Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

Once people know that he's armed eh ???

NO, the constitution should be the law that protects him and the other justices, you know, that document that even leftist swear to uphold when they take office ??

The left just keeps sinking themselves lower and lower and lower. As with anything the tide steady comes in and steady goes out, and the tide changes all the time, so soon there will come an answering for the bull crap that was pulled over time, otherwise that led this nation almost to it's ruin.

Where in the Constitution does it say the Government is responsible for protecting anyone?
She's just another slimy little weasel, running around trying to shut down any dissent with her shitty little commie fantasies, and thinks her idiot innuendo is going to scare people or something. Her and her peer groups of deviants and scum scour the innernetz looking for people they think they can scare or get banned. It never dawns on her that her stupid threats aren't working and her gimmick is a giant fail.
In my opinion, if a person/member reports someone here to any outside sources, basically over rulling the hall monitors here, and it brings grief on the site over something that was just petty and ridiculous, otherwise something that was more of a disagreement than a threat or something like that, then the site should ban the person/member for life for attempting to undermine the site like that by going over it's head.

If it's a new tactic being tried in order to shut down free speech, and to shut down people airing their grievances to one another openly and freely, and therefore it is a direct by pass of the site rules or a by passing of it's created purpose for such to debate the issues of today here openly and freely to a large degree, then the person/member should be banned for life IMO.

It's not hard to see the differences in the tactic being used by the people who start losing the debate, and how they start cursing and carrying on, and then start threatening people, and start reporting people over something they couldn't stand to be proven wrong on. Otherwise going full KAREN'S... LOL
Where in the Constitution does it say the Government is responsible for protecting anyone?
Really dude, really ?? I'll sit back and watch that comment be eaten alive by the good citizen's of this site, because if you don't know why the constitution is being sworn by our office holder's to uphold it, then you are as ignorant as they come. Why do our office holder's have to swear to up hold it ?? It's just a little ole peaceful document' full of little nothing important word's that have no real meaning to them right ??? ROTFLMBO..
Once people learn that Kavinaugh is armed. I’m sure that they will stay far away and end all plans of Harm for him. After all. Guns save lives.

Yes...guns do save lives......more lives than blm, and antifa browns shirts take when the democrat party orders them to burn, loot and kill in black neighborhoods.
Really dude, really ?? I'll sit back and watch that comment be eaten alive by the good citizen's of this site, because if you don't know why the constitution is being sworn by our office holder's to uphold it, then you are as ignorant as they come. Why do our office holder's have to swear to up hold it ?? It's just a little ole peaceful document' full of little nothing important word's that have no real meaning to them right ??? ROTFLMBO..

Two Supreme Court Decisions have ruled that Police do not have a Constitutional Duty to protect anyone.

There is no section in the Constitution that says the Government has a duty to protect any citizen or Judge.

Subsequent laws provide for short term protection. And the US Marshalls are charged with protecting Courthouses.

But there is nothing in the Constitution that says anyone must be protected or defended.

The Constitution is about duty and rights. Duty to serve and execute the office. And that duty is to protect the Constitution.

The only Oath required doesn’t say to protect the individual citizens. But the Constitution itself.

"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

See Article 2 Section 1 of the Constitution.

So I repeat. What part of the Constitution requires that individuals be protected?
Where in the Constitution does it say the Government is responsible for protecting anyone?

You're a fucking idiot.

Amendment XIV​

Section 1.​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
You're a fucking idiot.

Amendment XIV​

Section 1.​

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

We aren’t talking about denying someone their rights. Like Conservatives want to do daily. We are talking about their physical security and safety.

Two Supreme Court Decisions. Two. If you are in danger you are on your own. The cops don’t owe you a thing.

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