Arthritis Sufferers

Millions of people suffer from arthritis. There are hundreds of kinds of arthritis, too. No cure. For any of them. Too many drugs. If things get worse, people won't be able to buy those drugs anyway. And who knows what natural ingredient has yet to be discovered to cure something like RA? So I haunt google with key words. Problem is, I never connected the skin probs to arthritis. Not until Allie mentioned it. Then I was on the hunt again. And there it was. Thousands of people suffer psoriases and it usually shows up about the same time arthritis rears its ugly head. Its the front runner. The warning of what is to come to the joints. Its a heads up. And sure as my name is Grace, that's exactly what went down.

Last year, I was fine. Putting up fences, climbing on top of the house to replace roof tiles, mowing the lawn, walking all over creation with the dogs. Hauling furniture I painted from and to destinations. Now? I can't even open a damn jar of jam without excrusiating pain.

That's where I first had noticable difficulty--the arthritis in my hands. The copper bracelet mostly took care of that for me. Not sure whether it helped anywhere else but I have not had that deep ache or cramping in my hands since I put it on. I know it won't work for everybody. But it's sure worth a try. Mine has little magnets in the ends which the homeopathic therapist who made it says also have an effect. I don't know if that is true either but it works. And that has been a real blessing.

I'm willing to try anything at this point. Do you have a pic of one that is similar to what you have? I looked on ebay but they had so many. And some were way too wide, some way too expensive. Some had magnets on the end, some didn't. Some were links (I like those, but no magnets on them), some were cuffed, some thin, some thick. If I can see what you have, maybe I can find something similar.

Allie, mine is worrying me too. Being helpless, jobless, dependent is not my idea of a good time. Because I CAN'T depend on help with basic things when it flares up really bad. Hell, my SIL forgot I was in the bedroom, fixed everyone dinner and didn't bother with me at all. Even the ex didn't peek in. They all knew I was having much difficulty even walking. But I was..forgotten.
That was a very bad experience to realize that I could be entirely disabled eventually and then what? Left to rot in my own pee? Not fed? Not helped? Makes me upset just thinking about it. Thank God it passed. But that whole day, the future slapped me in the face. It isn't very pleasant, that future.
For allie:

Dammit. Never mind. The url won't work. Go to ebay, type in Thumb Splint and you'll see a bunch.
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Millions of people suffer from arthritis. There are hundreds of kinds of arthritis, too. No cure. For any of them. Too many drugs. If things get worse, people won't be able to buy those drugs anyway. And who knows what natural ingredient has yet to be discovered to cure something like RA? So I haunt google with key words. Problem is, I never connected the skin probs to arthritis. Not until Allie mentioned it. Then I was on the hunt again. And there it was. Thousands of people suffer psoriases and it usually shows up about the same time arthritis rears its ugly head. Its the front runner. The warning of what is to come to the joints. Its a heads up. And sure as my name is Grace, that's exactly what went down.

Last year, I was fine. Putting up fences, climbing on top of the house to replace roof tiles, mowing the lawn, walking all over creation with the dogs. Hauling furniture I painted from and to destinations. Now? I can't even open a damn jar of jam without excrusiating pain.

That's where I first had noticable difficulty--the arthritis in my hands. The copper bracelet mostly took care of that for me. Not sure whether it helped anywhere else but I have not had that deep ache or cramping in my hands since I put it on. I know it won't work for everybody. But it's sure worth a try. Mine has little magnets in the ends which the homeopathic therapist who made it says also have an effect. I don't know if that is true either but it works. And that has been a real blessing.

I'm willing to try anything at this point. Do you have a pic of one that is similar to what you have? I looked on ebay but they had so many. And some were way too wide, some way too expensive. Some had magnets on the end, some didn't. Some were links (I like those, but no magnets on them), some were cuffed, some thin, some thick. If I can see what you have, maybe I can find something similar.

Allie, mine is worrying me too. Being helpless, jobless, dependent is not my idea of a good time. Because I CAN'T depend on help with basic things when it flares up really bad. Hell, my SIL forgot I was in the bedroom, fixed everyone dinner and didn't bother with me at all. Even the ex didn't peek in. They all knew I was having much difficulty even walking. But I was..forgotten.
That was a very bad experience to realize that I could be entirely disabled eventually and then what? Left to rot in my own pee? Not fed? Not helped? Makes me upset just thinking about it. Thank God it passed. But that whole day, the future slapped me in the face. It isn't very pleasant, that future.

I don't have any way to take a pic right now, but the Sergio Lub magnetic bracelets ($69+) are very good

Hombre said he paid about $50 for mine with some haggling, and that was a couple of years ago.
It's been 10 days since I started the Nutra Joint gelatin. I HAVE noticed an improvement. My feet are not as painful, my left thumb can be used and I actually could move around with ease. It said one feels the effects after 2 weeks. Each day, I have less joint pain.
Oh, and the nightly "wash" of ACV mixed with water has done wonders for rashy areas. My dog is not suffering any more either because I wipe down his back with a drippy washcloth in the same mixture. He no longer needs the baby benadryl. I also no longer have dry scalp. The vinegar smell is strong when I rinse my hair but as soon as it is dry, there is no odor of it. And my hair is soft and fluffy.
I really like this one, but ouch on the price.


I wonder if the width makes any difference?
Is it the copper that is supposed to help...or the use of magnets...or both?
Is it the copper that is supposed to help...or the use of magnets...or both?

According to the gal who sold me mine, both have an effect. Again I dunno. I just know it works. My bracelet is very similar to the one you pictured, a strand of copper braided with sterling silver and does include the magnets. It has more copper than silver I think but the silver is just for looks. I don't think the width has much to do with it. Mine is about 1/4" thick.
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I do love silver. Sold all my gold long ago. When my hair went gray, I dumped all my yellow gold and went white gold and silver.
I'll see if I can dredge up some bucks from selling some silver bracelets I have. Got two gorgeous ones but...I don't wear jewelry any more so I don't need them. If I can get 50 bucks for them, I will probably order the one pictured above. I like it.
Been sick due to SIL poisoning me with her food but better today. Stomach still a bit queasy, and I had not taken the Knox Gelatin Nutra Joint for 2 days, so yesterday was pretty bad with RA flareup on top of of the nausea. But, I drank some last night anyway, and's in remission. Light soreness but I am not hobbling around.

Again, no clue if this stuff is a miracle cure doctors don't want known about or if it is just a placebo. But when I don't drink it, I can feel the difference.

Stuff to do today! I do what I can when it's in remission, so I'm taking advantage of it!
I have Chronic Gouty Arthritis. It is horrible.

Google Gout Arthritis. Apple Cider Vinegar is supposed to help that because it lowers the acidity which causes gout?
Read up on it. Might find a home remedy cure. If I run across one, I'll post it here.
Mine has been better over the last two days....hopefully I'll have a little break now.
I have Chronic Gouty Arthritis. It is horrible.

Are you under a doctor's care Trams? That is one form of arthritis that can be effectively treated and be symptom free for most folks.
ALOE VERA. Straight from the plant! Biggest leaf is the oldest, which has more potency. Good for scalp, good for stings and bites and rashes and psoriasis. Buy some at the nursery. I have a big plant in the front yard. I'm going to buy more.

Store bought is not good enough. Additives. Need the plant itself.
Yesterday was bad. Right shoulder was in excruciating pain, right wrist, left wrist. Bad.
So I did what I always do..I googled some more.
Seems gluten can cause flareups. Ok. Noted. Also, those who suffer GERD (acid reflux disease) take prilosec which is also Nexium and OTC as Omeprozole. Now, these meds stop acid. But stopping acid also stops food from processing correctly. Which means bacteria cannot be killed because there is no acid to kill it, so it goes into the small intestines and collects there. This bacteria also likes to attack joints, which in turn aggravates Arthritis sufferers. AND, Omeprozole is addicting and can cause bone breakage with long term use, and also causes probs when one tries to get OFF it. Solution? Back to Apple Cider Vinegar.

Now, you use full strength white vinegar in your coffee pot now and then to remove the buildup, right? Your body needs to have the same cleaning of toxins. So...being the guinea pig that I am, I did not take my Omeprozole (I'm not even sure if I'm spelling it lets just call it PrilosecOTC cuz its the same thing) and instead have done what many have recommended. I put two teaspoons of ACV in a glass of water and about a tablespoon of honey, and I drank that this morning. It tastes like lemonade with a twist of apple juice. Pretty good, actually. I had my bacon and my egg, but no bread because I want to get some Gluten Free bread since Gluten seems to trigger acid reflux.
NO probs so far with my stomach having a hissy. For dinner, I had gluten free meatloaf from a recipe I found on the net. And I am currently sipping a full glass of weak tea that I mixed 2 more tsps of APV and honey. I can hear my stomach gurgling, but reflux. I can move all my joints. No pain. Yesterday was a bitch. This morning was tough. But since 2pm, I have been able to use my whole right arm and both hands with no problems.

What does this mean? Hell if I know, but if it makes my RA mellow out, my GERD go away, I'm a damn happy camper!

So, just for those who don't know the miracle of ACV, here is another goodie I found I thought I'd share for those who are like me...they want OFF the meds or not have to take any, period. Oh, and since I have been rinsing my hair with diluted ACV, my dry scalp has been non existant for about a week now and my hair is gorgeous.


Author Unknown

Food has certainly been the down-fall of man's health. With all the rubbish he stuffs into his delicate, yet adaptable organism, it is no wonder that there is so much unnatural disease rampant today. From the day he ate his first meal man has forever abused his system with the wrong types of food. He has not been rational in his eating habits, but has merely satisfied his banal desire for stimulating, refined and processed fare. The day will come, however, when he suddenly realizes that his food habits effect his physical as well as mental wellbeing. He will then realise that he had been satisfying his debased taste buds, rather than sustaining the body. The wise, however, look toward nature for their answer; with patience and perseverance they have re-discovered the answer to man's dilemma. The answers although simple are extremely effective as they do not entail unnatural chemical compounds - it is the utilization of these wonderful gifts from nature which are so efficacious and free for all! There have been many natural curative formulae discovered throughout the centuries, which have proved themselves safe and yet effective. Natural resources have been used since the days before Christ viz: Sunshine, Water, Air - herbs and homebrews have been used for generations too by our ancestors. Honey is also a natural wonder, together with many other folk preparations which have been handed down through the ages. Amongst these APPLE CIDER VINEGAR has been widely used as a successful remedy for a number of ailments. We find that, with the abuse of the body, inordinate amounts of waste matter have accumulated within the system. In the early stages these are not so apparent as the body is still vital enough to deal with this extra burden. However, if an attempt is not made to eradicate these toxic accumulations, the body has to deal with more and more pressure, resulting in aches and pains. Later in life these efforts to eliminate these encumberances result in influenza, bronchitis etc; and, if these healing efforts are suppressed by continued wrong living and drugs, the acute symptoms become chronic and insidious. Rheumatism, arthritis, cancer, heart ailments, high blood pressure etc, are all signs that the body has been neglected by the suppression of natural heating crisises. There are certain preparations, however, which assist the body in eliminating these toxic substances and this is where these natural curative methods have found a valuable place in the healing arts. To abstain from those foods and drinks which add to this unnecessary accumulation, is a great assistance to the body i.e. those refined and denatured food items such as bread, starch, white sugar, and their products; together with the unnecessary food items which cause excessive mucous and toxic waste in the system e.g. meat, eggs, dairy produce, legumes, cereals. However, one may now ask what should one eat if these are to be eliminated from the diet. Where one cannot completely abstain from these products, moderation is the key word in this instance, together with certain herbal and folk preparations which assist in the breakdown of the acids and mucous waste.

It is at this point that the benefits of APPLE CIDER VINEGAR will be discussed:


"An apple a day keeps the doctor away" (the dentist too!) - is an oft quotation which should not be considered as just an obsolete "Old Wives Tale", as there is more than meets the eye in these axioms of yore. Apples are among the most health-giving fruits available as they contain a host of nutritious properties viz: Phosphorous, Cholerine, Potassium, Sodium, Magnesium, Calcium, Sulphur, Iron, Fluorine, Silicon, plus many trace elements ....... and all of these are found in PURE APPLE CIDER VINEGAR.


Amongst other things, cider vinegar is very effective in detoxicating various organs in the body together with the blood stream. Hence it is a purifier, as it has a means of breaking down fatty, mucous and phlegm deposits within the body. It therefore, promotes the health of the vital organs of the body e.g. kidneys, bladder, liver etc., by preventing an excessively alkaline urine. Cider vinegar also helps oxidate the blood which consequently prevents the blood from becorning too thick and gluey, which gives rise to a strained heart and blood vessels resulting in high blood pressure. Cider vinegar also promotes digestion, assimilation and elimination and it neutralizes any toxic substance taken into the body. There have been a number of instances where people who had taken a mixture of cider vinegar and water before a meal were unaffected by diarrhoea, or digestive upsets, whilst their companions who ate the same meal were. Hence the cider vinegar seemed to neutralize the harmful substances in the food eaten.


Apple cider vinegar has a potent supply of potassium which has become so widely acclaimed in the helping of various complaints including: running nose. Excessive mucous formation, watery eyes, sinus and catarrhal troubles. Teeth decay and the splitting of finger nails are also signs of potassium deficiency which are remedied by taking cider vinegar. Potassium is essential for the normal growth of the body and for the replacement of worn-out tissues which depend upon the presence of this mineral. It is as important to the soft tissues, as calcium is to the bones and teeth and it also retards the hardening of the blood vessels.

As potassium is so important in the healthy growth of a plant, animal and human, a deficiency of this mineral will produce such tendencies as callous formations on the soles of the feet, or the failure to replace worn-out tissues as observed in the loss of hair.

Tests have proven that a soil deficient in this mineral-salt will produce anaemic and undersized plants, however, when potassium is introduced into the soil the plant becomes sturdier and increases in height. This is also the case with animals, where potassium which was fed to livestock, in the form of cider vinegar, improved their appearance and stamina. Humans too, can benefit with this increased potassium intake. Especially where children are slow developers and appear undersized. A few teaspoons of cider vinegar taken with water each morning will show tremendous results. The best way to introduce cider vinegar to the family, is to substitute it for the ordinary table vinegar and use it in the cooking. Potassium acts as a restraining influence upon those who are over-excitable and nervous. It draws fluid back into the cells, for when potassium is lacking the body cells shrink and their normal activity is restricted.


A number of outstanding authorities have proven the therapeutic advantages of using cider vinegar for numerous complaints ranging from obesity and overweight to arthritis. Besides the therapeutic benefits derived from taking cider vinegar therapy, as outlined in this book, it can also be used for a number of other purposes e.g. salad dressing, pickling, a flavour in cooking etc. It also makes a very refreshing drink, hot or cold, with or without honey - this should take the place of normal tea and coffee which are so habit-forming and unnecessary commodities.

Try using cider vinegar where lemon juice is required e.g. in making mayonnaise, or just sprinkle some on a salad before serving; sprinkle on pawpaw for a refreshing breakfast, or just use on potato chips!


When the blood is deficient in some minerals or biochemic salt, ill-health is the outcome e.g. boils break out, suppurating blisters become apparent, pimples appear on the face etc. It has been found however, that cider vinegar helps with the cleansing as well as the clotting of the blood. Oxidation of the blood is very important and cider vinegar is again an effective treatment for this. Besides introducing the important minerals into the blood stream, as mentioned above, cider vinegar also helps in the clotting of blood. This is of tremendous help to those people who are commonly termed 'bleeders', as they live their lives in fear of cutting themselves due to the bloods inability to clot, and it will also enhance the healing process.



Use the cider vinegar and honey treatment for arthritis and also apply cider vinegar externally to painful joints. This entails drinking a glass of water with two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two teaspoons of honey three times a day. Local treatment can also be given by soaking the arthritic hand, or foot in a strong, comfortably hot solution of cider vinegar for ten minutes, two or three times a day - (a quarter of a cup of cider vinegar to one and a half cups of water). Arthritic knees can be attended to by making a poultice - soak the cloth in a mixture of cider vinegar and water, (as per above mixture) wring out and wrap it around the joint, then secure with a dry cloth to retain heat. When the wet cloth cools, it should be wrung out in the hot solution and applied afresh. Repeat several times, twice daily.


One tablespoonful of cider vinegar added to a glass of water should be taken in sips for half an hour. After a further half an hour has elapsed the treatment should be repeated. The wheezing should lessen in intensity quite considerably. However, should wheezing still persist a second glass of the same mixture should be taken. Deep breathing exercises are also a beneficial treatment.


It has been discussed above how cider vinegar helps in preventing blood losses. In any circumstances where the flow of blood is too free and is too persistent, such as when a person has a nose bleed without any apparent reason, then two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water, three times a day will aid in restoring the natural clotting properties of the blood.


The cider vinegar and honey treatment has been used effectively in the treatment for colitis. Take the normal dosage of two teaspoons cider vinegar and honey with water, three times a day. An enema of a teaspoonful or more of molasses is also very helpful.


There are many types of coughs for various reasons, and these should be treated with reference to their nature and intensity. However, the cider vinegar and honey treatment will prove an efficacious treatment in this respect. Two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey mixed with a glassful of water should be taken before meals, or when the irritation occurs. In the evening it would be an idea to have this mixture by your bed so that it can be sipped during the evening if an attack presents itself.


It has been mentioned above how cider vinegar helps with the digestion, assimilation and elimination of food, and that it is an antiseptic to the intestines and the whole of the digestive tract. Due to it's healing properties, diarrhoea can be controlled in a very short time, (that is unless some serious physical disorder is apparent). The treatment being, one teaspoonful of cider vinegar in a glass of water should be taken before and in between meals i.e. approximately six glasses during the course of the day. It should be noted, however, that diarrhoea is a natural attempt on the part of the body to eliminate some poison which is irritating the digestive tract, on no account should any drugs be taken to suppress these healing symptoms - on the other hand the cider vinegar will lessen the intensity, but will allow the natural course of elimination to take place.


Two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar together with two teaspoons of honey in a glass of hot or cold water three times a day should help this annoying occurrence quite considerably. However, one should never expect instant results, as nature works slowly, yet very effectively. You will notice a lessened intensity whilst you progress.


The treatment for this complaint, which usually occurs during childhood is: one teaspoonful of cider vinegar in a glass of water to be taken mid morning and mid afternoon. The discharge should shortly disappear.


Take the usual dosage of cider vinegar and honey in a glassful of water three times a day, with meals. An application of well diluted cider vinegar can also be applied to the skin several times daily i.e. one teaspoonful to half a cup of water. Under no circumstances should salt be taken, as this aggravates the eczema condition considerably. There is usually a potassium deficiency in those people suffering from eczema.


The cider vinegar therapy together with honey is the essential ingredients here. Two teaspoons of each taken in a glassful of water, three times a day. This mixture retards the onset of tired and sore eyes which are usually apparent in later life, as it supplies them with those vital elements essential to their health and functioning.


Chronic fatigue is a warning that the body needs some attention. Most people suffering from chronic fatigue do not have enough good, sound sleep. Either they go to bed too late, or they are one of those people who just need more sleep than most. It is better to get as many hours in bed before midnight as possible. To remedy a poor quality sleep, honey is highly recommended, as it acts as a sedative to the body. Twenty minutes after the honey has been taken into the mouth it has been digested and absorbed into the body. This is because it is a predigested sugar, which has been digested in the stomach of the honey bee, and therefore requires no effort on the part of the human stomach for digestion. Keep the following mixture by your bedside to be taken as indicated: three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar to a cup of honey.

Take two teaspoons of the mixture before retiring. This should induce sound sleep within an hour, if however, you have been unable to sleep within this period repeat the dosage.


As mentioned earlier there have been many cases where people who were in the habit of taking cider vinegar regularly never suffer any side effects from food poisoning. The cider vinegar has an antiseptic quality which seems to render noxious food harmless.


The falling out of hair is primarily due to a tissue salt deficiency, thus cider vinegar with its 'wonder products' will re-establish a natural balance, and supply the deficiencies where needed. Therefore, by taking the cider vinegar treatment the hair will maintain its natural growth. It will cease to fall out and grow more rapidly and thickly. This will take approximately two months, so perseverence is needed. The dosage is one teaspoonful of cider vinegar to a glass of water to be taken with or between meals. Cider vinegar can also be used externally for the treatment of dandruff, see under heading of External Treatments.


This ailment is marked by watery eyes, sneezing and running nose, in other words there is an excess of fluid which the body is drastically trying to offload. For an effective relief, honey and cider vinegar should be utilized which will bring excellent results. A tablespoonful of honey should be taken after each meal for approximately a fortnight before the onset of the hay-fever season. The ordinary dosage of cider vinegar and honey should then be taken viz: two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass of water, three times a day. This dosage should be maintained during the entire hay-fever season.


There are several types of headache, caused by various reasons. Some are associated with organic disorders, such as kidney troubles, others are known as psychogenic, or tension headaches. Then we have the most annoying of all; the migraine headache. Many people have had relief from headaches by the use of honey. Two teaspoons taken at each meal may well prevent an attack. Another effective means is to take apple cider vinegar. Equal parts of cider vinegar and water should be placed in a small basin on the stove, allowing it to boil slowly. When the fumes begin to rise from the basin lean your head over it until the fumes are comfortably strong. Inhale for approximately 50 to 80 breaths. Generally this alleviates the headache considerably, if not entirely.


(Impaired) The treatment of impaired hearing has had excellent results on the apple cider vinegar therapy. Take the normal dosage three times daily and notice the improvement.


This usually occurs after eating, sometimes up to two hours later. This very unpleasant feeling can be alleviated by taking the usual dosage of cider vinegar and water before meals.


As previously pointed out cider vinegar helps the blood to clot more easily. When a person who regularly drinks cider vinegar cuts himself, the wound will dry up almost instantaneously, as there will be no profuse bleeding. If, however, wounds do not heal quickly, the following procedure should be undertaken; two teaspoons of cider vinegar taken in half or a whole glass of water at mealtimes as well as in between, therefore six glasses in all are imbibed. For extra efficiency a very weak solution of cider vinegar with water can be applied to the sore, wound or cut.

Poultices of cider vinegar (see instructions under the heading Arthritis) can be applied to a stubborn open wound.


These have been known to be eradicated by drinking a teaspoon of cider vinegar neat! Alternatively cider vinegar with water can be taken before mealtimes to prevent this occurrence.


There are a number of reasons why a person suffers from this common yet serious condition. As mentioned earlier, health will be maintained only if one is prepared to adjust his living and eating habits. Cider vinegar is not the cure-ail of man's suffering, it is only one of the many means towards a healthier and happier life. In the case of High Blood Pressure, one's eating habits must be taken stock of to ensure a speedy and effective recovery. Emphasis is on the natural, organically grown foods which are given to us in the form of fresh fruits, vegetables and honey - rather than the high protein foods which include eggs, meat, milk, cheese, nuts, beans etc. A balance must be maintained between the proteins and carbohydrates and one should definitely not over indulge on these protein and starchy foods. Wheat products should also be eliminated completely, together with salt which is very detrimental to the health, especially for those suffering from high blood pressure. The following dosage should be taken daily: two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and honey in a glass of water - up to three to four times a day.


There are also a number of causes as to why people suffer from insomnia; however, there have been excellent results with the cider vinegar and honey treatment as follows: two teaspoons of cider vinegar and two of honey in a glass of water to be taken before retiring. It would also be beneficial to have a glass of this mixture by the bedside to sip if needed. Under no circumstances should drugs be resorted to, as these are both harmful and habit-forming. Under severe cases, a naturopath or homeopath should be consulted. If has been found that the prime cause of insomnia is due to a deficiency of phosphate of potash and phosphate of iron; this combination can be found in the biochemic salt known as kali phos, which can be obtained from your local health shop.


Due to the eliminative nature of cider vinegar, the kidneys and bladder can benefit tremendously by a 'flushing', which they receive when the following cider vinegar therapy is undertaken: two teaspoons of cider vinegar in a glass of water six times a day. It would be beneficial to drink a couple of glasses of water in the morning, taking one teaspoonful of cider vinegar in each drink. Comfrey tea, first thing in the morning with a teaspoon of cider vinegar will also create a sufficient cleansing action. Inflammation of the kidneys, called pyelitis, in which pus cells are present in the urine, will generally clear up with the above-mentioned treatment.

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