Armed nut stopped before reaching Kavanaugh's home.

I don't recall any Democratic leaders saying anything about "the tree of liberty is washed with the blood of blah blah" or whatever you right-wing ammosexuals say when you are doing patriot-cosplay

Can you point to the quote that called for murdering judges??

Here are somes let's say you are pissed about losing the election..and now you want to execute sheriffs for not helping you overturn the election...

Or how someone as high profile as Steve Bannon was calling for the FBI Director and others to be beheaded and put on spikes... if you can show me quotes like that about judges, I will denounce it......but i bet you haven't denounced anything i just showed you tho...because you are full of shit...
No they were much more direct and would never reference quotes from our founders like that

and yes, Steve Bannon (who’s just some guy) sounds a lot like dnc leaders like Chucky and Mad Max
I believe Chucky’s speech has been posted
That aint what i said...I said give me the quote where someone called for the murder of a judge?

I just gave 2 examples of Conservatives calling for the ACTUAL MURDER OF PEOPLE..and you dodged it like a bitch....which tells me you don't really give a fuck about keep on with the performative outrage...

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