dull, ff (fort fun) - - the answer is, the arc does not exist nor either the basis for their religions that use it for nefarious purposes.
.....the nation of Israel would come to a point in its history that it would no longer require the need for the Ark to remind the people of their covenant with God.
the same is true of your scriptures had you not abandoned the prescribed spoken religion of antiquity. their long lost chance for remission.
Strange is it not? You project something as being TRUE while in the same breath you submit ad hominem subjective rhetoric as the base of your opinion (had you not......a negative projection of an event that NEVER HAPPENED)? LMAO

You are not disagreeing with are disagreeing with the Holy Scriptures that pointed out the fact that Israel would no longer require an ARK to remind them of their covenant, as that covenant would be written on their heart, NOT STONE. (Jer. 31:31-34).

You disagree? Easy as pie.........just produce the Ark of the Covenant and prove your argument. If the Law of Moses is still in effect, THE ARK MUST EXIST still today. What was presented was the history of what happened to the ARK as recorded in the Holy Scriptures......that is not my opinion as I presented Book, Chapter and Verse to support the conclusion that the Ark is no longer required to "feel the presence of God."

I would suggest that you are lacking in faith if you feel the need for the ARK's influence today.......nothing is written on your heart.
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for the dull, ff (fort fun) - - the answer is, the arc does not exist nor either the basis for their religions that use it for nefarious purposes.

So what is "purity of spirit"? Sounds like nonsense. Like, it's whatever you need it to mean to sell something on late night TV.
.....the nation of Israel would come to a point in its history that it would no longer require the need for the Ark to remind the people of their covenant with God.
the same is true of your scriptures had you not abandoned the prescribed spoken religion of antiquity. their long lost chance for remission.
Strange is it not? You project something as being TRUE while in the same breath you submit ad hominem subjective rhetoric as the base of your opinion (had you not......a negative projection of an event that NEVER HAPPENED)? LMAO

You are not disagreeing with are disagreeing with the Holy Scriptures that pointed out the fact that Israel would no longer require an ARK to remind them of their covenant, as that covenant would be written on their heart, NOT STONE. (Jer. 31:31-34).

You disagree? Easy as pie.........just produce the Ark of the Covenant and prove your argument. If the Law of Moses is still in effect, THE ARK MUST EXIST still today. What was presented was the history of what happened to the ARK as recorded in the Holy Scriptures......that is not my opinion as I presented Book, Chapter and Verse to support the conclusion that the Ark is no longer required to "feel the presence of God."

I would suggest that you are lacking in faith if you feel the need for the ARK's influence today.......nothing is written on your heart.
According to scripture.........the nation of Israel would come to a point in its history that it would no longer require the need for the Ark to remind the people of their covenant with God.

Strange is it not? You project something as being TRUE while in the same breath you submit ad hominem subjective rhetoric as the base of your opinion (had you not......a negative projection of an event that NEVER HAPPENED)? LMAO
no idea the point you are trying to make ...

there never were 10 commandments etched in heaven on display not to be needed any longer by a realization of - (in fact the religion abandoned by the desert religions scriptures) - the prescribed spoken religion of antiquity. that is generic and unrelated to the desert religions and the true reenactment of the 1st century as the closing scene of that eposode illustrates - its failure to reach fruition. ... caused by the unrepentant perpetrators to this day. the desert religions.
Yes, and that strengthens the knowledge that Moses had no written language. Again, thank you for strengthening my points.

Somebody in Egypt could read and write. They had the Book of the Dead and they had the popular novel about Sinuhe.

most misunderstood - historical artifact ...

how about - as well, the guy that disintegrated the tablets etched in heaven, now indistinguishable pieces in that box who then wrote their own version for his desert religion that then claims they are special people ...

* good luck finding the box - it had a predestination all of its own - (true) judaism took care of it.
All the Bedouin people used to carry their gods around in a box on a litter. It was tribal thing. Typically it was a meteor or a piece of a meteor.
In what language? You are being cutesy, here. Flesh out your fantasy in detail about a literate moses and lets compare it both to the myths and to our archaeological knowledge.
The Bible says Moses was educated in pharaoh's court.

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