Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

We aren’t talking about denying someone their rights. Like Conservatives want to do daily.
I thought it was liberals that wanted more power in the federal government and less to the state and individual. Thank God for the Constitution for it is indeed the bane of "progressive" statists.
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Insults make you feel better?

The MAJORITY OF AMERICANS support safe LEGAL abortion
Doesn't matter what the majority of Americans want. The Supreme Court doesn't make decisions on polls. Another ignorant comment. Time for your nap.
In the first place, the word it "YOUR"
Secondly, there is no Ralph Norton - it is an amalgam of TWO names.
And third, that is the only response you could come up with?
You're really smart.
Post reported

I don’t understand BULLIES LIKE EWE
Well democrats don't want Roe vs. Wade overturned, so what choice do they have?
Peer Pressure is a better way of dealing with the abortion issue IMHO. However in our current politically correct culture, there is NO peer pressure EXCEPT for disagreeing with the PC BS. Example if you call a Male that practices Homosexual sex a Faggot or Cocksucker you are automatically labelled a "Bigot" or "Homophobe". The same applies to to other terms.

How can you debate with someone that changes the Language constantly?
It is ILLEGAL to protest at the home of a judge to get them to change rulings.

Two Supreme Court Decisions have ruled that Police do not have a Constitutional Duty to protect anyone.

There is no section in the Constitution that says the Government has a duty to protect any citizen or Judge.

Subsequent laws provide for short term protection. And the US Marshalls are charged with protecting Courthouses.

But there is nothing in the Constitution that says anyone must be protected or defended.

The Constitution is about duty and rights. Duty to serve and execute the office. And that duty is to protect the Constitution.

The only Oath required doesn’t say to protect the individual citizens. But the Constitution itself.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

See Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

So I repeat. What part of the Constitution requires that individuals be protected?
You are either to ignorant to read in depth the meaning and words in which our officials must affirm, and then swear or you are being ignorant on purpose, so which is it ??? It would be ridiculous to help you to understand if you can't already.

Ok one thing - The government is to promote (can be also interpreted as - to protect), the general-welfare of the citizenry. Why do you think that we have border's, a military, and local and state police forces, law's, and etc that are protected under the general-welfare clause ???
It is ILLEGAL to protest at the home of a judge to get them to change rulings.

You are exactly right... The Democrat's keep digging their hole deeper and deeper as they go, but they've got no other choice now, because look at what they've signed on to or now agree with ????
Doesn't matter what the majority of Americans want. The Supreme Court doesn't make decisions on polls. Another ignorant comment. Time for your nap.
Exactly right, because if it did then slavery would have not been abolished, and civil rights wouldn't have been passed. At different times the majority in this country were confused, and it appears now that the majority are not so confused, and would willfully go along with a supreme court decision to overthrow R-v-W.
We aren’t talking about denying someone their rights. Like Conservatives want to do daily. We are talking about their physical security and safety.

Two Supreme Court Decisions. Two. If you are in danger you are on your own. The cops don’t owe you a thing.
The SC only ruled on the Constitutional matter of LEO being obligated to serve and protect. It did not touch the employers (local government) expectations of their employees to do a job. It's as simple as the Constitution doesn't guarantee you the right to have your garbage picked up, but if your community hires someone to do so, the employee can't ignore the reason they were hired.
You are exactly right... The Democrat's keep digging their hole deeper and deeper as they go, but they've got no other choice now, because look at what they've signed on to or now agree with ????
I finally am able to BREATHE

Unlike FOUR endless years of DONNIE BOY 👦🏿

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