Arrests Down 32% in Baltimore. Violent Crime Skyrocketing

If you choose to ignore evidence and just make stuff up then that's up to you.
Sorry. I don't call "trending" to be evidence. Want to see how many graphs I can post that show something "trending", and suddenly the so-called trend is no more ? If you think you're going to destroy their contention, you're going to have to come up with something a lot better than that. There isn't a shred of evidence that the homicide increase of April 19 (day Gray died) to now, is anything other than a result of police "backing off on making arrests", as the Baltimore Maryland News describes it.

Secondly, whatever may be occuring with crime, the bigger item is there is no doubt that police arrests are way down, leaving the city less policed, and more dangerous. (City police made 522 arrests between March 2 and March 8, a time frame before the controversial arrest of Freddie Gray. The week after the city curfew was lifted, city police made 355 arrests, which is a 32 percent decline in the number of arrests, according to Central Booking.)
So, you say that a one-off result is more compelling evidence than a trend?
Thursday is colder than Wednesday this week so that must show that Summer is over according to your understanding of statistics.

Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?
Remember that a large part of the dis-satisfaction was because they were making too many arrests.
Maybe the level of arrests now is more appropriate.

Your conclusions are not supportable.
The utter cheek of 'some people' filming public officials in public places in the performance of their duties.

It is, when their motivation is catch a cop making a mistake, which he then can be charge with 2nd degree murder for it, by unscrupulous city rogues. Why don't they film the rioters comitting arson and assaulting cops with bricks ?
So, you say that a one-off result is more compelling evidence than a trend?
Thursday is colder than Wednesday this week so that must show that Summer is over according to your understanding of statistics.

Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?
Remember that a large part of the dis-satisfaction was because they were making too many arrests.
Maybe the level of arrests now is more appropriate.

Your conclusions are not supportable.
I say you don't have a shred of evidence to show that the homicide increase of April 19 (day Gray died) to now, is anything other than a result of police "backing off on making arrests", as the Baltimore Maryland News describes it, and YOU KNOW it.

Whatever your looney summer blab is, it doesn't refute what I just said. If you had that shred of evidence, I just mentioned, I'd concur it with you. Problem is, you don't have it.

As for your question >> "Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?", that was already answered in the OP and the link article both. So here, for the 3rd time, it is again >>
"Union officials have stated publicly that many officers have expressed concern about doing their job and that morale is low."
"Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, has been quoted as saying
, "The rank and file feel distrusted by residents. They've become a media target and alienated by prosecutors."


The utter cheek of 'some people' filming public officials in public places in the performance of their duties.


No, its more the part about being surrounded by hostile crowds while being on a routine call. so not only do they have to be concerned about a suspect, or doing whatever they are, but they have to worry about their back. Why bother going on call then. after a few times you wouldnt do it either.

Obama never blames all officers, but he throws it out there in so many words. He always calls the cops out. but never has a real reprimand for the black youth.
If he was captain of a ship, he would have a mutiny. Hes a poor national leader and set the tone by not being able to show tough love. which is what those kids need. Obama is an enabler
[...]Obama never blames all officers, but he throws it out there in so many words. He always calls the cops out. but never has a real reprimand for the black youth.
If he was captain of a ship, he would have a mutiny. Hes a poor national leader and set the tone by not being able to show tough love. which is what those kids need. Obama is an enabler
I don't know how much tougher love the Ferguson police, for example, could have showed. I guess they just weren't tough enough to ameliorate quash the hostility in the crowds.

Funny that.
So, you say that a one-off result is more compelling evidence than a trend?
Thursday is colder than Wednesday this week so that must show that Summer is over according to your understanding of statistics.

Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?
Remember that a large part of the dis-satisfaction was because they were making too many arrests.
Maybe the level of arrests now is more appropriate.

Your conclusions are not supportable.
I say you don't have a shred of evidence to show that the homicide increase of April 19 (day Gray died) to now, is anything other than a result of police "backing off on making arrests", as the Baltimore Maryland News describes it, and YOU KNOW it.

Whatever your looney summer blab is, it doesn't refute what I just said. If you had that shred of evidence, I just mentioned, I'd concur it with you. Problem is, you don't have it.

As for your question >> "Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?", that was already answered in the OP and the link article both. So here, for the 3rd time, it is again >>
"Union officials have stated publicly that many officers have expressed concern about doing their job and that morale is low."
"Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, has been quoted as saying
, "The rank and file feel distrusted by residents. They've become a media target and alienated by prosecutors."

You didn't even look at the graph I posted, did you?
It has all the evidence you need.
Have a look back or I could post it again if you want.
You, on the other hand have nothing but conjecture.

Your 'answer' to my question doesn't even address my question.

[...]Obama never blames all officers, but he throws it out there in so many words. He always calls the cops out. but never has a real reprimand for the black youth.
If he was captain of a ship, he would have a mutiny. Hes a poor national leader and set the tone by not being able to show tough love. which is what those kids need. Obama is an enabler
I don't know how much tougher love the Ferguson police, for example, could have showed. I guess they just weren't tough enough to ameliorate quash the hostility in the crowds.

Funny that.

Your making a joke about the perpetual cycle of violence among black youths, you know , when the president immediately jumps to criticize police before the facts are out, it gives the signal that everyone else is right in doing so as well. It reinforces their belief that the police are their enemy. When in reality, the police save many more black lives when theyre doing their job. See, when police are afraid to patrol, then crime goes up, and more black youths will die only it wont get news
coverage because it wasnt done by a cop.

Tough Love is Obama Demanding rioters to go home, and that they are completely wrong in destroying their city, that they need to wait for the facts instead of following mis information like what you had in the Michael brown case. He cant do that because he didnt wait for the facts either before picking sides.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
Let that thug break into someone's home
Let that group of thugs loot and rob
Let them burn the store down
Let them riot and destroy

Cops should watch it on t.v!!!! These people say they don't want copps??? Well, time to pay the piper!
You speak as if the only choice is between brutal cops and no cops.

You and Baltimore's "community activists" speak as if all cops are brutal. Throw out the baby with the bathwater, you get no police protection. I understand the people's rage. I also understand the cop's reaction. Do you?
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You speak as if the only choice is between brutal cops and no cops.

You and Baltimore's "community activists" speak as if all cops are brutal. Throw out the baby with the bathwater, you get no police protection. I understand the people's rage. I also understand the cop's reaction. Do you?
Yes, hitherto unquestioned authority being questioned and resenting it.
I think thugs should have "room to destroy" across the country as long as they're culling their own. Waco and Baltimore should just be a continuation of Chicago and Detroit.
[...]Obama never blames all officers, but he throws it out there in so many words. He always calls the cops out. but never has a real reprimand for the black youth.
If he was captain of a ship, he would have a mutiny. Hes a poor national leader and set the tone by not being able to show tough love. which is what those kids need. Obama is an enabler
I don't know how much tougher love the Ferguson police, for example, could have showed. I guess they just weren't tough enough to ameliorate quash the hostility in the crowds.

Funny that.
Like you don't know they ordered to stand down. Right. Right. :rolleyes-41:
So, you say that a one-off result is more compelling evidence than a trend?
Thursday is colder than Wednesday this week so that must show that Summer is over according to your understanding of statistics.

Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?
Remember that a large part of the dis-satisfaction was because they were making too many arrests.
Maybe the level of arrests now is more appropriate.

Your conclusions are not supportable.
I say you don't have a shred of evidence to show that the homicide increase of April 19 (day Gray died) to now, is anything other than a result of police "backing off on making arrests", as the Baltimore Maryland News describes it, and YOU KNOW it.

Whatever your looney summer blab is, it doesn't refute what I just said. If you had that shred of evidence, I just mentioned, I'd concur it with you. Problem is, you don't have it.

As for your question >> "Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?", that was already answered in the OP and the link article both. So here, for the 3rd time, it is again >>
"Union officials have stated publicly that many officers have expressed concern about doing their job and that morale is low."
"Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, has been quoted as saying
, "The rank and file feel distrusted by residents. They've become a media target and alienated by prosecutors."

You didn't even look at the graph I posted, did you?
It has all the evidence you need.
Have a look back or I could post it again if you want.
You, on the other hand have nothing but conjecture.

Your 'answer' to my question doesn't even address my question.

I saw your stupid graph and the whole link too - US map and all.
Means nothing. We've already covered that. Sorry Mr Occupy, Acorn, or whatever your real nickname is. You're going around in circles now. Better off taking time to learn a song on the guitar. I recommend "Give Me Love" by George Harrison.

As for conjecture, that's all you've got. Trend ? HA HA HA HA. NO! :laugh: I don't think I can even rate a nice try. Not even that. Back to the drawing board for you. Keep trying. You've got persistence. I'll give you that much.
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We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
I agree. Of course, the cops aren't allowed to do their jobs. They were ordered to stand down and just be targets for the rioters and their bricks and rocks. What a sickening spectacle. But this is what we get when people elect corrupt, incompetent idiots like Stephanie Rawlings who is dumb enough to take coaching from Al Sharpton, Obama's # 1 attack dog, in the villainize police campaign.

And through all this the folks have already seen what happens to cities without the police. It was like they were there but they weren't there. Should have been Barrack, Al, Stephanie, and Marilyn out there dodging the bricks.

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