Army Fires Officers After Ordering Them to Move

First the OP asks if someone serves...then he runs down their service. Yeah...Vigilante "supports the troops" alright.....:rolleyes:

Why would I when the idiot make derogatory remarks about me, and did YOU serve? :doubt:

Yes I did...21 years. And you're an idiot....and I'm guessing didn't make rate very much.

I find that hard to believe from a subversive like you! you must have had a head wound to disparage your fellow service members the way you do!
Show me where I said this was unusual! you are crying over something that is quite common. Even more fail on your part. Are you SURE you served? You seem to not know much about how things go on in the military for one who made it past boot camp.

I see your 2 digit IQ didn't understand that I complain about the almost immediate dismissal, instead of a longer time for these people to get their lives together...Interesting to see you don't give a shit about our military! But then I expect a subversive to try and spin what I said! :badgrin:

Again....bullshit. :D
There is less need for the military, so we should downsize it.

If something happens, they can be called back to active duty. Yes, it sucks. But it is part of the job.
Why would I when the idiot make derogatory remarks about me, and did YOU serve? :doubt:

Yes I did...21 years. And you're an idiot....and I'm guessing didn't make rate very much.

I find that hard to believe from a subversive like you! you must have had a head wound to disparage your fellow service members the way you do! are an idiot who probably couldn't even pass rating exams. :D
Yes I did...21 years. And you're an idiot....and I'm guessing didn't make rate very much.

I find that hard to believe from a subversive like you! you must have had a head wound to disparage your fellow service members the way you do! are an idiot who probably couldn't even pass rating exams. :D

Child, you weren't much more than sperm when I was in service, and from your posts, the best part of you ran down onto the beds sheets!
So these officers have no critical expertise, then what did they offer the military? 4 years or more of advanced education to lead men into combat?
Woah there, YOU are the one who claimed they all had critical expertise. It was a fact you pulled out of your ass just like the "most went to West Point" one. No matter how many times in a single thread you get exposed making shit up you just can't resist doing it again and getting busted again, it is hilarious.

So can you back it up? What was the expertise of these 2500 soldiers? What percentage of them had something the army considered critical, before deciding they were no longer needed? Surely you know these things, since you announced they all had a critical expertise.

(no I don't expect an answer, because anyone in this thread knows you have no idea)
So these officers have no critical expertise, then what did they offer the military? 4 years or more of advanced education to lead men into combat?
Woah there, YOU are the one who claimed they all had critical expertise. It was a fact you pulled out of your ass just like the "most went to West Point" one. No matter how many times in a single thread you get exposed making shit up you just can't resist doing it again and getting busted again, it is hilarious.

So can you back it up? What was the expertise of these 2500 soldiers? What percentage of them had something the army considered critical, before deciding they were no longer needed? Surely you know these things, since you announced they all had a critical expertise.

(no I don't expect an answer, because anyone in this thread knows you have no idea)

I see you can't read either, I asked that as a question, and you go off on one of your subversive rants again. So genius, what did they do? Your the one claiming you have the answers!

I repeat from the story that you undoubtedly didn't read or you wouldn't have made yourself look mlike a damn fool!...again!

The non-commissioned officer-turned-officer knew the service was downsizing after more than a decade of war. But he figured he'd be one of the lucky ones, in part because of his tours in Bosnia, Kosovo and, most recently, Afghanistan. What's more, he had just received orders to move to a new duty station.

So he and his wife, who's newly pregnant with their first child, signed a lease and put a deposit on a home at the family's next location. A few days later, he was called into his post's commanding general's office and informed that, effective almost immediately, he would no longer be in the military.

Just rec. orders, moved with a pregnant wife to a new location and highlighted, A FEW DAYS LATER, and effective almost immediately.

You suck at showing any kind of feeling for SUPPOSEDLY another military man with a pregnant wife that the Army FUCKED OVER! You pathetic little piss ant!
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So these officers have no critical expertise, then what did they offer the military? 4 years or more of advanced education to lead men into combat?
Woah there, YOU are the one who claimed they all had critical expertise. It was a fact you pulled out of your ass just like the "most went to West Point" one. No matter how many times in a single thread you get exposed making shit up you just can't resist doing it again and getting busted again, it is hilarious.

So can you back it up? What was the expertise of these 2500 soldiers? What percentage of them had something the army considered critical, before deciding they were no longer needed? Surely you know these things, since you announced they all had a critical expertise.

(no I don't expect an answer, because anyone in this thread knows you have no idea)

I see you can't read either, I asked that as a question, and you go off on one of your subversive rants again. So genius, what did they do? Your the one claiming you have the answers!

I repeat from the story that you undoubtedly didn't read or you wouldn't have made yourself look mlike a damn fool!...again!

The non-commissioned officer-turned-officer knew the service was downsizing after more than a decade of war. But he figured he'd be one of the lucky ones, in part because of his tours in Bosnia, Kosovo and, most recently, Afghanistan. What's more, he had just received orders to move to a new duty station.

So he and his wife, who's newly pregnant with their first child, signed a lease and put a deposit on a home at the family's next location. A few days later, he was called into his post's commanding general's office and informed that, effective almost immediately, he would no longer be in the military.

Just rec. orders, moved with a pregnant wife to a new location and highlighted, A FEW DAYS LATER, and effective almost immediately.

You suck at showing any kind of feeling for SUPPOSEDLY another military man with a pregnant wife that the Army FUCKED OVER! You pathetic little piss ant!

You act like this is the first time the military has fucked anyone over ever. Does it suck, yes...but that's life.
So these officers have no critical expertise, then what did they offer the military? 4 years or more of advanced education to lead men into combat?
Woah there, YOU are the one who claimed they all had critical expertise. It was a fact you pulled out of your ass just like the "most went to West Point" one. No matter how many times in a single thread you get exposed making shit up you just can't resist doing it again and getting busted again, it is hilarious.

So can you back it up? What was the expertise of these 2500 soldiers? What percentage of them had something the army considered critical, before deciding they were no longer needed? Surely you know these things, since you announced they all had a critical expertise.

(no I don't expect an answer, because anyone in this thread knows you have no idea)

None of the 2500 soldiers have critical experience. If they did, they would be kept on. They will be given a nice severance package and get on with their lives

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