Army Fires Officers After Ordering Them to Move

Ahh that is cute, someone thinks having been in the military gives him some trump card where all his stupid posts are somehow validated. The same retard who thought most officers graduated from West Point.

It doesn't, you're still wrong and you're still stupid and trying to wiggle out from being made to look like an ass in this thread with the constant stream of "did you serve" doesn't validate you.

Well, did you serve, child?

Just because you serve does not mean you're some sort of authority on all military issues. In your MOS yes...but for every single military issues probably not.

And before you ask, yes I did serve.

s a distinct difference between those that have served and those that haven't. If you haven't been through combat, you really have no idea of what these soldier give up to protect us.

And from the article...

"Even officers who escaped the current round of dismissals criticized the move, saying it encourages talented leaders to leave the service.

It really is disheartening to see the Army engaging in force shaping in the manner that it is," one said. "I've seen many of my fellow company-grade officers decide to get out because of the uncertainty over pay and future promotions. We're losing those who can get jobs, which means the Army is losing the talent it should be retaining."

Perhaps some will understand this, a tested officer is worth his weight and the service certainly will be needing them with the problems in Iraq and Isis heating up.
I feel for the guy in the OP, his situation suck but, the QMP or QSP board result were most likely unavailable before he PCSed and his orders cut. Or they became available right after he was already packed out and the orders could not be changed.

It is a waste of taxpayer money when I am aware of how much it is to PCS a soldier and his family.

As for cutting the military, it is also hard on the soldiers, but we knew it was coming, the Captain should not have assumed he was okay, especially when the QMP and QSP guidelines are clear.
Well, did you serve, child?

Just because you serve does not mean you're some sort of authority on all military issues. In your MOS yes...but for every single military issues probably not.

And before you ask, yes I did serve.

s a distinct difference between those that have served and those that haven't. If you haven't been through combat, you really have no idea of what these soldier give up to protect us.

And from the article...

"Even officers who escaped the current round of dismissals criticized the move, saying it encourages talented leaders to leave the service.

It really is disheartening to see the Army engaging in force shaping in the manner that it is," one said. "I've seen many of my fellow company-grade officers decide to get out because of the uncertainty over pay and future promotions. We're losing those who can get jobs, which means the Army is losing the talent it should be retaining."

Perhaps some will understand this, a tested officer is worth his weight and the service certainly will be needing them with the problems in Iraq and Isis heating up.

Again...this happens when we scale down after a war...this is no surprise.
Just because you serve does not mean you're some sort of authority on all military issues. In your MOS yes...but for every single military issues probably not.

And before you ask, yes I did serve.

s a distinct difference between those that have served and those that haven't. If you haven't been through combat, you really have no idea of what these soldier give up to protect us.

And from the article...

"Even officers who escaped the current round of dismissals criticized the move, saying it encourages talented leaders to leave the service.

It really is disheartening to see the Army engaging in force shaping in the manner that it is," one said. "I've seen many of my fellow company-grade officers decide to get out because of the uncertainty over pay and future promotions. We're losing those who can get jobs, which means the Army is losing the talent it should be retaining."

Perhaps some will understand this, a tested officer is worth his weight and the service certainly will be needing them with the problems in Iraq and Isis heating up.

Again...this happens when we scale down after a war...this is no surprise.

No, it's not a surprise, but even in the private sector people let go are given a decent warning time to process out, this is almost immediate. No respect shown for our servicemen.
LBJ did the exact same thing in Vietnam, but you probably were sperm when that happened, or still in public school!

Too many of our friends died or were wounded badly for you to talk so freely.

LBJ was wrong, and so was Nixon to keep it going.

I went to Korea and Alaska and Panama among other places during and after that time but not Vietnam, for which I have ever been grateful. Running around in the DMZ made sense, taking out Noriega made sense, but Vietnam was a colossal fuck up for which 300,000 service personnel and their families paid horrible prices. Iraq I under Bush the Elder made sense. Afghanistan until the winter of 2002-2003 made sense, which Iraq II never did.

Our neo-cons who try to get us to send a massive force again to the ME must be jailed.

What branch did you serve in, child? What was your MOS, did you see action, or just left back in the boat? I was a 36c20, running wire in Nam, saw my fair share of fire fights, and count myself very lucky to still be here, many of my brothers left here while being besides me! reason I have nothing to lose if I am called on by my patriot brothers to dispatch subversives, IF and WHEN it comes down to that and my old ass can still aim!

Funny Mr. Chamberlain, we seem to have heard that plaintiff cry before, in 1939 I believe! It will indeed have the same effect today, history almost always repeats itself!

Glad you made it back.

Airborne and light arctic infantry: 11BP. Wore the maroon and brown berets in Alaska and at times elsewhere during twelve years until I left the service with disability. Wore a steel pot on the Korea DMZ for one tour. I receive 100% medical from VA for service incurred injuries and a monthly disability check.

Our patriot brothers will dispatch any wing nut far right or far left that rises up. Period.

Vigilante, you are impressing no one who knows the score.
s a distinct difference between those that have served and those that haven't. If you haven't been through combat, you really have no idea of what these soldier give up to protect us.

And from the article...

"Even officers who escaped the current round of dismissals criticized the move, saying it encourages talented leaders to leave the service.

It really is disheartening to see the Army engaging in force shaping in the manner that it is," one said. "I've seen many of my fellow company-grade officers decide to get out because of the uncertainty over pay and future promotions. We're losing those who can get jobs, which means the Army is losing the talent it should be retaining."

Perhaps some will understand this, a tested officer is worth his weight and the service certainly will be needing them with the problems in Iraq and Isis heating up.

Again...this happens when we scale down after a war...this is no surprise.

No, it's not a surprise, but even in the private sector people let go are given a decent warning time to process out, this is almost immediate. No respect shown for our servicemen.

The officers will get a decent separation amount, the NCOs and other ranks very little.

You are right, this is nothing new.
Too many of our friends died or were wounded badly for you to talk so freely.

LBJ was wrong, and so was Nixon to keep it going.

I went to Korea and Alaska and Panama among other places during and after that time but not Vietnam, for which I have ever been grateful. Running around in the DMZ made sense, taking out Noriega made sense, but Vietnam was a colossal fuck up for which 300,000 service personnel and their families paid horrible prices. Iraq I under Bush the Elder made sense. Afghanistan until the winter of 2002-2003 made sense, which Iraq II never did.

Our neo-cons who try to get us to send a massive force again to the ME must be jailed.

What branch did you serve in, child? What was your MOS, did you see action, or just left back in the boat? I was a 36c20, running wire in Nam, saw my fair share of fire fights, and count myself very lucky to still be here, many of my brothers left here while being besides me! reason I have nothing to lose if I am called on by my patriot brothers to dispatch subversives, IF and WHEN it comes down to that and my old ass can still aim!

Funny Mr. Chamberlain, we seem to have heard that plaintiff cry before, in 1939 I believe! It will indeed have the same effect today, history almost always repeats itself!

Glad you made it back.

Airborne and light arctic infantry: 11BP. Wore the maroon and brown berets in Alaska and at times elsewhere during twelve years until I left the service with disability. Wore a steel pot on the Korea DMZ for one tour. I receive 100% medical from VA for service incurred injuries and a monthly disability check.

Our patriot brothers will dispatch any wing nut far right or far left that rises up. Period.

Vigilante, you are impressing no one who knows the score.

A hat tip for your service Flakey!

Barry Hussein has no stomach for a ground war and American kids are being blown up in Afghanistan because the enemy that lives in the 6th century set the rules. The US Military is not an employment agency. If we can do without a couple of thousand Military officers then let them go and move on and purge the rest of the bloated federal bureaucracy.
You did? And where might I ask did you do! :lol:

And again, service doesn't give anyone a free pass for being a dumbass. The clearest sign of you knowing you are weak in argument is thinking you can just start shouting "did you serve" to anyone you can't hold a debate against.

Force reductions happen, always have and always will. Involuntary separation happens, always has and always will. There is no guarantee of serving as long as you please and everyone who signs on that dotted line knows it.
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I imagine that many, if not most of these so called CAREER OFFICERS went through West Point, with the specific desire to serve and protect this country. Now, we throw them to the side, like they did with the VA and our veterans, while all the while, the obomanation asks for $2.4 BILLION to integrate 95K ILLEGAL ALIENS into our society, many of which are gang members and criminals.

Wrong winger is a perfect example of what a subversives mindset is. Good work Wrong winger, fuck the people that have dedicated their lives to protect us, but let illegals in that can be BOUGHT OFF to vote with you scum....Pathetic little piss ant!

As someone else rightly pointed out, you are happy to keep these guys on the govt payroll even if they aren't needed? Interesting....
You did? And where might I ask did you do! :lol:

And again, service doesn't give anyone a free pass for being a dumbass. The clearest sign of you knowing you are weak in argument is thinking you can just start shouting "did you serve" to anyone you can't hold a debate against.

Force reductions happen, always have and always will. Involuntary separation happens, always has and always will. There is no guarantee of serving as long as you please and everyone who signs on that dotted line knows it.

You're right, you being in the Air Force didn't give you a pass on being a dumbass, and probably jumping out of a plane and landing on your head has made you a lefty lover! But then again, you like to babble on, so entertain us!:badgrin:
Yup he's the "military expert" who thinks most officers went to West Point.

His current expertise is churning out over 50 posts per day.
I imagine that many, if not most of these so called CAREER OFFICERS went through West Point, with the specific desire to serve and protect this country. Now, we throw them to the side, like they did with the VA and our veterans, while all the while, the obomanation asks for $2.4 BILLION to integrate 95K ILLEGAL ALIENS into our society, many of which are gang members and criminals.

Wrong winger is a perfect example of what a subversives mindset is. Good work Wrong winger, fuck the people that have dedicated their lives to protect us, but let illegals in that can be BOUGHT OFF to vote with you scum....Pathetic little piss ant!

As someone else rightly pointed out, you are happy to keep these guys on the govt payroll even if they aren't needed? Interesting....

What is a better investment, keeping 2500 seasoned officers, or sending the PLA $400 million in aid?
You're right, you being in the Air Force didn't give you a pass on being a dumbass, and probably jumping out of a plane and landing on your head has made you a lefty lover! But then again, you like to babble on, so entertain us!:badgrin:
Translation: again you can't support your own thread. Tried the "did you serve" flail which clearly made you look even stupider, so now you've come up with above nonsensical post which seems to amount to a surrender. Congrats, hey post another cartoon.
What is a better investment, keeping 2500 seasoned officers, or sending the PLA $400 million in aid?
It isn't a zero sum game. Sheesh did you even graduate from high school, you've got the logic skills of a 9 year old.

Can we get another cartoon skippy?
What branch did you serve in, child? What was your MOS, did you see action, or just left back in the boat? I was a 36c20, running wire in Nam, saw my fair share of fire fights, and count myself very lucky to still be here, many of my brothers left here while being besides me! reason I have nothing to lose if I am called on by my patriot brothers to dispatch subversives, IF and WHEN it comes down to that and my old ass can still aim!

Funny Mr. Chamberlain, we seem to have heard that plaintiff cry before, in 1939 I believe! It will indeed have the same effect today, history almost always repeats itself!

Oh, oh, the old "Your opinion only matters/counts if you served" hogwash. Being in the service doesn't make you any more or less special than anybody else. Get over yourself.

As for Mr Chamberlain, people always tend to forget that other thing he did after coming back from Germany waving his hand about "peace in our time". He declared war on Germany - hardly the actions of a die hard pacifist...
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Yup he's the "military expert" who thinks most officers went to West Point.

His current expertise is churning out over 50 posts per day.

Checking, you're right, about 70% of all generals came from ROTC, I stand corrected!

I'm a slacker compared to Statishisfuckingname is who post 66.76 per day....most in Rep Frog!
What is a better investment, keeping 2500 seasoned officers, or sending the PLA $400 million in aid?
It isn't a zero sum game. Sheesh did you even graduate from high school, you've got the logic skills of a 9 year old.

Can we get another cartoon skippy?

What are you talking about asswipe, you'd rather spend $400 million on the PLO than keep 2500 seasoned officers with critical expertise? You are one dumb SOB!

I'll see if I can find a liberal lunacy cartoon that will relate directly to you!

Checking, you're right, about 70% of all generals came from ROTC, I stand corrected!
Okay then, so I guess we'll toss out your last gasp "have you served?" thing as worthless in assessing how much someone knows about the military.

I'm a slacker compared to Statishisfuckingname is who post 66.76 per day....most in Rep Frog!
Maybe you two can get together and talk about what the sun must look like outside.

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