Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Won't matter anyway.
The latest is that per the witness testimony is that Martin assaulted Zimmerman, had him pinned on the ground, Zimmerman was screaming for help and shot Martin because Martin would not stop attacking him.
Shocking? Yes it is but the witnesses confirm it.
Facts 47 Media 0
they've been confirming that since the beginning.

It's why there hasn't been an arrest.
There is what happened. Then there is what people want to have happened.

According to whatever evidence and witness testimony there is, Zimmerman left the car to follow Martin. He was told "you don't need to do that" and returned to his car where he was attacked from behind by 6'3" Trayvon Martin.

What is WANTED to happen is that Zimmerman left the car and was ordered by the police to stand down. He violated that specific order, continued to follow Trayvon Martin, cornered him and shot him.

Where was Trayvon's body found? Was it found where he was "cornered" and hiding from the big bad man?
Notice that the media is still using the photo of 12 year old Martin so that he will look like an innocent and slight in stature child instead of a 6'3" football player.

Get bent.

:lol: OK, you won't. We get it.
Who's "we," Fakey? Your inflatable boyfriend doesn't count.

But back to the subject prior to your pussing out, which CHL class did you go to that said you are free to open fire on someone who is stalking you?

I'll wait while you make up a state.

Naw, crackerjack, that is how you roll. :lol: GZ stalked TM and then got his ass whipped for it, and he shot his victim. The victimizer victimized the victim. I believe the SP will bring charges this week against GZ.
:lol: OK, you won't. We get it.
Who's "we," Fakey? Your inflatable boyfriend doesn't count.

But back to the subject prior to your pussing out, which CHL class did you go to that said you are free to open fire on someone who is stalking you?

I'll wait while you make up a state.

Naw, crackerjack, that is how you roll. :lol: GZ stalked TM and then got his ass whipped for it, and he shot his victim. The victimizer victimized the victim. I believe the SP will bring charges this week against GZ.
Deflection noted. Nobody gives a flying fuck what you believe.

Another Fakey lie is on the books.
You are projecting again, crackerjack: you are the one deflecting. :lol:

The victimizer GZ victimized the victim TM, and the SP will bring charges this week.
First of all, Sanford police report no gatherings of any sort other than an Easter egg hunt.

So, what is this bullshit?

Secondly, what is the difference between these alleged neo-nazis and Sharpton and the New Black Panthers?

Ask the neonazi militias, since they're the ones making the claim.
Armed Neo-Nazis Patrolling Sanford

Neo-Nazis are currently conducting heavily armed patrols in and around Sanford, Florida and are "prepared" for violence in the case of a race riot. The patrols are to protect "white citizens in the area who are concerned for their safety" in the wake of the Trayvon Martin shooting last month, says Commander Jeff Schoep of the National Socialist Movement. "We are not advocating any type of violence or attacks on anybody, but we are prepared for it," he says. "We are not the type of white people who are going to be walked all over."

Looks like the Nazis are in solidarity with you who don't want justice.

We all know what happened to the original Nazis. There are armed New Black Panther
party members down there to , to make sure this Zimmerman doesn't walk out of that
court room wihtout any kind of Justice. Weather from the American justice system,
or from the Street justice system.!?
Justice will be served in this situation.
Weather you white racists want to belive it or not.

Zimmerman will not see the inside of a courtroom. He acted in self defense.
You are projecting again, crackerjack: you are the one deflecting. :lol:

The victimizer GZ victimized the victim TM, and the SP will bring charges this week.

Another FakeStarkey prediction...

So far he's 0 for, but with so many failures he's bound to get one right eventually....

We'll check back on Friday....
Therefore, the rest of us black [insert racial epithet here] would be giddy to get rid of the criminal element of our race.

Yet whoever "us" is in your formulation, never makes an appearance and seems to have no sway. I don't actually think you're off here. I just think that in the end, blacks will all stick together, no matter what.

I hope whites are the same way.

Because race war is coming, whether you want it or not.

The race war will be lost by those who want it. Charlie Manson lost it; David Duke lost it; and Stokely Carmichael lost it. The real Americans, who accept a multicultural society and inevitable melting pot will win it every time.
There is what happened. Then there is what people want to have happened.

According to whatever evidence and witness testimony there is, Zimmerman left the car to follow Martin. He was told "you don't need to do that" and returned to his car where he was attacked from behind by 6'3" Trayvon Martin.

What is WANTED to happen is that Zimmerman left the car and was ordered by the police to stand down. He violated that specific order, continued to follow Trayvon Martin, cornered him and shot him.

Where was Trayvon's body found? Was it found where he was "cornered" and hiding from the big bad man?

You are an Aryan nation skin head David Duke loving, Charles Manson worshipping NAZI racist for slandering that 11 year old boy.
Therefore, the rest of us black [insert racial epithet here] would be giddy to get rid of the criminal element of our race.

Yet whoever "us" is in your formulation, never makes an appearance and seems to have no sway. I don't actually think you're off here. I just think that in the end, blacks will all stick together, no matter what.

I hope whites are the same way.

Because race war is coming, whether you want it or not.

The race war will be lost by those who want it. Charlie Manson lost it; David Duke lost it; and Stokely Carmichael lost it. The real Americans, who accept a multicultural society and inevitable melting pot will win it every time.

The Jackson/Sharpton tag team will win the belt with a Cactus Clothesline Pile Drive Body Slam in the 3rd round.
First of all, Sanford police report no gatherings of any sort other than an Easter egg hunt.

So, what is this bullshit?

Secondly, what is the difference between these alleged neo-nazis and Sharpton and the New Black Panthers?

Ask the neonazi militias, since they're the ones making the claim.
The HuffPo uses the neo-nazis as credible sources.

Wow. That HuffPo is something else.
And you both know what you and I would do if we were being stalked.

You would run away.

I would take the stalker down, period.

Jake, I sincerely hope you never try that, because I sure would hate to see you go to jail for shooting someone just for following you, and that's what WILL happen. If you're that aggressive, you really should think long and hard about carrying a gun. Even someone chasing you is not, in and of itself, even a crime, much less justification for use of force, even sub-lethal force. For all you know, the person might be trying to give you back the keys he saw you dropped, or warn you that you were running toward a dangerous situation. Until that person makes a direst threat, or an unlawful demand, physically assaults you, or presents a weapon, you have exactly ZERO right to shoot him, or even hit him with your fist.That may not be what you would like the law to be, but in every jurisdiction I'm aware of, that's what the law IS.
Go back and read: if I were stalked, not that I were the stalker. Someone, under the castle doctrine when extended to public place, who is stalking loses his right to defend when his victim strikes at him.

You better go read up because you are an accident waiting to happen.

Victimizers don't get to victimize victims then claim, instead, they are the victim.

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