Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

I’ve lived in my home for THIRTY THREE YEARS

Hasn’t happened yet
What if it does? What would you do? You haven't had a fire probably, but it could happen. You'd call the fire department. Are you gonna call the police?
We own TWO fire extinguishers
You just made my point. You haven't had a fire, but you have fire extinguishers if you do. You haven't had anyone break into your home, but what if it happened? What would you do?
They're demon possessed.
Exactly what it is... Sorry for them, but they definitely need to get help, but with the vast network's that the evil one has since secured for them now, and to make them comfortable while in their illness, it's doubtful that they will realize their sickness's, and that is a tragedy of epic proportions because they think that it's other's who are sick, and not instead them although the stark evidence shows them otherwise about it all.
You are either to ignorant to read in depth the meaning and words in which our officials must affirm, and then swear or you are being ignorant on purpose, so which is it ??? It would be ridiculous to help you to understand if you can't already.

Ok one thing - The government is to promote (can be also interpreted as - to protect), the general-welfare of the citizenry. Why do you think that we have border's, a military, and local and state police forces, law's, and etc that are protected under the general-welfare clause ???

I see. You are losing the argument and want to start throwing things out there to try and cloud the issue.

Why have there been two Supreme Court Decisions, the latest in 2005, that clearly state the police don’t have a Constitutional duty to protect any citizen?

It was the Conservatives that upheld this decision. The Conservatives agree that the Police do not have a Constitutional Duty to protect anyone.

So fuck them. Strap your own gun on and take care of yourself.
Exactly what it is... Sorry for them, but they definitely need to get help, but with the vast network's that the evil one has since secured for them now, and to make them comfortable while in their illness, it's doubtful that they will realize their sickness's, and that is a tragedy of epic proportions because they think that it's other's who are sick, and not instead them although the stark evidence shows them otherwise about it all.
So suddenly after 3 or 4 thousand years of civilization, everyone who doesn't agree with same-sex marriage is a hateful bigot. For thousands of years everyone would laugh at you and consider you crazy if you believed people of the same gender could get married. Therefore, everyone who ever lived for thousands of years were hateful bigots. That's beyond crazy. That's demonic.

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