Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

not sure what being pro-choice has to do with it. Demafascist leaders have been threatening judges for all sorts of things over the years and your Dear Leaders have been encouraging it…heck you all raided the Capitol and attempted an insurrection to stop this judges hearings
I don't recall any Democratic leaders saying anything about "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" or whatever you right-wing ammosexuals say when you are doing patriot-cosplay

Can you point to the quote that called for murdering judges??

Here are somes let's say you are pissed about losing the election..and now you want to execute sheriffs for not helping you overturn the election...

Or how someone as high profile as Steve Bannon was calling for the FBI Director and others to be beheaded and put on spikes... if you can show me quotes like that about judges, I will denounce it......but i bet you haven't denounced anything i just showed you tho...because you are full of shit...
You libs should be jolly but disappointed at the same time

No link yet. Patience
I hear the wannabe perpetrator was armed with a gun and a knife. Off with his head! :whipg:

That's not all. I want to see if he got a list from Maxine Waters who to stalk and kill. She was never punished for A-listing President Trump's staff for stalking and abuse. She should have been placed in a jail and have the key thrown away. I'm sick of Democrats control freak murders and harrassment to get what they want. Good and sick of it, too. :cranky:
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Funny how the party of anti-gun rhetoric likes to use guns to try to assassinate those on the right that they disagree with. I guess we need better background checks. "Question number 4. Have you ever registered as, or voted, democrat? If yes, you are no longer eligible for purchase of this firearm."

Shooting themselves in the foot, no pun intended.
we laugh but that criteria sounds just and right: if you've ever voted D.. no gun (even though that is rather un-American... we can't lower ourselves to their level but I wasn't saying it was something to be legislated)

however, most criminals are Ds... so there's that
Why do you want to prevent women and minorities from being able to defend themselves against MAGA WHITE NATIONALIST TERRORIST RAPISTS AND COPS WHO HUNT DOWN AND MURDER BLACKS?
Put the bottle down. Still to early to get wasted. :)
Did you read the story?

Officials say the man, identified as Nicholas John Roske, 26, was armed with a handgun, a knife, pepper spray and burglary tools. He was stopped a block away from the justice’s house. And when police detained him, he said he was there to kill Kavanaugh, these officials say.

This is the part you didn't read.

Officials said the man had called 911, and said during the call that he had homicidal thoughts, had traveled from California to attack the justice, and had a gun in his suitcase. He said the gun was unloaded and in a locked case. Officials said the man is from Simi Valley.

The man called 911 on himself
The gun, unloaded and in a locked case.
No, I didn't see that part.
But your point is what? That there was no real threat?
This time.
No, I didn't see that part.
But your point is what? That there was no real threat?
This time.

The man is either a mental case, or he's a publicity seeker.

It will be hard to charge him for more than disturbing the peace.
I just heard that the taxi dropped him off in front of the house, he saw two Marshals, then proceeded down the street where they then detained him.

If memory serves if you are traveling through MD your weapon must be unloaded and secured.....This is sounding more like a stunt to get attention.
The man is either a mental case, or he's a publicity seeker.

It will be hard to charge him for more than disturbing the peace.
Threatening to kill someone is a crime. Maybe moreso if that person is a public official.

That's what the DNC is involved in.

Murdering their opponents. Causing the crazies in this country to try to murder judges and go along with their ridiculous Political Ads (1/6 hearings).

They've been using the media to foment hatred and murder. No matter what illegal act they try, they feel they can get away with it because they think there is still enough people out there that will go along with it.

The Sussmann trial was a prime example. Jurists said openly "All he did was lie to the FBI.....what's wrong with that?"

Hello!!!! Isn't that what he was on trial for!!!! :dunno:

Link to the quote please.

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