Arrests Down 32% in Baltimore. Violent Crime Skyrocketing

You and Baltimore's "community activists" speak as if all cops are brutal. Throw out the baby with the bathwater, you get no police protection.

That's their game plan. Paint the cops up to be brutality beasts, and then have the Democrat candidate come riding in with shining armor, to the rescue of all this poor, oppressed (Affirmative Action recipient) Blacks.
Four letter word describes it > SCAM.
BTW, did you know the "community activists" aren't from the community ? They're from all over the USA, and they were promised PAY to go there and protest. Baltimore and Ferguson, Same ones spotted in both cities. And when they didn't get paid, now they're doing a hashtag campaign against the ex-Acorn scammers (now called Missourians for Reform and Empowerment - MORE) who didn't pay them. Wow. What a train wreck.

Ferguson protesters mad about not getting paid start cut the check hashtag campaign US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
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You speak as if the only choice is between brutal cops and no cops.

You and Baltimore's "community activists" speak as if all cops are brutal. Throw out the baby with the bathwater, you get no police protection. I understand the people's rage. I also understand the cop's reaction. Do you?
Yes, hitherto unquestioned authority being questioned and resenting it.

I don't know about any "unquestioned authority" but I do understand "cause and effect." The public outcry is warranted. The political & media circus is pandering & bloodsucking. The cop response is human nature. Policing is a dirty job but someone has to do it (or would you rather no one do it).
There could not possibly have been any other result. If you tell cops you'll be arrested for homicide just if you make a minor mistake (which happens thousands of times every day), I'm suprised the cops would wan tto show up for their shift at all.

What Baltimore cops could do is all quit, and apply for jobs in cities uncorrupted by the Obama-Sharpton-Lynch propaganda campaign.

Exactly right. Shes charging them for murder...fora medical tragedy and possible self inflicted injury.

They risk their lives daily. NOW they risk imprisonment rolling dice....with every arrest.

Cops are standing down nation wide. Good. Its about time they reacted to the racist left wing war on cops.
The result was inevitable. You throw your police under the bus, as Mayor Rawlings did in Baltimore, and guess what happens ? The police are going to be skeptical about doing their jobs as forcefully as usual. They now are worried about making a mistake and, have to hold back or risk being arrested like the 6 scapegoats Rawlings and her attack dog, Marilyn Mosby placed charges against.

City homicides are up by nearly 40 percent compared with the same time last year. Nonfatal shootings are 60 percent higher than a year ago.

Union officials have stated publicly that many officers have expressed concern about doing their job and that morale is low.

Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, has been quoted as saying, "The rank and file feel distrusted by residents. They've become a media target and alienated by prosecutors."

Sadly, the biggest victims of all this are the innocent, law-abiding residents of Baltimore, who are bearing the brunt of higher crime, and less policing, brought on by what appears to be a SCAM job, set up by Barrack Obama, Al Sharpton, and Mayor Stephanie Rawlings, and their propaganda of police brutality, while pushing the culture of victimhood. Even today there was a protest in Baltimore, shown on the TV news with duped protestors (together with likely paid protestors), marching and holding signs.

Anyone can debate, but Yes, there does indeed appear to be a major conspiracy effort afoot to stir up the American Black electorate, to keep them aroused and voting Democrat. Sanford, Florida,.... Ferguson, Missouri,.... Baltimore, Maryland. What's next ?

Violent crime up arrests down in Baltimore Maryland News - WBAL Home

Gonna be a long hot summer folks.

For years half our country has said they wish cops would just stop working to show liberal morons the truth. Kinda entertaining. ..its now happening!
So, you say that a one-off result is more compelling evidence than a trend?
Thursday is colder than Wednesday this week so that must show that Summer is over according to your understanding of statistics.

Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?
Remember that a large part of the dis-satisfaction was because they were making too many arrests.
Maybe the level of arrests now is more appropriate.

Your conclusions are not supportable.
I say you don't have a shred of evidence to show that the homicide increase of April 19 (day Gray died) to now, is anything other than a result of police "backing off on making arrests", as the Baltimore Maryland News describes it, and YOU KNOW it.

Whatever your looney summer blab is, it doesn't refute what I just said. If you had that shred of evidence, I just mentioned, I'd concur it with you. Problem is, you don't have it.

As for your question >> "Why does the fact that arrests are down mean that the city is less policed?", that was already answered in the OP and the link article both. So here, for the 3rd time, it is again >>
"Union officials have stated publicly that many officers have expressed concern about doing their job and that morale is low."
"Lt. Kenneth Butler, president of the Vanguard Justice Society, has been quoted as saying
, "The rank and file feel distrusted by residents. They've become a media target and alienated by prosecutors."

You didn't even look at the graph I posted, did you?
It has all the evidence you need.
Have a look back or I could post it again if you want.
You, on the other hand have nothing but conjecture.

Your 'answer' to my question doesn't even address my question.

I saw your stupid graph and the whole link too - US map and all.
Means nothing. We've already covered that. Sorry Mr Occupy, Acorn, or whatever your real nickname is. You're going around in circles now. Better off taking time to learn a song on the guitar. I recommend "Give Me Love" by George Harrison.

As for conjecture, that's all you've got. Trend ? HA HA HA HA. NO! :laugh: I don't think I can even rate a nice try. Not even that. Back to the drawing board for you. Keep trying. You've got persistence. I'll give you that much.
You've covered it by showing that you would rather ignore it because it disagrees with your assumptions on causation.
I can't help your ignorance.

Drawing board?
You're obviously the one that writes with crayons...but, good for you - I hope someone pinches your cheek and pats you on the head regularly.
You've covered it by showing that you would rather ignore it because it disagrees with your assumptions on causation.
I can't help your ignorance.

Drawing board?
You're obviously the one that writes with crayons...but, good for you - I hope someone pinches your cheek and pats you on the head regularly.
You just didn't come up with anything that proves anything. In a courtroom, you'd have been laughed out of the room. There is no evidence to indicate that after the death of Freddie Gray, that if no stand down order had been issued, that crime might not have leveled off or decreased. You are just using a graph, which has no real definition regarding post April 19, to then ASSUME something which you have no standing to assume.

In short, you're engaging in a political trick, which I, as a person who has been involved in conventional and radical politics, from both sides of the spectrum, for 50 years, have seen 1000 times. You're talking to the wrong person. You can spin this all you like. You're not going anywhere with it. :rolleyes-41:
You've covered it by showing that you would rather ignore it because it disagrees with your assumptions on causation.
I can't help your ignorance.

Drawing board?
You're obviously the one that writes with crayons...but, good for you - I hope someone pinches your cheek and pats you on the head regularly.
You just didn't come up with anything that proves anything. In a courtroom, you'd have been laughed out of the room. There is no evidence to indicate that after the death of Freddie Gray, that if no stand down order had been issued, that crime might not have leveled off or decreased. You are just using a graph, which has no real definition regarding post April 19, to then ASSUME something which you have no standing to assume.

In short, you're engaging in a political trick, which I, as a person who has been involved in conventional and radical politics, from both sides of the spectrum, for 50 years, have seen 1000 times. You're talking to the wrong person. You can spin this all you like. You're not going anywhere with it. :rolleyes-41:
There is no spin on my part.
I'm assuming nothing.
I've taken no position except to point out that your assumption of causation isn't necessarily true.
Feel free to point out where I've suggested that the increase in crime is not caused by less cop activity.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
The police are not allowed to strike.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
The police are not allowed to strike.
They do have paid sick leave and it might be flu season there.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
The police are not allowed to strike.
They do have paid sick leave and it might be flu season there.
Blue flu is a common tactic. But that's not what the the police in Baltimore are doing. What they are doing is stopping proactive policing. They go out when there is a call. That's all they do. If they see a crime going down, they turn the corner. There wasn't a call so they no longer stop.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
The police are not allowed to strike.

They might not be, but they have before, especially in Baltimore. Check your history.
I for one hope the murder rate in every democrat controlled city goes up, WAY UP.

That's way out of line. You don't wish for more people to be murdered. Ever. We have enough of that crap going on because cops are seemingly not allowed to do their jobs for fear of political reprisals.

If cops wish to make a statement, they should simply go on strike. Why? To show the rest of America what happens to cities who have no law enforcement on any level, simply because their elected leaders are too worried about the political implications of their police force rather than the people they risk their lives to protect.
The police are not allowed to strike.

They might not be, but they have before, especially in Baltimore. Check your history.
Yes they have before but now public employees in critical services can't. I would not blame them one bit if they did.
It's interesting to see how the conservatives in this thread are so mesmerised by authority that they think the cops should be above criticism and the law.
No surprise but certainly an excellent illustration.

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