Army Fires Officers After Ordering Them to Move

What branch did you serve in, child? What was your MOS, did you see action, or just left back in the boat? I was a 36c20, running wire in Nam, saw my fair share of fire fights, and count myself very lucky to still be here, many of my brothers left here while being besides me! reason I have nothing to lose if I am called on by my patriot brothers to dispatch subversives, IF and WHEN it comes down to that and my old ass can still aim!

Funny Mr. Chamberlain, we seem to have heard that plaintiff cry before, in 1939 I believe! It will indeed have the same effect today, history almost always repeats itself!

Oh, oh, the old "Your opinion only matters/counts if you served" hogwash. Being in the service doesn't make you are more or less special than anybody else. Get over yourself.

As for Mr Chamberlain, people always tend to forget that other thing he did after coming back from Germany waving his hand about "peace in our time". He declared war on Germany - hardly the actions of a die hard pacifist...

Yes, after he pledged Britain to defend Poland's independence if the latter were attacked, an alliance that brought Britain into war when Germany attacked Poland in 1939.
What are you talking about asswipe, you'd rather spend $400 million on the PLO than keep 2500 seasoned officers with critical expertise? You are one dumb SOB!
I didn't say that. Apparently you can't even read, again did you even graduate high school?

And curious how do you know they have critical expertise? One of the biggest factors in involuntary separation is military needs versus their skills, I know logic isn't your strong point but that sure doesn't point to these being the ones with critical expertise.

Should we just go ahead and chalk that up to same as your most from West Point comment, as in you have no idea what you're talking about again? Yeah, lets do that.
Would be better to see 5000 IRS scumbags get the boot!

Fox ^

The Army last week began notifying about 1,100 captains that they will be purged from the ranks. The same fate is awaiting about 500 majors, who beginning this week will be told their active-duty careers are over. They're among nearly 2,500 officers and NCOs who will be involuntarily separated this year as part of an ongoing drawdown of forces. ... some officers who were let go are scrambling to find a home, as well as a job. Thankfully for the captain who's expecting his first child, his landlord is allowing him and his wife to continue to rent the house...

RIF...that happens father was RIF'd out after Korea...but go ahead and pretend this is unusual.
Here's the part Vagisil Left out.

After growing in size to 570,000 soldiers in 2008 at the height of the war in Iraq, the Army has less than 520,000 soldiers today and is on pace to shrink to 490,000 soldiers by next year. It's bracing for even further contraction driven by automatic budget cuts known as sequestration.

Wait. I thought you wingnuts said Sequestration was a good thing!

Mocking the OP is childish, these military families still face hardship(.)

RIF is an expectation at times....they are all around 10 years time in military and hopefully their experience will help them get jobs. Smart employers know that military officers make excellent hires.
Checking, you're right, about 70% of all generals came from ROTC, I stand corrected!
Okay then, so I guess we'll toss out your last gasp "have you served?" thing as worthless in assessing how much someone knows about the military.

I'm a slacker compared to Statishisfuckingname is who post 66.76 per day....most in Rep Frog!
Maybe you two can get together and talk about what the sun must look like outside.

Not worthless to me to assess why a subversive is the way he is when he's served in the military! Dropped on your head seems to answer that...and I see your sun statement has no value to anything in this thread... Want to try for another?
All the more reason to reduce our military. The next ten militaries can protect us. Maybe we can ask China to take care of us.

Hey Drama Queen...

We are talking 1600 Captains and Majors here

I imagine that many, if not most of these so called CAREER OFFICERS went through West Point, with the specific desire to serve and protect this country. Now, we throw them to the side, like they did with the VA and our veterans, while all the while, the obomanation asks for $2.4 BILLION to integrate 95K ILLEGAL ALIENS into our society, many of which are gang members and criminals.

Wrong winger is a perfect example of what a subversives mindset is. Good work Wrong winger, fuck the people that have dedicated their lives to protect us, but let illegals in that can be BOUGHT OFF to vote with you scum....Pathetic little piss ant!

When these men and women signed up...were they guaranteed a 20 year career? I think we learned....the "needs of the Navy" ALWAYS came first.
Most leaders draw down after a war. It takes a democrat to draw down before a war.

obama, he smartest man in the world.

I don't know why they are drawing down.
Retention numbers, since this jackass monkey took office, have been in the shitter.
People are bailing like rats from a sinking ship without a mandatory draw-down.

Totally false.
What are you talking about asswipe, you'd rather spend $400 million on the PLO than keep 2500 seasoned officers with critical expertise? You are one dumb SOB!
I didn't say that. Apparently you can't even read, again did you even graduate high school?

And curious how do you know they have critical expertise? One of the biggest factors in involuntary separation is military needs versus their skills, I know logic isn't your strong point but that sure doesn't point to these being the ones with critical expertise.

Should we just go ahead and chalk that up to same as your most from West Point comment, as in you have no idea what you're talking about again? Yeah, lets do that.

So these officers have no critical expertise, then what did they offer the military? 4 years or more of advanced education to lead men into combat?
Would be better to see 5000 IRS scumbags get the boot!

Fox ^

The Army last week began notifying about 1,100 captains that they will be purged from the ranks. The same fate is awaiting about 500 majors, who beginning this week will be told their active-duty careers are over. They're among nearly 2,500 officers and NCOs who will be involuntarily separated this year as part of an ongoing drawdown of forces. ... some officers who were let go are scrambling to find a home, as well as a job. Thankfully for the captain who's expecting his first child, his landlord is allowing him and his wife to continue to rent the house...

RIF...that happens father was RIF'd out after Korea...but go ahead and pretend this is unusual.

Show me where I said this was unusual!
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When you've got nothing.....photoshop. :D
Ummmm...actually he didn't

He sent soldiers in at 50,000 a pop

Conservatives really do struggle with equivalancies don't they?

Wrong again, piss ant!...By December of 1961, 3,200 U.S. military personnel were in Vietnam as advisors, supported by $65 million in military equipment and $136 million in economic aid.

You lie, and never acknowledge the FACTS... it's the subversive way!

Slept through history didn't you?

LBJ was not president in December 1961

No...he was not...Vigilante is showing his IQ isn't much above 50 here.
Hey Drama Queen...

We are talking 1600 Captains and Majors here

I imagine that many, if not most of these so called CAREER OFFICERS went through West Point, with the specific desire to serve and protect this country. Now, we throw them to the side, like they did with the VA and our veterans, while all the while, the obomanation asks for $2.4 BILLION to integrate 95K ILLEGAL ALIENS into our society, many of which are gang members and criminals.

Wrong winger is a perfect example of what a subversives mindset is. Good work Wrong winger, fuck the people that have dedicated their lives to protect us, but let illegals in that can be BOUGHT OFF to vote with you scum....Pathetic little piss ant!

When these men and women signed up...were they guaranteed a 20 year career? I think we learned....the "needs of the Navy" ALWAYS came first.

Wake up, I'm arguing about no notice given these people to pick up their lives and trying to move on. Most of these soldiers had less than a weeks notice!
Wrong again, piss ant!...By December of 1961, 3,200 U.S. military personnel were in Vietnam as advisors, supported by $65 million in military equipment and $136 million in economic aid.

You lie, and never acknowledge the FACTS... it's the subversive way!

Slept through history didn't you?

LBJ was not president in December 1961

No...he was not...Vigilante is showing his IQ isn't much above 50 here.

Using that timeframe to show that these ADVISORS were sent in first before we got involved with Johnson's extending the war in Vietnam, I should realize you idiots wouldn't get the meaning!
You did? And where might I ask did you do! :lol:

And again, service doesn't give anyone a free pass for being a dumbass. The clearest sign of you knowing you are weak in argument is thinking you can just start shouting "did you serve" to anyone you can't hold a debate against.

Force reductions happen, always have and always will. Involuntary separation happens, always has and always will. There is no guarantee of serving as long as you please and everyone who signs on that dotted line knows it.

You're right, you being in the Air Force didn't give you a pass on being a dumbass, and probably jumping out of a plane and landing on your head has made you a lefty lover! But then again, you like to babble on, so entertain us!:badgrin:

First the OP asks if someone serves...then he runs down their service. Yeah...Vigilante "supports the troops" alright.....:rolleyes:
Would be better to see 5000 IRS scumbags get the boot!

Fox ^

The Army last week began notifying about 1,100 captains that they will be purged from the ranks. The same fate is awaiting about 500 majors, who beginning this week will be told their active-duty careers are over. They're among nearly 2,500 officers and NCOs who will be involuntarily separated this year as part of an ongoing drawdown of forces. ... some officers who were let go are scrambling to find a home, as well as a job. Thankfully for the captain who's expecting his first child, his landlord is allowing him and his wife to continue to rent the house...

RIF...that happens father was RIF'd out after Korea...but go ahead and pretend this is unusual.

Show me where I said this was unusual! you are crying over something that is quite common. Even more fail on your part. Are you SURE you served? You seem to not know much about how things go on in the military for one who made it past boot camp.
I imagine that many, if not most of these so called CAREER OFFICERS went through West Point, with the specific desire to serve and protect this country. Now, we throw them to the side, like they did with the VA and our veterans, while all the while, the obomanation asks for $2.4 BILLION to integrate 95K ILLEGAL ALIENS into our society, many of which are gang members and criminals.

Wrong winger is a perfect example of what a subversives mindset is. Good work Wrong winger, fuck the people that have dedicated their lives to protect us, but let illegals in that can be BOUGHT OFF to vote with you scum....Pathetic little piss ant!

When these men and women signed up...were they guaranteed a 20 year career? I think we learned....the "needs of the Navy" ALWAYS came first.

Wake up, I'm arguing about no notice given these people to pick up their lives and trying to move on. Most of these soldiers had less than a weeks notice!

Bullshit. :D

And again, service doesn't give anyone a free pass for being a dumbass. The clearest sign of you knowing you are weak in argument is thinking you can just start shouting "did you serve" to anyone you can't hold a debate against.

Force reductions happen, always have and always will. Involuntary separation happens, always has and always will. There is no guarantee of serving as long as you please and everyone who signs on that dotted line knows it.

You're right, you being in the Air Force didn't give you a pass on being a dumbass, and probably jumping out of a plane and landing on your head has made you a lefty lover! But then again, you like to babble on, so entertain us!:badgrin:

First the OP asks if someone serves...then he runs down their service. Yeah...Vigilante "supports the troops" alright.....:rolleyes:

Why would I when the idiot make derogatory remarks about me, and did YOU serve? :doubt:
You're right, you being in the Air Force didn't give you a pass on being a dumbass, and probably jumping out of a plane and landing on your head has made you a lefty lover! But then again, you like to babble on, so entertain us!:badgrin:

First the OP asks if someone serves...then he runs down their service. Yeah...Vigilante "supports the troops" alright.....:rolleyes:

Why would I when the idiot make derogatory remarks about me, and did YOU serve? :doubt:

Yes I did...21 years. And you're an idiot....and I'm guessing didn't make rate very much.
RIF...that happens father was RIF'd out after Korea...but go ahead and pretend this is unusual.

Show me where I said this was unusual! you are crying over something that is quite common. Even more fail on your part. Are you SURE you served? You seem to not know much about how things go on in the military for one who made it past boot camp.

I see your 2 digit IQ didn't understand that I complain about the almost immediate dismissal, instead of a longer time for these people to get their lives together...Interesting to see you don't give a shit about our military! But then I expect a subversive to try and spin what I said! :badgrin:

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