Ark of the Covenant

It's possible by the descriptions upon touching it, the box with "gold plated" terminal winged decors on top but WOOD POLES USED TO CARRY IT AS TO NOT TOUCH the METAL, that this could have contained an archaic age form of battery- *simple chemical batteries were used for gold electroplating in Egypt thousands of years ago.
This would explain also the story of Moses staff turning into a snake (description of electric charge coming out of it like you see in those electric globes)
Remember that same staff is described as being inside.
17:25 Vayomer Adonay
el-Moshe HASHEV et-mateh Aharon lifney ha'edut lemishmeret le'ot
livney-Meri utechal telunotam me'alay velo yamutu.
God said to Moses, "Put Aaron's staff back there before
the [Ark of] Testimony as a keepsake. Let it be a sign for anyone who wants to rebel.
This should put an end to their complaints to Me, and then they will not die."
I have always found the part it being a “ sign” for anyone who wants to rebel very interesting… To rebel is to dwell in dry land according to one of the psalms I think Psalm 68 .. I don’t take this literally but more poetically as free flowing “ waters” always symbolized peoples and faiths how they rather flowed like many waters… A Mikvah like the one found in the temple had to have freely flowing water in order to be pure and untainted any that “ Rebel” would not be able to remain pure and untainted as they dwelt on “ dry land”.. It also might symbolize that everything is dry land till the Mikvah in the Mikdosh( temple) is restored.. Funny if the psalms are prophetic to the years and Israel was given much new dry land in 1967 by increasing her fourfold in size ( psalm 67) and yet the Mikdosh or temple was not rebuilt and still isn’t to this day making the whole earth very dry indeed…
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Ok. Where is it? What is it? Does it still exist or did it disintegrate?

Whatcha think?
It's in Israel.

It was stashed in caves underneath Golgotha 400 years before Christ was crucified, and the 10

commandments was in there, broken?

They said the tablet was broken.

Anyway. You remember when the Bible says the Roman soldier pierced Jesus' side and blood and water ran out?
And God cracked the ground open and the curtain in the temple was rended?

God cracked the ground open so Jesus' blood could hit the mercy seat on The Ark of The Covenant and

complete God's sacrifice to man. He had temple workers place the Ark just so, right underneath Golgotha 400

years prior.

That was the last sacrifice necessary. God kept his covenant.

He cracked open like 60-80 feet of ground to do it, too. This is something me and a couple friends know that

not a lot of people do. Others do, but few and far between, and that's how it was.
The israeli government has the Ark of The Covenant. Taken from caves underneath Golgotha in the 1970s-80s.

Ethiopians watch over something they think is that, and have since the time of Christ.

God bless them. Jesus went there pretty quick after he rose from the dead. He established a church in Ethiopia.

Ya never know, temple people may have taken it to Ethiopia after the deed was done, but I think the Isrealis have it.

I think the Isrealis will never say they have it, either. That's bad. Especially if they do.

I think they do.

Here's some interesting reading about it:

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant?'

It ties in the Ethiopian factor, too.

Also, this is very relevant, and really is how it is, IMO.

It even talks about how Abraham sacrificing Isaac was a tester, because that's exactly what it was.
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I have always found the part it being a “ sign” for anyone who wants to rebel very interesting… To rebel is to dwell in dry land according to one of the psalms I think Psalm 68 .. I don’t take this literally but more poetically as free flowing “ waters” always symbolized peoples and faiths how they rather flowed like many waters… A Mikvah like the one found in the temple had to have freely flowing water in order to be pure and untainted any that “ Rebel” would not be able to remain pure and untainted as they dwelt on “ dry land”.. It also might symbolize that everything is dry land till the Mikvah in the Mikdosh( temple) is restored.. Funny if the psalms are prophetic to the years and Israel was given much new dry land in 1967 by increasing her fourfold in size ( psalm 67) and yet the Mikdosh or temple was not rebuilt and still isn’t to this day making the whole earth very dry indeed…
Did One major flu cold make everyone lose their way, or did tabloid news brainwash everyone into hating humanity? It's been a slow downhill only speed up recent years after the frail human ego got wacked with reality, that nobody is who they think they are, nor are things what they seem to be by the impressionable formed opinions created by their puppet masters.
The israeli government has the Ark of The Covenant. Taken from caves underneath Golgotha in the 1970s-80s.

Ethiopians watch over something they think is that, and have since the time of Christ.

God bless them. Jesus went there pretty quick after he rose from the dead. He established a church in Ethiopia.

Ya never know, temple people may have taken it to Ethiopia after the deed was done, but I think the Isrealis have it.

I think the Isrealis will never say they have it, either. That's bad. Especially if they do.

I think they do.

Here's some interesting reading about it:

Where Is the Ark of the Covenant?'

It ties in the Ethiopian factor, too.

Also, this is very relevant, and really is how it is, IMO.

It even talks about how Abraham sacrificing Isaac was a tester, because that's exactly what it was.

Ron Wyatt was a conman and liar.
If it ever existed at all

Queen Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem three thousand years ago, and the son she bore him, Menelik, at age 20 visited Jerusalem, from where he brought the ark of the covenant back to Aksum. It's been in Ethiopia ever since."

I think he found it, and the Israeli government confiscated it.

Not sure what's in Ethiopia, but they sure think it's something, and God bless 'em!
Queen Sheba visited King Solomon in Jerusalem three thousand years ago, and the son she bore him, Menelik, at age 20 visited Jerusalem, from where he brought the ark of the covenant back to Aksum. It's been in Ethiopia ever since."
uh huh
Did One major flu cold make everyone lose their way, or did tabloid news brainwash everyone into hating humanity? It's been a slow downhill only speed up recent years after the frail human ego got wacked with reality, that nobody is who they think they are, nor are things what they seem to be by the impressionable formed opinions created by their puppet masters.
Well……. reBEL( Bel was the snake that whispered in the garden that convinced Eve and mankind followed blindly to partake of another fruit( teachings) as they shall not surely DIE..Our modern peoples( Adam) have repeated this mistake again by blindly following the medical profession which ironically has for its symbol a snake wrapped around a tree which claimed that partaking of their fruit shall surely keep them alive .. Notinto conspiracy theories but it all seems to be a repeat of an age old story but with a more modern slant to it because people were easily swayed by modern snake oil salesmen that used to travel fromtown to town to sell their wares and the guliable swallowed it once again hookline and sinker because they were standing on dry land instead of in free flowing waters were they belong and can thrive…

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